Chapter 20: Death of a Villain

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"What will happen if I kill you?" Bakugou asks. "I will finally rest, and your world will return back to normal." Y/n replies, they sit in bakugou's room. "How could I kill you? Your monster form doesn't pay attention." Bakugou rolls his eyes. "Slash my head off." Bakugou's jaw drops. "ARE YOU INSANE!? I'm not doing that you idiot!!" Bakugou yells. "Well how else do you expect your world to not die?" Y/n asks, glaring at Bakugou. "I can't kill you." Bakugou says, looking at y/n. "You have to Bakugou, it's the only way." Y/n says. "I told you to call me katsuki, and I can't kill you, someone else has to do it." Bakugou says. "No one else can kill me but you can, ba-...katsuki, you're the only one capable of killing me. Please. It's my time to rest." Y/n says. Bakugou looks at the floor. "Fine. I'll do it." Y/n smiles softly. "Thank you katsuki." Bakugou looks at y/n. "Welcome." Y/n looks at Bakugou. "What's bothering you?" Y/n asks. "I want you to see me become the number one hero." Bakugou replies. "I will see you become a hero, just not physically." Bakugou nods. "Say your final words before I send you off." Y/n says.

Bakugou is quiet, he looks at y/n. "I hate you." He says quietly. Y/n snickers. "I hate you too." Y/n snaps his fingers, and Bakugou vanishes into the real world, he opens his eyes, he hears yells, quirks clashing, things getting destroyed. "Thank god, you're awake." Kirishima looks at him. "What happened?" Bakugou asks, grabbing the back of his head and sitting up. "You were face to face with glitch then all the sudden you fell off, aizawa caught you and put you over here, the league of villains is fighting all might and the rest of the heroes, trying to keep them away from glitch, we're trying to hold off all the monsters from spreading." Kirishima explains. "And what is glitch doing?" Bakugou asks, standing up. "Nothing, he's just standing there." Bakugou nods. "I'm going to kill him." Kirishima looks at him. "Do you need help? I can help." Bakugou shakes his head. "Only I can kill him." Kirishima nods in understanding. "Go help the others, tell Aizawa what's going on." Kirishima nods and runs out of the alley way.

Bakugou stands up and walks out of the alleyway. "Bakugou, you're alright!!" Mina yells, dodging a monster's leg. "Yeah, yeah." Bakugou looks to see the city buildings destroyed, smoke and fire everywhere, police and firefighters everywhere, the heroes with the league, fighting them off, in the distance, all might is fighting a nomu. "Wait, before I kill y/n. Y/n needs to kill the nomus. To many of them."

The hero killer looks at all might, he runs towards the nomu and slashes it, killing it, stain looks at all might. "Hero killer." All Might growls. "Hello, symbol of peace. Time to die." Stain says, he grabs his two swords and starts running towards him. "LOUSIANA SMASH!!" Izuku punches stain in the face, sending him into multiple buildings. "Young Midoriya!? Get away from here! This is dangerous!" All Might yells. "I'm helping you all might!" Todoroki appears and Iida appears too. "And so am I." He says with a dark look on his face.

"Fine, just be careful." All Might says. The three nod, stain comes out of the destroyed buildings and glares. "Having some kids try to defeat me? That's pathetic." All might glares. "They're stronger then you think, hero killer." They start running towards him. Todoroki activates his quirks, and sends ice towards stain, Iida launches himself onto stain but gets stabbed and stain uses his quirk. Iida falls to the ground, paralyzed. "No!!" He yells. "Killing him isn't going to help your brother Iida!" Todoroki yells, dodging a knife. "But he hurt him! I'm not allowing him to get away with it." Iida yells. "You can get the justice you deserve! But killing him won't solve this young man!!" All might yells, punching stain in the face.  Iida eyes fill with tears. "He's right!" Izuku yells, sending an upper cut to stains jaw.  Iida begins to move, and all at once, all might, izuku, todoroki and Iida, hit stain all at once, stain, drops to the ground, passed out.

