Chapter 42: Strangers at home

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"What has gotten into your minds!?" Lisa yelled while looking at them deadly.

Jisoo is just quietly sitting on the couch. Rosé doesn't know what to do.

"I just asked her. I told you I was bored here.. there's nothing I can do." Jennie said.

"All you have to do is rest! I even bought some books for you to read! But when I got here, I'd found you outside, training!? Seriously.. what were you thinking!? ALL OF YOU!!" Lisa yelled again.

"I can handle myself, Lisa! I just don't wanna be inside the house like this!"

"Do anything you like but training!? JESUS CHRIST! YOU'RE PREGNANT, JENNIE KIM!! And you!" She pointed at Rosé.

"And Lady Choi!"

The lady got startled when Lisa yelled at her too.

"You guys know her situation! How can you all allow her to do that!!?"

"W-We're b-being care— BEING CAREFUL!? If this happened again, all of you will leave this house! Except you! You are not allowed to leave this house, Jennie Kim! Even in that terrace!!"

"I have to do something! This house will kill me in boredom! And I just wanted to— ShUt UP!"

"Stop yelling!"

"If this happened again, even when I'm gone, Rosé.. I will kill you!! I WILL!! And Jennie Kim, if you lose our child, I WILL NEVEr FORGIVe YOU!! ALL OF yOU!!" Lisa screamed in anger.

All of them gasped when they saw how Lisa's eyes turned white and her veins are bulging on her forehead while her electricity navigates through her arms. Lisa glared at them and walked inside their room. She closed the door loudly and everyone can really feel her anger and the floor shakes when she closed the door.

"Y-Your m-majesty.. I warned you beforehand."

"Lady Choi, I told you to tell us when she comes."

"She went out fast and I tried my best."

Jennie heaves a breath and approached their room. Her hand shakes as she grabbed the doorknob. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before going in.

Lisa turned to her and her eyes are still the same. She's panting heavily and tries to calm herself but she can't control her anger with what she found out.

"How long is this going on?" she asks. She sounded calm but she's still panting.

"Uh.. t-this is t-the third day— " Jennie closed her eyes when Lisa hit the vanity with her fist and broke it.

"Three days and I know nothing about it! What were you thinking!? Seriously!? Do you ever care!? You are 5 weeks pregnant! If you lose my child because of your carelessness, Jennie Kim.. I will never forgive you! I will end this marriage as quickly as you lose my child!!"

The others could still hear her yells and still feel how angry Lisa is right now.

Jennie's heart trembles and her whole body got stiffen. She closed her eyes and approached Lisa. She touches her cheeks and tries to calm her down but Lisa tosses her hands. Jennie fights and still holds her hands.

"I'm sorry.. okay. I won't do it again." Jennie said while fighting Lisa's arms and forced to hug her.

Lisa keeps on pushing her but Jennie still hugs her. She touches Lisa's cheeks again and tries to turn her face to look at her.

"Stop." Lisa mutters coldly and removed Jennie's hands.

"I'm sorry.. sorry. I really am. Please.."

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