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"B-But," I stammered out, Who knew that the boy whose been missing since the last purge also turns out to be my eldest brother, would be standing right in front of me, this is for sure one hell of a story to tell, "You're here...." I was lost for words, completely, I didn't know weather to smile or frown, to cry or to squeal.

"I sadly am," I frowned at his reply, sadly, I mean if I was in his position I'd be sad if I were to be alive, y'know, since I had no one left, "You haven't replied to my question yet." He narrowed his eyes at me. What question? Oh right, dad....

"He is." I mumbled, wiping the one tear that somehow managed to scroll down my cheeks. I glance at down then back at Dexter, he had a stern look, his jaw firmly clenched as if he was about to explode at any moment.

"I was about to visit you guys," He said through gritted teeth, "I was about to fucking have my family back!" He suddenly yelled, slamming his fists into the kitchen counter, making me flinch and jump at his sudden outburst.

Suddenly, Isaac and the leader guy who I still don't know the name of, entered the kitchen in a hurry, "What the fuck is going on here?" The main guy spoke out loud, glancing between Dexter who had his head down and his eyes closed, his fist still against the counter.

"Maddox," I heard Dexter lowly speak up, Maddox. That doesn't ring a bell but he does have a pretty cool name. Now's not the fucking time Audrey! "I'm taking my little sister," he looked up at me. Little sister. I felt like a sudden flash of memories struck through me, "And we're getting the fuck out of here." He spat out, his eyes still on me as he spoke to Maddox.

But Alejandro, what about Alejandro! Speak of the devil, footsteps were heard and Alejandro entered the room, rubbing his eyes as he stood shirtless with just his jeans and socks on, "What's happening?" He asked, in return, all three of them sent a glare towards his way, making him scoff and walk towards me, "Are you alright princess?" He asked, bringing his hand to my cheek and slowly caressing it as I nodded my head. Princess.

"Are you out of your fucking mind Dexter?" Maddox asked, his nostrils flaring and I swear I saw his eyes turn into a dark color of red, almost like a ware wolf. Alejandro furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, looking at me for Answers, "You can't and you'll not, leave us." Maddox spat back, taking a step towards Dexter.

"You seem so fucking sure about that," Dexter chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief, "I'm taking her with me, and that's the final." Dexter looked at me, and gestured me to head back into the room and grab my things. I shook my head, he raised an eyebrow.

"No," I gulped, "I'm not leaving without him." I pointed at Alejandro, who still had a confused expression on his face before a small smile appeared. Dexter let out a heavy sigh.

"Wait till fucking Jackson hears about this," Maddox walked towards the door, "He's going to kill one by fucking one, and if not, the others will." Suddenly a small smirk appeared on his face as he left the kitchen.

"You're basically wishing for death man." Isaac shrugged, before following behind. Dexter groaned before kicking the counter hard, making me flinch again in fear, he then looked at Alejandro with a threatening look.

"Even though I don't completely approve of you," Dexter paused, "But for the sake of my little sister, I'll take you with us," He continued, "Meet me outside in exactly two minutes, make it quick before the big boss comes and wrecks us all." And with that, he quickly left the kitchen.

Big boss? I assumed it was Jackson. So many questions and thoughts ran through my mind, as Alejandro and I scurried out the kitchen and to the bedroom.

This is definitely going to be one terrifying night.

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