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"Audrey...." Dexter looked up at me as I stood there, a hand over my mouth in shock. The sight in front of me terrified me and I know it's going to taunt me for life, "I told you to stay in the car." He sternly said.

Alejandro looked up at me, his jaw clenched. I know he was mad, mad at whoever shot my father. Was it the masked guy that just ran away? I had to know the answers.

Surprisingly, I held back the tears. I know my father wants me to be strong, as I remembered the final words he gave me before the purge.

And even if I'm gone, be strong, and don't trust anybody, an angel was once a devil.

A few moments of silence passed as the three of us stood over my fathers lifeless body, not knowing what to do, in the middle of the night during the purge.

"We have to do something about this." Alejandro spoke up, breathing out heavily before looking up at me with a small sad smile, I couldn't handle it anymore so I turned around, and ignored him as I hopped back in the van and leant my head against the window, and that was when the tears began to stroll down my cheeks.

I felt the doors open and I was alerted but then calmed down once I saw Dexter and Alejandro, but my fathers body was still in the middle of the street. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"W-Why d—" I was cut off by the sound of the van engine roaring back to life. No. They aren't about to leave MY father's body there, we had to do something about it, "Stop! What are you doing Dexter! We have to take him with us!" I pointed to the body.

"We can't." Dexter calmly replied, sighing heavily before running a hand through his curly hair. I looked at him like he was crazy. It's his father for fucks sake! We need to get the body and hand it to the fucking Morgue!

It's the purge for fucks sake...wait till it's over.

"No...." I shook my head and opened the van door but it was locked. Actually, it was on freaking child lock, "Open the fucking door Dexter!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Audrey, you can't go out there." Alejandro replied, his eyes filled with worry. As if he fucking cares about me, he only wanted a place to stay for the purge and leave but no, look where we ended up all because of him.

"Oh for gods sake, YOU are the reason we ended up here." I spat at him before going on the other side and opening the door, I stomped towards my dads bodies, As I heard Dexter shout out behind me, and footsteps trailed behind me.

"AUDREY!" Was the last thing I heard before a hand was placed over my mouth and everything flashed quickly and all I saw was....


Hi guys! Quick question.....

Sooo I'm letting you choose on which one of the boys (apart from Alejandro ofc) do you want to be included?

LMK :)

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now