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I look at them who waved as they saw me. "I don't think it's coincidence anymore." I told them with a light laugh.

The brunette rubbed his head as if 'Aah I've been found' while blushing a bit while the other one, who wore suit and fedora just smirked.

I gave them a laugh as they both came closer. "Well, I can't help it anymore.." The brunette one mumble out, still blushing.

The other one scoff at the brunette's antics. "Once a dame will always be a dame."

I smiled at their interaction. "It's fun to watch you two as always." I mumble out.

"Where are you going now? The townsquare?"

I shook my head, "I'm planning to go to the park." I rolled my wheelchair. "I wanted some peace for today~" I announce to them.

"So we can't come with you today?"

I glance to them, it could be seen clearly that the brunette is disappointed while the one wearing fedora is hiding it, but still disappointed.

"Not necessarily. You can join if you want." The brunette quickly ran up to me, feeling happy.

The three of us then proceeds to walk towards the nearest park, with the brunette pushing my wheelchair.

It's been somekind of a routine, when the three of us would meet up. Coincidental meet up. Though as it happened more than four times, I doubt it is coincident.

Even if we've spent time for four times, or five including today, I've never catch their names. Not that I really mind.

Spending time with them is fun, espescially when I see the two of them bickering and arguing. It really showed how close their bond are.

I kind of envied them since I don't have much friends. More like I don't have one. I've been living in the hospital since I don't know, 4 years old? And my legs were paralyzed since birth. That's why I rarely interract with people and often dissed by them.

My mother once raised me up, as a single mother as she told me I don't have a father. I guessed that I'm the result of a non-married mother and father.

Mother did her best to raise me up, until she reached 25 when she died. She once told me that it runs in the family, where we will die at the age of 25. Not immediately, but still, at the age of 25.

Well nothing came up to the doctors, it's just a weird phenomena. But well, it's not a lie when the doctors looked at my ancestors' files, they all did die at the age of 25.

Perhaps it's a curse.

I'm 23 right now, so I have more or less 2 more years until I die. I would love to search for a boyfriend and then marry him, but I don't want to leave them sad. I can't even carry a child..

"We've arrived!" The brunette announce, snapping me from my memories.

I smiled at the scenery. A breeze passed by, I could see some of the children running there and here, yelling to each other. Some of their parents sat by the benchs to talk to each other. And at the background, the lake.

I took over my wheel chair and wheeled to the lake. Feeling the breeze that washes over my face. All in all, this is peaceful.

"This isn't bad." The one in fedora commented as we all gaze into the sky that's slowly turning into orange, from the bridge.

"It's beautiful." The brunette one commented, eyes shining brightly.

I smiled happily at their fascinated faces.

"Okay, I made up my mind." The fedora-man came closer to me.

I looked at him confused, "What's wrong?"

The brunette seems to know what he's doing and blushed in anger? "Ah hey! That's cheating!" He huffed.

The fedora-man just ignored him and took my hand, before kissing it. "Won't you be my girlfriend?" He then asks. The fedora came loose, showing his onyx black eyes.

The brunette also came closer and took my other hand and kissing it too. "No! Be my girlfriend, please?"

I blushed at their confession. I wanted to take back my hands, but the both of them are grasping it tight.

"I-I.." I can't seem to form words.

Their eyes shows how serious they are about this.

But, I can't..

I gave them a smile, "I'm sorry but I can't accept your feelings." I gaze sadly to the sky. "I'm bound to die you see, it runs in the family."

They seem surprised, but none of them are going to take back their words. "Short-life span? But why?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. But my mother, grandmother.. all of my ancestors died at the age of 25. So I'm bound to die then too." I explained to them slowly. "And I can't even.." I whisper out, not daring to say it.

Their grips on my hand loosen and I took back my hand. "I appreciate your feelings, but I think you both deserve someone else." I gave them a smile.

I then felt some drips coming down to my lap.

I'm crying..?

I rubbed my eyes, rubbing my tears.

But it seems that it doesn't help as I cried and sobbed. I held a hand on my chest, "It hurts." I mumble out.

I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm just being a trouble to the both of them aren't I?

"It hurts," I continue to mumble, cletching to my shirt. I can see the two of them are panicking, unsure what to do through my teary eyes. "I'm sorry." I told them.

"I'm sorry." I repeated, trying to calm myself from my crying mess.

The fedora man decided to rub my back, while whispering some things I can't catch to my ears. While the brunette one crouch down, holding my hands in worry, and also telling me some things I can't catch either.

Trembling, I took a deep breath. Realeasing it, before taking another. I'm calming myself. It works and my tears also stopped, thankfully.

"I'm sorry." I whisper out.

The both of them seemed relieved when I stopped crying. "It's fine. I won't give up though."

I look at them confused.

"Of course I won't too."


The two of them looked at each other and shruggs. "Because I want to?"

"What's with that answer, geez."


4 January 2020

Published : 22 January 2020
As a reward for you all since today I got my announcement that I passed JLPT N2!! I'm really happy to be able to pass it QwQ

Enjoy this new fanfic of mine! As of today, I've rarely made this draft and written an actual 9 chapter (with the 10th still written!)

This is a record tbh-
I'm planning to end it at chapter 10 but well I don't think it's enough so I'm extending it to perhaps maximumly 15 chapters.


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