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"-May god be with you all." And with that, my father shut off the television and looked at me with fear in his eyes. The sound of the sirens alerting the annual purge has officially just began was heard outside, throughout the whole city.

"Dad," I whispered, "We're not going to die...right?" I gulped. There was a high chance we were, and I knew it, but I prayed and crossed my fingers that we would all make it through alive. Including, the unknown boy was upstairs, fixing himself up.

"Let's hope not," My dad softly replied, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug, "We're going to be alright kiddo." He murmured into my ear, patting my back. I held back my tears, now wasn't the time to cry. It wasn't only us that was in danger, everyone else was.

The sound of footsteps interrupted us, my dad quickly pulled out his gun, "Dad it's probably the boy," in which I have yet to know his name, my assumptions were right, as the boy stood by the doorway, he looked clean, his hair was slicked in a way and he wore a fresh pair of clothes that I have given him, "Told you." I lowly whispered, my dad gently put his gun away and looked at the both of us.

Suddenly the sound of gunshots were heard, people were getting murdered. Chills ran through my body as my fingers began to shake, "You two, stay here." Dad said, walking past me but I held him back.

"Dad no! Where are you going?" I asked. If dad were to go out there, he'd be instantly killed. For heavens sake, the killers basically own the city now.

"Don't worry, I'll be back." And with that, he walked through the door and left the room, leaving the boy and I to ourselves.

We exchanged looks, as it was awkward as ever, but that didn't matter, we were both scared shitless, "He's going to be fine." The boy spoke up, again, he stood in the same position, but this time, he learnt against the closed door, as his hands were tucked into the pocket of his or shall I say, my sweatpants.

"A-And how do you know that?" I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my cheeks, the thought of losing my father terrified me. I lost a parent, and I certainly did not want to lose another. I'd have no one, absolutely no one.

"It's just a guess," He shrugged, replying as he lent off the door and slowly walked towards me, "Don't cry." He mumbled, bringing his hand to my cheeks and wiping the tears away.

"I-I don't think we're g-going to make it out alive." I gulped. He let out a low chuckled and pulled his hand away, tucking it back into his sweat pockets.

"You're most likely right," he slowly nodded his head, clicking his tounge, when he arrived, he was scared, I could see it through his eyes, why wasn't he afraid now? "Although, I pray that you'd make it out alive," he paused, "Not me." He mumbled, but I most certainly heard him. Why? That broke my heart, why would someone wish that on themselves? He walked past me and took a seat on the couch, as my gaze followed him.

"Wh-" The sound of gunshots firing again, cut me off. I gasped and ran to the window, I looked out, and the sight shocked me, I widened my eyes as my lips parted, the tears rolled down my cheek like a waterfall.

A lifeless body was laid on the street ahead, as a group of masked people surrounded it, I instantly recognized the body.

My fathers.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now