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Alejandro clenched his jaw, his eyes turning back into an extremely dark color than it already is, "Not on my fucking watch." Alejandro spat out. The two men stood before bursting out in laughter, as one of them just stood there, in silence.

What was so funny?

"You really think I'm that much of an asshole kid?" He asked, laughing, before patting his friends back, "Can you believe him!" He settles down his laughter as his friend shook his head, "I don't want shit from you guys," He paused, "Now, Let's get going before they come kill us all," He turned to look at his friend that stood silent the whole time, "Dexter, lead them to the van, I'll be there in a second."


Dad did mention the fact I apparently had a long lost brother that has been missing since the last purge, years ago. It hit me. No no, that can't be him. There's millions of other people named Dexter.

I remember the day my dad told me about him. He was supposedly older than me by a few years, and I never really have met him because he was never home, and by that, I meant the fact that he used to live with my mother and rarely ever visited my father. My parents divorced when I was exactly one, and my father won the custody over me. On the other hand, Dexter chose to live with my mother according to my father.

As Dexter led us to the van, I couldn't help but notice the blonde curly hair that poked out of his mask from behind. He was curly headed, just like my mother, "You alright Audrey?" Alejandro glanced at me, grabbing my hand again as he dazed me out of my thoughts.

"Uhm, yeah, I'm fine." I quickly nodded my head, he sent me a small smile, before rubbing my back. Dexter opened the back of the van, before nodding his head towards it, gesturing us to get inside. Why was he so silent?

The door shut behind us as Alejandro and I took a seat in the back, "We're safe now, I promise." Alejandro whispered, I sighed heavily and muttered an 'I hope so' in response, before leaning my head on Alejandro's shoulder. I felt a kiss placed on my head and Instantly smiled to myself.

Within moments after, Dexter hopped in the drivers seat, starting the car. The 'Leading' man hopped in the passenger seat while the third guy hopped in the back, sitting next to Alejandro, the van then began to move as Dexter drove away. I felt Alejandro tense up and I calmed him down by rubbing circles on his hand.

"I expect both of you to shut the fuck up so I can peacefully watch my TV show here." The familiar deep voice spoke up. I tried to hold back a laugh, as confusion hit me.

Who the hell would watch a TV show during the purge?

I felt like I've been in this van for hours, but really, we've been inside for almost twenty minutes. The whole car ride I've been glancing out the window, I felt like every few minutes we passed by plenty of dead bodies and groups of serial killers walking by. By now, it felt like I was in a horror movie.

The car suddenly stopped, making me open my eyes completely as I was just starting to fall asleep. I looked at Alejandro seeing him asleep, I softly nudged him and he instantly woke up. Light sleeper. He let out a small yawn before looking at me, "Are we here already?" He asked.

Before I could response, leader dude beat me to it, "Welcome home," He got out the car and so did Dexter, opening the back of the van, Alejandro let the third guy out before we followed along, "Dexter and Isaac, lead them inside and show them where they're staying at while I settle things with Jackson." Leader demanded them, before walking away inside.

Isaac? Jackson? So many names. I hoped this doesn't turn out to be some sort of gang, or worst, a mafia, "Follow." The guy, whose named was Isaac ordered us, I grabbed Alejandro's hand as we followed Isaac and Dexter.

I couldn't help but see that it was in fact an abandoned warehouse, that they somehow turned into a safe house I assume for the rest of the night, Isaac opened the door and the smell of Alcohol and Cigarettes instantly hit me, I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"You guys live here?" Alejandro asked, looking around, he seemed amused, almost like it interested him. Isaac lowly chuckled and nodded, we walked through what I assumed to be the living room before entering another room to the right. It was a bedroom, I think.

"Your home for the night," Isaac spoke up, I glanced at Dexter, seeing him standing there as he watched, not anything, but me, again, not saying a single word, "If you need anything, we'll be either in the living room or the room next door." And with that, the two of them left the room, leaving Alejandro and I alone.

I had to know, I had to know if that's the Dexter I know of. I had a new mission, other than surviving the night, I had to know if he was my brother.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now