Chapter 1- Wake up

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In a world where heroes and villain came, superpowers called quirks turned to something unpredictable. Dangerous. In a hospital room, a mother and father smiled at the beauty of their new born child. A baby boy named y/n. He has dark black hair, and innocent but dark gray eyes, with red little specks. "Hi there y/n." The mother cooed, touching y/n tiny hand. The small baby looked at her, no smile and started to glitch. "Doctor what's happening?!" The father yells. The doctor and some nurses run in the room. "It must he his quirk! How the hell did he get it this fast?!" The doctor gently grabs the boy, but then, the boy disappeared. Well, he was there, physically. But his soul is gone.

Five years later....

A five year old boy with black hair slept on a hospital bed, hooked up to some machines, his heart rate was slow and calming. Occasionally the boy glitched, but it did no damage. Well that's what the doctors thought. When the boy glitched, people would see buildings glitch, and on that night. The moon, glitched.

The boy named y/n, with an emotionless expression plastered onto his face, sat on the dark foggy ground. Darkness, shadows, and fog surrounded him. The creatures comforted him, this was y/n world. The world he ruled and controlled.

10 years later

A teenage boy slept on the bed of his hospital room, years passed and he's still laying there, trapped in his own mind. His parents come to visit on the calm and peaceful morning, they drive, heading to the hospital. When suddenly, another car crashes into them. The driver of that car runs out of his car, seeing the parents of y/n, dead. A gruesome sight to see. Their faces disfigured, they seem to glitch. The police realize it wasn't the man's doing of this death. It was the boy sleeping. For 15 years, the boy has been killing, with his mind.

Y/n saw the death of his parents, he has better control of his world. A world of darkness and monsters. He sat in an abandon mansion he created. Completely empty besides the torches that flickered. In his room, he sat in front of a tv, that showed everything that was happening in the real world. He wore a black outfit, with a white long coat. His dark eyes scanned his room. Almost empty besides the guardian creature that always comforted him when he felt his insanity snap. His guardian monster.

"Are you just going to sit there master?" The monster asks, his voice distant and ancient, but soft

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"Are you just going to sit there master?" The monster asks, his voice distant and ancient, but soft. "When do you think I'll wake up mojori?" Y/n asks, his voice cold and emotionless. "I believe it's soon." Mojori answers. "You think so?" Y/n asks. Mojori nods. "You'll have a human visitor soon." Mojori says. "Human? Can you get jenmi, she can watch him as he comes." Mojori nods.

"I can finally watch someone master? Can I kill him too?" Jenmi asks, a girl with long black hair, gray skin, wrinkly from the lake she lived in. "If he's not useful  then sure, there's your meal of the day." Y/n replies. Jenmi smirked, her eyes glow a golden yellow.

Bakugou katsuki, a teenage boy with blond hair and crimson ruby red eyes. A boy with a powerful quirk, strong. Quite the temper and huge ego. A bully to a quirkless boy named Izuku midoriya. Bakugou walks home, from the villain incident, a slime like villain almost killing him, while the stupid nerd tried to save him. Weirdly enough, as all might was about to punch the villain, it glitched and exploded, only him, all might and Izuku knew of how Bakugou got saved.

Bakugou sits on his bed. Night took over japan. Now it's 1am. Sleep took over the blonde. And his dream begins. Bakugou looks around, he lays besides a lake, a dark world. Fog, forests, and darkness surrounded him. "What the hell?" Bakugou asks himself, his voice echoes in the new world he was in. He looks over at the lake to see darkness, but seems to be two pair of eyes. Glowing golden yellow. A head rises out of the water, bakugou can only see the strange girl's eyes. Her eyes held hunger, and something almost calling for death. Bakugou walked away, now paranoid. He walks, walks, and walks. "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" He yells. "Shhhh." A voice whispers. Bakugou turns around to see a mansion. "Where did this come from?" He whispers.

He walks in the mansion, a huge stair case stands a couple feet away, torches and a red carpet too. Nothing is there except the fog that rolls around the floor. Bakugou walks up the stair case when suddenly a blue flame appears, it leads to the end of a long hallway. Bakugou makes it there, and stops at the door. A light is under the door. The door opens slowly, making a creaking noise. Bakugou cautiously walks in, preparing his quirk.

"Your quirk wont work here Bakugou katsuki." Bakugou looks to see y/n. "Where the hell am I and who the hell are you!?" Bakugou yells. "Quiet down. Your in my mind. You came here on your own, I just allowed it." Y/n replies. "So your the one that made that villain glitch huh?" Bakugou asks, crossing his arms. "And to answer your second question, I'm y/n. The guy that's been in a coma for 18 years." Bakugou eyes widen slightly. "Your the villain known as glitch." Y/n looks at him. "Is that what it's called? I guess so." Y/n mutters. "What is this place anyway?" Bakugou asks. "Oh, I forgot you were here." Bakugou rolls his eyes. "This is my mind, darkness and monsters." Y/n answers. "Monsters? Like that girl in the lake?" Bakugou asks. "Oh jenmi? Yeah if your not useful to me, you'll be her dinner." Bakugou gulps. "So how can I not get eaten?" Bakugou asks.

"Help me wake up."

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