Chapter 13: Day 7: Awaken Glitch

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A/n: Thank you guys for 12k cause like bruh, I'm surprised this story went up so quickly, but thank you so much! Enjoy this chapter!

"Bakugou where you been?" Kirishima asks. "I've been busy." Bakugou replies. "Yeah, he didn't even come to the mall with us for the trip!" Mina exclaims with a sigh. "I don't have to be with you morons all the time, now do I?" Bakugou says with an eye roll. "I'm not sure about that bro, you've been alot calmer and less Bakugou then usual." Denki says. "I'M ACTING LIKE MYSELF DIPSHITS!" Bakugou yells. "And he's back." Sero mutters. "SHUT THE FUCK UP TAPE DISPENSER!" Bakugou yells. The class laugh while Sero sighs. "You always got to yell don't you?" The class go quiet as Leo [Y/n] walks in. "Shut up y-Leo." Leo raises an eyebrow. "Just talking at a normal volume Mr. Always got to yell." Bakugou rolls his eyes. Leo sits down. Aizawa walks in. "Remember this is your last day, make it count." Leo says into bakugou's mind. Bakugou nods, knowing the clock is ticking, literally and figuratively.

Time skip to after school

"News on the villain Glitch, as he is still in his coma, as another attack from his mind as the doctor says is how glitch has been killing, last attack made my glitch was last night at 1:30 at Pine Avenue, where the houses started glitching, the sky turned pink as witnesses say, that their homes, were started to melt and sculpt into what seems into famous sculptors." The tv flickers off. "Another day at work huh?" Bakugou asks. Y/n shrugs. "Got to let the world know there's something like me out there." Bakugou nods. "I haven't seen many monsters or been attacked, I thought my day would be full of monsters trying to kill me." Bakugou explains. "No, you're journey will begin when you go to the villain facility." Bakugou nods.

"Oi! Hag, I'm going out, see you in a bit!" Bakugou says heading to the door. "Bakugou, I know it's your last day, so please wake him up." Mitsuki says. Bakugou looks at her and hugs her. "I'll be fine hag, I'll be home soon." Mitsuki smiles and nods. Y/n and Bakugou leave, heading to the facility.

At the Facility...

Y/n makes the door appear as if they were getting crushed like a paper being crushed and making the walls seem as if they were sliding off like paint and the lights and everything around them glitching, y/n vanishes and Bakugou begins to glitch. "Y/n?!" Bakugou yells. "This is the last day Bakugou, I can't be there with you." Bakugou sighs. "Told you to call me katsuki asshat." Y/n chuckles. "Okay katsuki."

Bakugou walks in the halls as holes appears besides him. Bakugou looks to his right and jumps, putting his hand over his heart. "Stop fucking scaring me you stupid dog!" Bakugou growls. Holes floats around and leads Bakugou to y/n's room, ignoring him. Bakugou walks in and flinches at y/n state, his eyes glowing blue, blood coming off the walls, the floor feeling like lake water, y/n body looking almost dead. Not yet anyway.

Bakugou walks, more like drags his feet as if he was in a lake, it smelling that way, bakugou makes his way to y/n, but a monster drags Bakugou under water, the floor gone, but Bakugou in the ocean, in y/n's mind.

Bakugou walks, more like drags his feet as if he was in a lake, it smelling that way, bakugou makes his way to y/n, but a monster drags Bakugou under water, the floor gone, but Bakugou in the ocean, in y/n's mind

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Bakugou opens his eyes, trying to pull himself back up, but the monster is to strong and he can't use his quirk either. He looks at the monster and his eyes widen in fear. "Don't look in the monsters eyes, you'll be dead before you can even think of coming back." Bakugou doesn't look at the monsters face but the terrifying ocean that he's in. The monster comes to Bakugou's face but Bakugou closes his eyes. "Open. Open. Open." The voices of the ocean whisper. Bakugou squeezes his eyes shut. He starts losing his breath, his heart starting to lose it's beat, his blood running cold. "P...P..Piano KATSUKI!!" Bakugou eyes shoot open as he's no longer in the ocean but in the room where y/n and him first met, bakugou sees the piano, as he's panting and soaking wet. Y/n sleeping body is laying on y/n's bed. A storm rages outside, monsters and fog creep out there, the forests dark. Bakugou sits at the piano, shivering. "What the hell am I supposed to play?" He asks himself, suddenly Bakugou can hear a clock ticking and a huge glowing clock appears in the sky, 11:55 PM it says. "FIVE MINUTES?!" Bakugou yells.

"My mind has a different time then your world." A voice whispers. Bakugou looks at the piano, looking at it, he puts his fingers on the keys and begins playing, the sound reminding him of a long last memory he thought he never would find. A memory of him playing the piano, when he was younger, in front of Deku, his mom and dad, and a shadow man. That man was indeed alive, that shadow remained in bakugou's sight for years before disappearing when he found out about y/n. That shadow, was y/n all along. This was meant for him, for him to wake y/n up. The question is why was it him? Bakugou continued playing, the piano growing deep but pleasing to hear, the keys almost sounding y/n's mind, like almost making the entire mind his.

He continues playing, for awhile his train of thought and vision was fixed on the sound of his piano playing, completely forgetting why he was even playing it in the first place, all that was fixed in his mind was the shadow that protected him from the horrors of the world, maybe that's why he never had a nightmare, or wasn't really even scared of much, maybe that's why he wasn't afraid to show his strength. Y/n was with him all along and he didn't even know it. Soon, the clock struck, the noise losing his train of thought as it is now 12, midnight. He ends the song with a soft tap of his fingers, he looks at y/n, his body isn't there. "Wha- y/n appears in front of him. He's shirtless, has a sleeve tattoo of vines and what not. "Are you glitch?" Bakugou whispers. Y/n's cold dark eyes look at Bakugou. "Yes. Goodnight katsuki."

Bakugou wakes up, seeing as he's in a hospital. "HE'S AWAKE!!" Mitsuki yells in the background. "Where am I?" Bakugou whispers. "You've been in a coma for one week son." The doctor replies. "Wait, I was in a coma?"

"Was all that a dream then?"

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