Chapter 28: Together At Last

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My breathing was steady and calm as I groggily awoke. Slowly my eyes opened, my senses gradually become alert and aware. I was blinded at first by the bright sunlight beaming down on me through the window. I blinked several times and took a deep breath as I registered my surroundings and ran a hand through my snarly, tangled bedhead hair. The theme to the bedroom seemed to be white and airy with a touch of elegance. The bedsheets were white too, with soft linen and comforting warmth. I felt an arm gently lace around my waist and pull me back into a broad, muscular chest. Then a soft yet stubbly cheek grazed my own. It made me shiver.

"Good morning, love," Beck greeted huskily. I suppressed a smile. It had been a while since I'd heard his sexy morning voice.

"Good morning." He continued to caress my stomach and arms lovingly while kissing my cheek every couple of moments.

"I hope you slept well. You were out for almost twenty hours." I furrowed my eyebrows while refreshing my memory as to what happened. As soon as Beckham had escorted me out of the Land of Ashes, I'd fallen fast asleep against his chest when I mounted Char with him. I was so worn out from the previous days my body couldn't function while awake anymore.

"Very." I turned to face him and then snuggled against his chest, closing my eyes again. "We're not at the castle. Where'd we go?" He held me close to him, almost like he was afraid I'd be swept away if he didn't. I then realized I was wearing a blush, lacy camisole and matching panties. My cheeks grew crimson at the thought of Beckham dressing and undressing me from last night. He was wearing comfortable pajama pants.

"We're in our vacation suite," He said. "I still wanted us to get away. To relax and not worry about anything." He stroke my face causing me to open my eyes. He was gazing down at me, an indescribable passion lingering in the twinkle of his eyes. "I want to be us. And if we have to completely start over, we will." He was speaking hushed. I stretched my face up towards him, wanting to kiss him, my eyes glancing at his luscious pink lips. But he was pulling away just as slowly as I was leaning closer. "If I need to prove my love for you, I will." I rose to my knees as he backed himself up against the headboard. Our lips were barely touching. "And if I have to make you fall in love with me again," He whispered then smirked. "I'll make you fall even harder next time." I made myself comfortable in his lap, both of my legs outside of his own and my arms skimming his shoulders and arms.

"Why would I ever fall out of love with you?" I asked. He twisted a piece of my hair between his fingers.

"You never know, princess." Energy surged through me as our lips brushed while speaking, my chest becoming tight and the area between my legs feeling warm.

"But you do know. You know that I'll always love you, no matter what." I raised my left hand and showed him my wedding ring. "You see this ring I have on my finger?" I shoved it in his face playfully. "This one, right here, the one with the shiny diamond on it?" Beckham laughed and kissed it before resting his hands on my hips.

"Yes, dear, I see it." I turned the ring around so the diamond faced towards me then closed my fist and brought it to my chest, feeling the small prick of the diamond in the palm of my hand.

"I promised to this ring," I said. "And to my husband that I'd love him in sickness, in health, and through all of the tough times. I swore that I'd love him forever until death did us part." His eyes shimmered as I spoke. "You're the love of my life, Beckham. I couldn't ever not love you, even if I tried. You're the first thing that's on my mind when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep at night." I rearrange my ring back to normal and then stroke his cheeks. "Beckham... I'm sorry for what I said on the plane," I said shakily. "I was really frustrated and stressed about keeping the secret about the dragons, and instead of trusting you and telling you everything I took out my anger on you." My eyes flutter as our lips brush, and then close when we finally kiss. It's every bit as amazing as I remembered it was. Our tongues slide together in a symphonic dance, a battle for dominance and our hands glide over each other's bodies. When he finally pulls away I'm out of breath and aching for me.

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