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As we made our way towards the kitchen, a sudden bang was heard on the door. I gasped in horror, Alejandro pulled me to his side and I haven't noticed that we were in the kitchen already, "Don't say a word, stay here, do you understand?" He demanded, he grabbed a kitchen knife as I nodded my head, gulping and leaning down, hiding under the kitchen counter. He glanced at me and sent me a reassuring smile, before walking out the kitchen and towards the door.

I saw as he walked towards the front door slowly, the knife by his side, I watched as he peeped through the hole, and I wondered what was on the other side of the door.

"I smell my next victims!" A scary voice yelled on the other side of the door, "Open up!" They evilly laughed

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"I smell my next victims!" A scary voice yelled on the other side of the door, "Open up!" They evilly laughed. It was most certainly a mans voice, as it was deep and husky. I could feel my heart jump out at any moment, "Don't let us break the door down now!"

Us? There was more than one person. We're fucked. Most definitely, Which scared me more than ever. I watched as Alejandro held the knife with such grip, he quickly opened the door and pulled the man inside before stabbing him through the stomach.

I widened my eyes and screamed, Alejandro slammed the door and dragged the now lifeless body inside. Oh my god, I just watched him kill somebody. I put my hand over my mouth as I began to tear up.

Please wake me up from this horrifying nightmare.

The door was suddenly broken down, causing Alejandro to stumble backwards, a girl entered with a huge gun, "ALEJANDRO!" I screamed standing up and rushing towards him, just as I did, I watched as he killed yet another person, "O-Oh my g-god." I stuttered.

"Fuck, we gotta get going, this isn't safe anymore." Alejandro quickly stammered our, grabbing my arm. I noticed his bloody arm, and his shirt was now bloody, I knew it wasn't his. He dragged me through the house, "Is there a backdoor?" He stopped and asked me. I gulped and glanced back, seeing the two lifeless bodies. Maybe they were the one who killed my father.

I nodded my head and pointed to the direction of the backdoor, "Wait," I paused, "Where are we going?" I nervously asked. It wasn't safe for us to wander the streets during the purge.

"We can't stay here Audrey," Alejandro replied, opening the backdoor, I paused, letting go of him, "C'mon Audrey, there's probably more coming!" Alejandro yelled, I sighed heavily and prayed to myself, "The doors broken down for fucks sake!" He told me, before grabbing my hand, "Stay close to me, don't leave my side, got that?" He asked me. I just nodded my head.

We walked down the murky streets of California, it was extremely dark outside and the only source of light was the street lamps. I pulled out my phone, seeing it was ten pm, it doesn't end till another ten hours or so. I held Alejandro's arm tightly, knowing a killer could come out at anytime and kill us both.

I scanned around the dark street, relief flushed over me as there was no one in sight. They were probably on the other side of the street. Or maybe someone is watching us, at this moment. The thought feared me as I grasped onto Alejandro for dear life. I gasped in horror as lifeless bodies surrounded a corner, "Oh my god." I whispered to myself. Alejandro noticed its and pulled me to the other side, so I wouldn't be facing it anymore.

My stomach started to growl, now was not the freaking time, "Hungry?" Alejandro asked. Crap, that was embarrassing of me . I shyly nodded my head, "Let's hope we find a supermarket on the way." He let out a sigh. I haven't ate since lunch, and lunch was hours ago.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind us, and I was pretty sure it wasn't Alejandros, as he was right next to me.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now