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I shifted uncomfortably, avoiding any eye contact as I looked at my interesting tiramisu cake. Although I haven't touched it as I'm being stared constantly by the four.

The seat arrangement was changed and I'm at the middle while Yamamoto and Gokudera was it? was on the inner side while Tsuna and Reborn on the outer side, which means they're infront, right and left, of me.

It's not like we're having a fight.. Just awkward since it's been almost a year..-

"It's been a while, [Name].."

I nodded, hearing Tsuna's familiar voice. "It is." I still looked at the tiramisu cake, not bothering to change where I gaze.

I then heard a sigh from my left side, meaning Reborn sighs and felt my wrist being pulled by him. I pouted a bit as it means I can't avoid eyecontact anymore.

I shifted my gaze to see the two faces I've missed so much. I'm pretty sure my eyes turn glossy. "..sorry.." I mumble out, once again putting my gaze to my tiramisu cake.

"I'm sorry too, for leaving you." I then heard Tsuna apologises.

"Well we had some job to do quite far from here." Reborn shrugs.

I shook my head, "It's fine. I'm well aware you two are busy-" I mean Tsuna's a boss. I don't know what Reborn does but well I'm pretty sure he's busy too.

Well, at least more busy than me since I.. don't have anything to do at all-

I then decided to pick up the fork to start eating the cake.

"So why were you with Hayato and Takeshi?"

I sliced a portion of the cake and looked at the said two. Then shifting back my gaze back to Tsuna who asked. "Takeshi saved me when I was about to be attacked by Cel's father the other day.." I started.

I can see Tsuna's eyes twitch while Reborn stiffen. "Ah Cel's my friend I made in the hospital the months ago, she's there for rehabilation-" I added another information.

Tsuna nodded, telling me to continue.

"After that, I accidently met the two of them earlier," I point to the two males on the further seat, "And I thought I'll properly thank him today,, but he just invited me to come here. And I met you two." I finishes picking up the sliced cake and munch on it.

"I see...-"

I lightly pouted as I realised something more important, 'They came back and didn't even came to see me!' I huffed slicing another small bit of the cake.

"--cky, we were thinking of coming to the hospital later to surprise you.." I looked at Tsuna who rubbed his neck. "But well, this is not bad too." He lit up a grin.

Reborn smirks as he leaned forward on his hand, "Tsuna would whine everyday on how he want to see you, resulting Gokudera to scold him much." He teased.

My mouth curved into a small smile. I guess even after months, some things never changes. I love seeing the two of them bicker to be honest. Reborn would often tease Tsuna and Tsuna woukd blush in embarrasment and deny it. Just like today.

"I wanted to meet you too,-" although I told myself not to get attached, which I've failed miserably since I can't help to miss the two of them. "I miss you both." I whisper out.

A fake cough then interrupts Tsuna and Reborn's bickering and snaps me from my little thought. "Well Tsuna, I and Hayato will go back first." Earning a nod from Tsuna the two left. "Have fun!" He lastly shouted.

I took a glance seeing Yamamoto and Gokudera before looking back to the two. "Is it okay for them to leave?" I then asked.

"Well today's a holiday for us so it's fine." Tsuna shortly replied. He gave a smile, "I really missed you, [Name].."

"Now then," Reborn started, making me look at him. "It's been months, almost a year actually. So I'll ask again." His hand came closer towards me, appearantly toward my neck.

His hand reached the ring necklace, pulling it towards him and kissing the ring he gave to me. "Won't you be my girlfriend, [Name]?" He asked once again.

I blushed lightly as I could see his serious face as my face came closer to his as he pulled the necklace. I bit my lip as I reached for the rings and pulling it from Reborn's grasp. "I'm sorry. I can't return your feelings," I repeated my rejection.

I can feel my chest tighten, it hurts. It hurts to reject him again and again. It really hurts.

I did my best to lit up a smile, although I'm pretty sure I'm not a good actor. "I appreciate your feelings. But as I've always said, you," then I turned to Tsuna who looked sad as well, reaching for his hand and hold both of him and Reborn's hand before continuing. "and Tsuna deserves someone better than me."

Their grasp tightened as Tsuna clearly shows his sad look. "Did you know? Even after months.. nine months, I can't help but to think about what you two were doing everyday.." I gave them a bitter smile.


I cutted Tsuna's desperate voice, "Three more months." I whisper out as I tremble a bit. "After three months, I will die."

The two stayed silent, mouth moving wanting to said something but held it back.

"I can feel it, heck, I dreamt about me dying." My voice somehow come out not loud, afraid. "Twice, thrice, perhaps four times-" I can feel myself start to shake in fear. "And there, I died from different causes!"

Tsuna's grasp on mine tighten as I raised my voice a bit stronger. "Is that a prophecy?" I moved my gaze to Reborn.

"Perhaps." I mumble out.

"Or it could be how you from other parallel world died.." I then heard Tsuna mutterings.

I let out a light laugh, "It's like you believe in stuff such as prophecies and parallel worlds." I manage to voice out with a shaky sigh. "But well, it could be true." I lightly shrugs as I fixed my gaze to the ceilings.

"In those dreams, I can see the same date. No matter where, it's all the same." I mumble out, "My birthdate. My twenty-fifth birthday."

I heaved a sigh as I turned my gaze back down, towards the road I could see through the glass. "Hey, Tsuna, Reborn," I called out which they respond with their hand which is interwined with mine. "Why don't you two forget me and be happy?"

Ah, as I thought, it hurts. It really hurts.

"You do know it's impossible." I can hear Tsuna replied.

"I did told you I'm persistent." Reborn responded.

I sniffed, showing a small smile. "I guessed so."

What a bad reunion we had.


23 January 2020

Published 6 February 2020

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