Bakugou goes to glitch, looking at him. "Oi! Glitch!" Bakugou yells, glitch doesn't move. "Maybe making him mad will make him move." Bakugou mutters. "You killed your parents!! You know that! They cared for you and you killed them!! You didn't even get to meet them and you killed them!! You sick mother fucker!!" Bakugou yells. Glitch snaps his head towards Bakugou, the snow storms and thunder get louder and grow more harsh. "I think I made him too mad." Bakugou starts blasting himself away and glitch begins running after him. Glitch roars loudly, making more buildings fall down. "MOVE!!" Aizawa yells, the students and the heroes move out of the way from the buildings and glitch, Bakugou makes a hard turn and glitch slams into the nomus, killing them. Glitch roars more and glares at Bakugou, he slams his hands on the ground, making huge cracks in the ground and the force sends Bakugou flying back into more buildings. "KACCHAN!!" Izuku yells. "BAKUGOU!!" Everyone else yells.

Bakugou sits up, in one of the offices buildings, from his view, most of the city is destroyed. "This isn't good." He mutters, he gets up, getting concrete off him, he pants and his eyes widen as he sees glitch running towards him with anger. "How the hell am I supposed to slash his head off?!" Bakugou yells, running off the building and blasting himself, he slams into another tall building, slamming into the window, he rolls and slams against the wall. "Mojori!!" Bakugou yells, mojori appears. "I need a sword or something." Mojori nods, a sword appears besides Bakugou. "Good luck sir." Mojori disappears. "Hell yes." Bakugou picks up the sword, his quirk infuses into it and glitch is looking into the building. Bakugou turns around and looks at glitch. "Time to die, y/n." Bakugou starts running towards glitch and glitch backs up and Bakugou jumps off the building and slashes glitches neck, cutting his head off. Glitch screams in pain, the monsters stop fighting and start running to glitches aid, "Bakugou killed him." Todoroki whispers. Bakugou falls and slams into the ground, 1a and the heroes make there way to him. The monsters begin to disappear, the storms and snow storms begin to vanish, and the sky slowly turns back to normal. Bakugou runs towards glitch, the huge monster begins to turn into a dark mist, y/n's human body appears.

"So that's what y/n looks like." Momo says. Y/n opens his eyes a little. "Y/n." Bakugou whispers. Y/n smiles softly. "Good luck on becoming a hero, katsuki." Y/n's eyes close, he begins to vanish into the sky, everything is quiet. No monsters, no messed up skies or sun. Everything returns back to normal, alot of damage has been done.

One Month later...

The City returns back to it's glory, all fixed up, the hero killer has been arrested, the league ran off, going into hiding, all for one also got arrested, the crime rate has lowered but lots of villains are still doing their deeds, and as for Bakugou, he sits in the 1a classroom, looking out the window, as it begins to rain, aizawa teaching, the students listening, and as Bakugou looks into the dark sky, a shadow of the monster y/n was appears, it looks over at Bakugou, Bakugou smirks, the shadow disappears. As the day ends and the sky lightens up, the sun begins to show, the students of UA head off to their destination, while Bakugou goes to a flower shop, as he gets the flowers, he heads to the beach, in the forest, a cliff is there, on it is a beautiful willow tree with small blossoms on them, below the cliff is the ocean, against the tree, a headstone is there, reading...

Y/n L/n, a monster, a villain, but also a hero. Saving japan from it's final destruction, and also a friend, died Wednesday, May 11th, He will be missed.

Bakugou sets the flowers against the headstone and sits against the willow tree, he looks over at the ocean, in the distance he can see lemuri, bakugou still has the eyes of seeing what the world truly is, a gift from y/n. As he begins to drift to a small slumber, in the distance lightning strikes, and the eyes of a monster is to be seen, in the dark depths of the water, a teenage boy sleeps, the ocean monsters protect him as he rests. Lemuri goes to y/n.

Y/n's sleeps, and a new monster arises. Who? Someone, getting revenge on Bakugou.

A/n: this is the ending for glitch, it's been a real fun time writing this amazing story for you guys, thank you for reading and writing all those amazing comments, thank you, I hope you enjoyed this story.

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