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'Die. I forgot I will die today.' My will power seems to come back to me. I laugh lightly as I realise it. "So this is how I'm going to die? How hilarious."

This seems to caught Cel's mother off guard, "Have you lost your mind?" She asks, which was rather odd.

I tilted my head to see her and smirks, "Aren't you the one who lost your mind?" I lightly mocked as I looked at her twisted face. It's disgusting.

I moved one hand to defend myself while the other one to keep Cel secured in my hug. "Hey! Can you hear me Kosutsune? I have a wish if you can grant it!" I then yelled out.

Cel's mother snorted, "And who the hell is this Kosutsune? A fucking God?" She sneered as she continuosly kicked me.

I didn't mind that, "Perhaps." I lightly shrugs, while wincing in pain. "Hey Kosutsune! I know you can fucking hear me loudly and clear!" I loudly exclaim, glaring at the air. "Answer me dammit, you freaky girl!"

Suddenly the atmosphere changed into a cold one as time seemingly to stop. I can see a familiar dark orange color zooming in to my front. "I would like it if you don't go on and blabbering on one's name so openly, [Full Name]."

I scoffed, "So you finally showed yourself?"

Kosutsune just looked at her, "State your wish, before I change my mind." She demanded.

"In exchange for my leg to be able to move again, I will give you my life and everyone's memories of me after I finish saving Cel." I voiced out my wish.

She seems to be observing me for a while, "what makes you think everyone's memories of you is a high price?" She replied.

I had the urge to punch her- but well it's not wrong as well- urgh! "I'll give you my everything geez! So just give me a favor to get my legs moving again and erase everyone's memories about me will you!?"

She scoffed lightly, "That means you have two wishes." Not completely untrue- I rolled my eyes. "Here I was waiting for you or your friend to wish you to have longer life. Although even if that came, I don't intend to accept it."

I wanted to punch her in the gut, once at least.

"Well I suppose I can grant your wishes." She then trail off.


She shrugs lightly, "Why not? I was only expecting for three or four souls, maximumly five when I granted Celeine Rua's friend's wish. To think it would exceed to seven, well, eight including yours." She then walks closer towards me, and touched my legs. "There you go."

She starts to pull back as the time seems to start again. I gave a short smirk as I can feel my legs- for the first time in my life.

Will I be able to use it though? I'm not sure. For now, I should just start moving it, and getting used to it.

I slowly released Cel and push her behind me.

I can feel my legs twitching a bit as I gave a bit of force and tried to move it. It aches a bit, but not as painful as the kicks Cel's mother gave.

I slowly adjusts to stand up, with shaky legs, perhaps like a newborn animal- but I'll manage.

"Huh? So you can use your legs." Cel's mother scoffs as she swung the knife at her hand. "It won't change a fact that you'll be able to save that trash though." She harshly told before lunging to me.

I huffed as my legs screams as the muscles starts to work. I tapped my legs against the floor to see if I could run away, but well, I guess no one can walk suddenly.

I fell down on my face, slamming into Cel's mother who came lunging to me earlier. Beginner's luck? I guess. It hurts a lot though.

"Get off me!" Cel's mother shook me off, knife swinging around my face, which is hard to evade and body squirming against mine.

"Stay down for a moment will you!? I'm trying to move my fucking legs!" I cursed out at her, arching back to avoid the knife. I finally managed to balance myself and tried to stand up to escape.

It kind of failed when I feel a knife grazing my face, "Get off me so I can kill that shit!" So she won't kill me, though she'll harm me. Her aim is her daughter.-

I have to think quick, Cel's not far behind me crouching down in fear, I have to keep her safe since her mother wants to kill her. I can feel another graze both on my hands as I glare at Cel's mother.

I swiftly moved my legs to tackle her legs when she tried to stood up and her body slams back down to the floor. Her knife grazes my chest through my clothes as she fell.

With the chance I turned back and pushed Cel, partly ignoring the pain from my whole nody, "Escape to the hall!" I yelled towards her who shivered, while afraid she nods frantically and starts to run.

"I won't let you-!" Cel's mother stumbled, standing up once again as I run infront of her in attempt to block her off from Cel and ran after Cel.

"[Name]!!" I turned my head and felt glad as I saw Tsunayoshi and Reborn running to my place with worried face. My face lit up when I properly saw Cel cowering behind a worried nurse.

That's when I felt my feet tangled with my other feet, resulting me in falling-

--time is slowing down, it all seemingly in a slow motion. A sharp object, the knife pierced into my skin as I once again fell on top of Cel's mother.-

I feel liquids- blood rushing out from my throat and I spat out blood with a light laugh of disbelief. My body felt super heavy as those workouts from me taking Cel's mother kicks and crawling, you name it.

I can feel myself being exhausted.

Not just my body. My eyelid felt heavy too, as my head and hand falls limply beside me.

My breath raged as I can feel me not being able to breath properly. As if part of my body was malfunctioning- or is it just because of me exhausted? I'm not sure.

I couldn't think properly anymore and nothing seem mattered. I can see the blurry of Tsuna's anti-defying hair and Reborn's signature fedora.

My whole body is aching and screaming. My conscious.., wait, is it life? I guess I'm dying now.

I dreamt of lots of way of dying, falling down, poisoned, car accident, drowning.. to think I'll die from a stab instead of those.

I guess, I'm not one.. to complain...

My eyes starts to close as I feel my soul slipping away and pain slowly disappearing into nothingness.

I died.


6 February 2020

Published 8 February 2020

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