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Within seconds, a hand was placed over my mouth, "Scream and you're dead." The guy whispered into my ear, chills running down my spine. Alejandro stood there, lips parted and widened eyes. The voice sounded deep, extremely deep, which made it more scarier.

A cold metal was placed against my neck, a knife. It was a freaking knife, against my neck, if he made a move, I'd be dead, within moments. The boy locked me in a stiff position, he moved his hand from my mouth and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"Let. Her. Fucking. Go." Alejandro said through gritted teeth, breathing heavily. I heard the man chuckle into my ear.

"Is that your little boyfriend of yours darling?" I instantly shook my head, "Take one step and she dies," The man gripped my neck, almost choking me. Alejandro had his jaw clenched and his fists by his side, "She'd be good use in bed now huh?" I tried to squirm out of his grip but he held me back, so I was against his chest.

Suddenly, a small smirk was plastered across Alejandro's face, "She would." He nodded his head in agreement, licking his lips. What? What was happening? Was this all a plan? I widened my eyes in disbelief.

"Let's have some fun with her, what ya say?" The guy looked up at Alejandro, moving his hands down to my ass, before giving it a squeeze.

"Sure bud, let me go first yeah?" Alejandro took a step forward, and as promised, the guy didn't kill me. Thank the fucking god. But no, my body was about to get in use, and I wasn't letting it happen. The guy agreed and smirked, before pushing me towards Alejandro harshly.

Seconds after, Alejandro pushes me behind him before throwing a punch towards the guys face, instantly knocking him to the ground, "Son of a bitch," He spat out, before giving him a kick to the stomach, as the guy laid on the ground, passed out. I watched in fear, scared that Alejandro would kill the helpless guy, just like he killed the earlier people, he turned towards me, "Let's get going, quick." He grabbed my hand this time, before interlocking our fingers together and pulling me to his side closer than ever.

I couldn't help but feel the tingling feeling in my stomach, I didn't know exactly what it was but I do know that it was a good one, "Thank you." I softly thanked Alejandro. He just nodded his head slowly.

We've currently been walking for ten minutes now and if it was a normal day, usually at this time I'd be in bed, watching Netflix, or talking to my dad. My dad. I miss him. I tried to forget about what happened so I wouldn't break down again. I let out a yawn, I felt like I would pass out at any moment now, "Tired?" Alejandro looked at me. I sent him a small frown and nodded my head, He stopped in his tracks and let go of my hand, I looked at him confusingly as he bent down in front of me, "Hop on." I didn't hestitate to gently climb his back, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He stood up again and wrapped my legs around his waist, he held me with a tight firm grip. I haven't noticed how strong he is, physically till now, "Sleep tight princess." Was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀 | 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙊  ✓Where stories live. Discover now