Chapter 18: The Honeymoon (Part 2)

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        I woke up the next morning to a cold, open side of the bed. My hand frantically felt around the sheets, my eyes still closed. I hadn't realized Beck was gone until I popped them open and realized I was alone. I ran my fingers through my hair as I sat up, clutching the bedsheets close to my bare body to protect me from the cold. Where could he have gone? I ran my hands over my face and rubbed my eyes with a yawn. Yup, definitely still not a morning person. After a few more lazy minutes of me sitting in bed, I reluctantly got out and buttoned up one of Beckham's dress shirts around my torso. It hung at about my mid-thigh area and was just thick enough to keep me a little warm. A whiff of delicious scents intoxicated my nose as I walked through the upstairs hallway. I piled my hair up into a messy bun while walking down the stairs, catching a glimpse of Beckham in the kitchen with a skillet over the stovetop. He was shirtless. I paused for a minute in the middle of the stairwell and leaned over the railing to watch him, my head tilted to the side. He looked so concentrated and focused on his cooking. My mouth started watering. The last time he'd insisted on cooking something for me it had been spaghetti and meatballs. It was the best thing I'd ever tasted in my life. Maybe prince's really can do anything. I sighed and smiled. My prince charming. Not only was he an amazing chef, but he looked sexy while doing so. The way his muscles in his arms rippled when he moved to mix some salt and pepper with the contents in the pan. He was cracking eggs into it when I approached him from behind, embracing his warmth onto me and kissing his bare shoulder blade delicately.

        "Goodmorning," I greeted with a rough sounding voice. I was still half asleep, no doubt about it. He took my hands from around his waist and drew me to face him, kissing me lightly.

        "Goodmorning, beautiful." I blushed and smiled up at him. His hair was slightly disheveled. "How did you sleep?" He asked as he turned back to the stove, spatula in hand. I leaned back against the white marble counter, the coolness of it greeting my hands. It chilled my buttocks though Beckham's shirt after I hoisted myself up on top of it, swinging my legs giddily. 

        "I slept amazingly until I found out I was all by myself in bed." He shook his head with a smile as he scrambled the eggs around in the pan. 

        "You had me all night. Besides, I had to make a delicious breakfast for my equally delicious wife." I tilted my head to look down at his creation. It really did look appetizing. He glanced up at me and noticed what I was wearing. "You're wearing my shirt." I hugged myself tightly and snuggled into the cotton sensation of his shirt. It smelled just like him, musky and manly. His cologne was worked into the fabric too.

        "I love wearing your clothes. I should do it more often." 

        "No way!" He protested, pointing his spatula at me and goofily placing his other hand on his hip. "You're just going to steal all of them and then you won't give them back!" I smirked knowingly at him.

        "That's what buying more clothes is for, honey." 

        "No, because then you'll just steal those, too!" He poked and tickled at the side of my stomach causing me to squirm and giggle on the countertop. "I'd much rather you wear nothing, anyway." He turned back to the stove once again. I rested my elbow on my knee, resting my chin on my hand as if it were a pedestal clutching a diamond. 

        "What is it with you and wanting me to be naked all the time?" One corner of his lips quirked up sexily.

        "It looks good on you." 

        "But I'm not wearing anything!" 

        "Precisely," He said as he shoveled the food onto two plates. "If you haven't noticed, you have one hell of an amazing body, Bliss." I bit my lip.

        "So I've heard." His head snapped to me immediately. 

        "Someone's told you that you have a goddess-like body??" I giggled and hopped down from the counter, taking one of the plates in his hand.

        "Yes, dear. It was you." 

        "Oh." He scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed. "I guess I should have known that huh?" 

        "Of course. You're the one that said it," I confirmed as I grabbed a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice. 

        "Well I wasn't wrong, you know." I kissed his temple as I poured him a glass of the sweet nectar and set it on the dinner table. 

        "Thank you, Beck."

        "I mean it, Bliss," He handed me the salt shaker, knowing I always liked a little bit more flavor to my breakfast. I put it on a lot of food, actually. Steak, fries, steamed broccoli. "I'm lucky enough to call you my wife. If you didn't have that wedding band around your finger-" He pointed to my left ring finger. It was decorated with a beautiful diamond crested ring; my wedding ring. "-guys would be after you just the same as I was yesterday at the beach." I rested my cheek in the palm of my hand again and folded my scrambled eggs over each other. 

        "I should say the same thing for you, baby. I see women giving you googly eyes all the goddamn time." I peered up into his eyes. "Do you know how bad it makes me want to drop kick them?" He chuckled and sipped his juice. 

        "I suppose we both have the same problem then." I pointed my fork at him accusingly. 

        "No way! You have way more people after you than me. You even said so yourself a few months ago that you had duchesses and rulers of other lands trying to get in your bed." He cocked his eyebrow at me as I scooped some of the tasty eggs into my mouth. 

        "That's not exactly what I said but-"

        "But that's what they were thinking." I was obviously getting jealous. I tried cooling myself down by sipping my orange juice. It was tangy and sweet with a hint of sourness in the aftertaste. After I set it back down with a quiet clink, I glanced up at Beckham guiltily. His head was cocked to the side a little. "I'm sorry... I don't want you being anybody else's but mine." He reached for my hand, still clutching my glass, across the table and held it warmly.

        "I'm nobody but yours, hun. I promise. I don't have eyes for anybody but you, and I don't plan on ever changing my mind about that." We finished our beautifully made breakfast and walked upstairs together to get ready for another day in paradise, our hands entwined. When I reached for the white swimsuit he'd given to me yesterday, he stopped my hand and gave me another plastic bag instead. "I have swimsuits for each day of the week we're here." 

        "You got me seven suits?" I asked with a smile and a laugh. He shrugged his shoulders and opened the bathroom door for me. When I came back out of the bathroom, I immediately fell in love with the suit he gave me for today. It still had the qualities of a one-piece but the side was cut out and it only had a diagonal shoulder strap. 

        "It looks great on you," Beck complimented. He was wearing the same swim trunks as yesterday. I turned side to side as I peered at myself through the mirror, scanning how long and attractive the suit made my legs look and how great my ass looked in it. 

        "Is it a habit for girls to check themselves out all the time?" He scooped me up into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, a cocky smile on his face. "Is me telling you how stunning you look not good enough?" 

        "Of course it is. I just like making sure I'm upholding my fashion title." He set me down and then turned around so his back was facing me, then squatted. He glanced at me from over his shoulder after nothing happened for a few seconds.

        "Well? Are you getting on?" I laughed aloud.

        "You can't be serious."

        "I'm dead serious, Bliss. Get your pretty ass on my back right this instant." I smiled as I prepped myself and hopped up onto him, his arms lifting my legs up. "You're such a nerd."

        "Nerd is my middle name." I rolled my eyes.

        "Whatever you say, Huntsman."

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