Chapter 12: Milk Ice Cream

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I don't know why but I'm enjoying kissing her. And I'm so dumb for doing this with her condition. Hays. But then I heard her chuckled tiredly. But I can't stop myself. Maybe because she is my first kiss. And her lips are so soft despite the taste of blood. I feel so drunk.

Then she breaks the kiss and clenched her eyes tight. I've felt her hand on mine over her wound. Sht!

"I-I'm sorry.. I d-didn't mean to grip it tight."

She chuckled and shook her head. I pulled back myself and then fixed her hair. I grabbed her hand and put it on her wound.

"Hold it for a while. I'll get another one. It keeps on bleeding. Hold still, okay?"

I stood up and rummaged my bag and grabbed another shirt that is used already. I immediately jogged towards her and changed the cloth over her wound. She clenched her eyes and she pants heavily.

And that's when I noticed..

She's just on her bra and her bare skin is so flawless. Her body really look so amazing. How can she endure this stab on her stomach..? Hays.

I got startled when Kuma ran inside and breathing heavily. Rosé then popped up again, carrying some brown bags with her. She immediately go to Jennie and does her job. I stood up for a while and let her do it.

"Where is she?" Kuma asked as he groans. Jennie looks at him. Barely. Because she's been battling the pain.

"I-I'll be f-fine, Kuma."

"Where is she? I can't just let her do this to you. I'm sorry for not being present when she attacked. I was busy scouting."

His deep voice sounds so angry.

"Calm down. You know I'll be fine sooner or l-later. Rosé, gently please."

"I'm sorry, your majesty. The back wound has healed already but I have to put gauzes on your stomach."

Jennie nodded. Rosé then started to put the gauzes on her wound after cleaning it. I saw how Jennie fights then pain. I really want to hug her right now.

"Your majesty.."

I turned and arched my brows to Rosé when she suddenly calls.

"I'm sorry for asking, your majesty. But can you help me with her? I'm going to put bandages around her." She said.

Jennie just looked at me. I walk closer to them and sat beside Jennie. She lifted her head and held on to my hand. I immediately support her back and her head drops on my shoulders. She's healing but she's still weak. We're still holding hands. I looked at our hands and I feel glad.. why is that?

I feel the need to caress her shoulders when I've felt her hand got tight on mine. Her body is still covered with her blood. And so is my clothes and hands. I don't care. The only thing on my mind is to make sure she recovers.

I admit.. when she kissed me when we were hiding from TuRa.. I got startled but I admit I've felt something. That's why I kissed her again. And another flashed again.

I just have to remember everything.


This feelings I'm feeling right now...

It's because I remember her now..

Some about her...

The feelings..

I want to take care of her.. protect her..

But am I ready for the next..?

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