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As soon as this Mattia guy left, I took some time strolling my eyes around the room. It was a basement, more like a storage room. There was scattered boxes around the room and for some reason, a mattress was on the floor along with a blanket.

Who the hell would sleep down here?

I suddenly felt my wrists starting to burn, of course it is! For goodness sake, who knows how long I've been tied to this chair. Jesus, the guys a maniac. I had to get out of here, there must be a way.

An idea popped into my mind, it wasn't the best, it was actually a trick I learnt from my father. I miss him. I frowned at the thought of him, suddenly, something hit me.

What if Mattia killed my father?

It was most likely a chance, I mean, all I remember from last night was getting out of the van. I was so stupid for that, sometimes, I have to think before I do shit and that's one of my toxic traits and also think before I speak. 

I wiggled my torso along with my arms and hands. It took about five minutes until I felt the rope slowly starting to loosen up. Relief rushed over me and within moments, I was out of the chair. I glanced at the clock that was ticking.

5:45 am.

The purge had two hours left. I couldn't wait till this was over. A window caught my attention, I could escape. I grabbed the chair and placed it beneath the window, I stood on the chair and saw that it was still dark outside. Thankfully, I still had my phone, as soon as I make my way out, I'm contacting Alejandro.

You don't have his number idiot!

Fuck fuck. I was fucked either-way! I had to do something, I can't go out there, it's too dangerous but I had to get out of here. He might kill me.

As soon as I opened the window, I felt the cold breeze hit me. How the hell do I get out now? It was quite hard, an empty street was ahead of me. Cars with broken windows were seen. I couldn't help but notice a person strolling ahead, a machete held in their hand. It looked like a male figure, a female followed behind him. She looked scared.

Just as I was about to lift my leg onto the window to make my way out, an unfamiliar voice was heard behind me making me completely stop.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now