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"Well, well, well," I heard the middle man speak up, "What do we have here? Romeo protecting Juliet?" The man laughed evilly, earning chuckles from his buddies by his side.

I knew Alejandro couldn't possibly knock three of them down, he couldn't, in no way, especially they all held severe weapons by their side, "Leave us alone." Alejandro spoke up, through gritted teeth, he glanced down and held my hand, interlocking our fingers.

"Nah," The man shook his head, "What would be the fun in that?" He then asked, taking a step closer, his eyes suddenly met mine. I couldn't see his face, since it wasn't visible by the mask he wore, the only visible thing was his eyes, I felt Alejandro grip my hand as tightly as possible, pulling me closer to him, the man lifted his hand up, making me flinch, but thankfully, he reached to take off his mask.

I noticed his features instantly, his eyes were bloodshot red under his jet black hair. He had red crossed stitches across his cheeks, and I couldn't help but noticed the freckles too. He looked around his twenty's, or even younger. The two men behind him, which I assumed are his friends, kept an eye on Alejandro, as the man in front of me kept his eyes on me, we made eye contact and as we did, I felt the chills ran down my spine.

He smelt like danger. He seemed like that type of guy that your parents would warn you about, a small smirk appeared on his face, as he lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek, he slowly began to caress it, as I flinched, "Don't fucking touch her!" Alejandro's voice yelled out, the man was suddenly pushed harshly backwards. No no no Alejandro! Stupid move!

The two friends were suddenly alerted and were about to stomp towards Alejandro but the man stopped them. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. If it were to be anyone else, Alejandro would've been dead by now. I heard Alejandro gulp, as his eyes darkened.

"How cute," The man let out a chuckle, running his dry blooded hand, as if he just finished killing someone, through his hair, his eyes were now on Alejandro, "Now," he paused, "Whose idea was it for you two to stroll around the streets at this time? Hm?" He asked, now glancing between the two of us.

"None of your fucking business." Alejandro spat out, the man raised an eyebrow at Alejandro before chuckling again to himself, Alejandro glanced at me before wrapping an arm around my waist.

"If I were you, I'd watch that attitude," The man replied, in a cold tone, "Answer the question," He then glanced at the backpack, he turned to one of the men, "Check that backpack." He muttered. The man nodded his head and harshly grabbed the backpack from Alejandro, causing him to send a glare towards the man as he snooped through the backpack, pulling out the bag of chips with the two coke out.

"Nothing harmful sir." He stood up and wiped his hands off his jeans. Sir? Did they work for him or something? I assumed they aren't friends then.

"Interesting," The 'sir' nodded his head, he put his attention back on us, "Where are you two heading off too?" He asked. What was with the questions? Are they going to interrogate us or something? And end up killing us and dumping our bodies in the dumpster?

"Nowhere." Alejandro coldly replied. Nowhere? So we were about to roam off the streets heading off to nowhere? I thought Alejandro had a place in mind. I frowned, now we're trapped. Completely.

"Nowhere?" The man raises both his eyebrows, wrapping his arms across his chest, he then sighed heavily, "Usually I'd end up killing you both," He paused, my heart started beating faster, "And dump your bodies down on the river, where the rest of them are," I looked at Alejandro, seeing he was already looking at me, worries flashed through his eyes, as if he was scared for me, "I'll give you guys a place to stay, for the rest of the night." He told us. A place to stay? Was this man being nice to us? All of a sudden? There must be something he wanted in return.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked. God that was dumb of me, now he might take it back and end up killing both of us. I noticed Alejandro giving me a stern look. I definitely shouldn't have asked him.

"Mhm," He sent me a crooked smile, it was weird and very creepy, "But in one condition," He paused, oh no, this was going to be bad, very bad, "You," He pointed at Alejandro, "Let me have the girl for the night, I could use a little bit of fun with her." A smirk was plastered over his face.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now