Chapter 11: It's now or never

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I got startled when I heard a glass dropped on the floor. But it didn't break because this cabin has a wood floor. I just got startled with the loud thud of it and got up. I looked at Rosé and Jennie sitting and eating. I walked to the sink and washed my face then unconsciously walks to Rosé and grabbed her shirt.

"Are you kidding me, your majesty?"

I stopped and just realized what I just did. I wiped my face using her shirt.

"I-I'm sorry. I-It's just.. I sometimes did that to Chaeng."

I chuckled and grabbed a sandwich. I just glanced at Jennie and noticed how uncomfortable she is sitting and bowing her head.

Then I remember she drank the liquid. I'm curious about her powers.

"Yah.. you drink that liquid, right? May I see what your power is?"

Jennie looked at me as I stand next to her while I unwrap this sandwich. I just smiled at her and nodded. Then I noticed a glare again. What is wrong with this girl..

She suddenly swings her hand and.. I suddenly choked on this sandwich. I immediately pulled it out and coughed as I wiped my mouth.

Rosé and Kuma bursted out laughing.

"G-Goddamnit! Do y-you really have to do that?!"

"You want to know my powers, there."

"Why did you have to shove this in my mouth!? I'm eating peacefully!"

"Stop shouting or I'll shove it all in your mouth, you'll see!" she scowled.

I just glared at her and dropped myself on the couch. She's pissing me off. And these two are still laughing. I glared at them and navigates my powers through my hand. That's when they stopped.

Now I'm loving this powers.



Jennie's obviously got pissed when Lisa did that Rosé. That's why she did it to Lisa. And yes, she can control her powers that fast because she knows how to. Because she remembers everything now.

Jennie stood up and gives Lisa a glass of water. The girl just glared at her but then grabbed the glass and drinks slowly. Jennie walks to the door and swings her hand again secretly.


Rosé and Kuma laughed again when the water splattered on Lisa's face. She glared at them and then turned to Jennie.


"Don't what me! What is wrong with you!?"

"What? I didn't do anything. Come on. I'm not the only one who can control everything. Rosé can control water."

"What?" Rosé looked at Jennie with wide eyes then to Lisa as the girl glared at her. Jennie giggled silently while covering her mouth.


"I didn't do anything, your majesty."

Jennie's just giggling silently while looking at Rosé.

"The hell is wrong with all of you!? Stop laughing!"

Jennie got startled when Lisa yelled at her again as she wipes her face with her shirt. Then Jennie's eyes darted Lisa's body when she lifted her shirt. She gulped and averted her gaze immediately.

Lisa removed her jacket and threw it on the couch then about to pull her shirt to change when she realized something.

"Get out! I'm gonna change! Aish!"

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