Chapter 22: One step ahead

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Jennie woke up early. The thought of what happened last night and the sudden confession forms a soft smile on her lips. She found Lisa sleeping deeply beside her. She doesn't want to get up and just watch her lets out cute little snores. The girl is still hugging her tight. The position they slept, the same position she woke up with. Lisa hugging her tight after that torrid goodnight kiss. She can't help but to smile sweetly and caressed Lisa's cheeks with the back of her hand. She slightly caressed Lisa's lips with her thumb and then pecked on them softly. She giggles when Lisa's eyebrows twitched. She keeps on planting light kisses on the youger's lips. Lisa opened her eyes slowly and took a deep breath as she looks at Jennie. Then yawned while stretching her arms, laying flatly on the cold sheets.

"Rise and shine, my queen." Jennie utters and pecks on her lips again.

Lisa giggles with what Jennie called her. Early in the morning and butterflies already going wild in her tummy.

"Good morning. How's the sleep, my queen?" Lisa mumbles in her sleepy voice.

"Great. Waking up beside you and gets to kiss you every damn chance I have, best morning already."

Lisa giggles again and hugged her tight. Jennie hugged her back and still looking at Lisa. She pecked a kiss on the girl's neck.

"What has gotten into you? You're so sweet to me so early.."

"You don't like it?" Jennie pouts.

"No. I love it. Stay like this."

Both of them chuckled and Jennie hugged her tight, burying her face on Lisa's chest. Lisa looks down to her and smiled. She pecked a kiss on the older's head.

"What's for breakfast, Ruby?"

Jennie chuckles and remembered something in that life. She looked up to Lisa and leveled herself to her face. She holds Lisa's arm and put it around her waist as she tops her slowly. Lisa looks at her confusedly but then giggles.

"How about..."


"For breakfast?"

Lisa lets out a loud chuckled and hugged Jennie tight on top of her. Jennie giggled with her.

"You remember it too, don't you?" Jennie flashed her gummy smile.

"Oh I do remember everything, my queen." Lisa chuckles and cupped both of Jennie's chubby cheeks.

"And I really love to do that.. but I'm serious.. I'm hungry. Haven't got the chance to eat dinner last night." She said while squeezing Jennie's cheeks while giggling, still on top of her.

"What do you want? Uhh.. pancakes sounds good? I think, Jisoo unnie bought some the last grocery we had." Jennie mumbled in between her squeezed cheeks.

"Pancakes and coffee sounds really good for breakfast. It makes me famished just thinking about it, my queen." Lisa utters and pecked on the older's lips.

Jennie smiled and nodded. She then leaned on the bed to get up and reached for her ponytail. She tied her hair up and reach for Lisa's hand after sliding off the bed. Lisa smiled and holds the girl's hand, not wanting for her to wait so long.

Their eyes widen when they came out of the room. Smokes covered their whole kitchen. Heard some coughing while someone tries to blow and swayed her hands for the smoke to go away. Jennie's eyes got even wider when she saw some burnt pancakes on a plate and one on the pan.

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