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To say I was terrified is an understandable. It was the night, the night where all crime is legal and the night where many are about to get murdered. I stayed in the house, doors were locked, and windows were closed down.

My father made sure that every window and door was locked as that it is our only protection, meaning our lives were on extreme risk for the next twelve hours. My heart was beating faster than ever, I could feel it jump out of my chest at any moment.

Suddenly, a knock was on the door. I turned to my father who was just done reloading his gun, the purge hasn't begun, no danger could be done yet, "I'll get it, stay where you are Audrey," My father carefully held the gun with such grip, and walked towards the front door. I stood there and gulped as I watched him peek through the peep hole, "It's a boy, a young one to be exact." My dad furrowed his eyebrows and put the gun under his shirt.

A boy? I thought to myself, I'm pretty sure a boy will do no such danger, moments before the purge, "S-Sir please! Open up! I-I have no place to stay!" We heard the young boy beg on the other side of the door as he banged on it.

"D-Dad, let him i-in." I stammered out. I wouldn't want anyone to be in such position minutes before the annual purge. Dad sighed heavily and slowly opened the door, revealing the young boy, may I add, a very attractive young boy.

"Arms up, now!" Dad pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. I tried not to scream as I thought he would shoot a bullet right through the poor boys skull. The nervous boy did as he was told as my father begun to pat him down. He glanced at me, I could see his eyes becoming glossy, as if he was about to break down at any moment. His shirt was ripped along with his jeans that were tightly worn against his skin, his hair was a mess. Was he a homeless? "Clear." Dad muttered to himself, as he locked the door behind the boy.

"T-Thank you sir." The boy thanked my father, my father slowly nodded in return before turning to look at me, putting away his gun.

"Darling, take the boy upstairs and get him cleaned up," Dad ordered me, I quickly nodded my head, "He doesn't smell quite good." Dad added. He definitely was a homeless. That poor boy. I gestured the nervous boy to follow me as I walked through the corridor and up the stairs, leading him to the guest room.

"Aren't you s-scared?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around, looking at the boy who had just asked me. I sent him a small frown.

"I am," I softly replied, pausing, this whole thing felt like a dream, a nightmare in fact, that I prayed I'd soon wake up from, "We all are."

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now