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My eyes shone brightly as I finally get to see the sea. I've never been allowed to go to the sea since it's hard for me, in the wheelchair.

I'm very much pleased I'm allowed to go here, even for a while.

After being satisfied from seeing the sea, I went back to the hospital.

At that time.., I was too careless and crossed the streets without properly seeing the lights. Being in a wheelchair doesn't help much and I'm in a pinch; until they came to the rescue.

"Watch out!"

I snap from my daze as I felt me being pushed forward as my wheelchair was pushed, "Hurry up!" Another voice told and suddenly the force became stronger.

"Ow!!" The first voice winced.

The three of us then safely crossed the street. I quickly apologises for my mistake.

"Be careful." The first voice, a brunette warn while rubbing his back.

From the scene, it could be guessed that the other man, in fedora, pushed the brunette so we'll be faster.

I nodded and apologises again, then I saw the time. "Oh no! It's almost curfew-" I gasp. "I'm sorry!! I promise I'll thank you two properly next time we meet!!" I quickly announce and rushed towards the hospital.

.....yes, that was our first meeting.


Unconsciously I smile fondly at the memory. 'Time do fly fast..' I glance at the street where I almost lose my life. Although it is also luck because I get to meet the two of them.

Today I'm alone since Cel had her rehab scheduled inside the hospital. It's been a while since I'm alone.., it's a bit lonely but well, it's okay.

I started to go with the flow and look around.

I gave a small sigh, 'It won't be long until I leave this place.' A small sad smile plastered in my face, 'It's a shame..-'

"Oh! You're that sister from before!" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. It's the raven man who saved me and Cel before.

I can see he's with a silver head man, hmm he looks Italian unlike the raven-

"Hello! Such coincidence." I giggled lightly as I gave him a soft smile. "Well then, I should properly thank you now for saving me and Cel the other day."

He just laugh, "You don't really have to though.. Oh! How about you come with us then?" He then exclaim.

The silver hair man seemed annoyed, "Is that okay? Won't I bother the two of you?"

He laughs once again while shooking his head, "No worries, Hayato won't mind," oh so he's that Hayato. "Right, Haya-chan?"

Hm? -chan? I think it's., Japanese?

The silver head, Hayato grumbles, "Whatever." He shrugs looking away.


I smiled, "Alright then, I'll take up on your request."

"Should I help you, uhh,, Cel's sister?" Well, I am her sister-

"Ah no, we're not family though we're friends." I quickly told. "My name's [Full Name]." I introduces myself.

"Huh? [Full Name]..? Where did I hear that before?" The two males quickly wonder.

'Hm? Am I famous?' I quickly shook my thoughts as that's impossible.

"Oh well! Let's go then, [Name]!" The raven exclaim as he took control of my wheelchair and directed me wherever he wants to.

While I can see the silverette, Hayato mumbling something.. More like thinking.

"Sure! What's your name?"

"Oh right! I'm Yamamoto Takeshi while he's Gokudera Hayato. Nice to meet you [Name]!" I nodded.


We chatted a few more stuff before I started to recognise the place we're going to. It's that sweet shop.

"Oh right I forgot! I might have a few more friends that will join us later. Are you alright with that?"

I hummed, "Sure.." It sure is nostalgic to be here.

We entered the shop and the scent doesn't change. It's great to be here.

"Welcome, Signore Takeshi and Signore Hayato! It's been a year or so, welcome back!" The maid quickly hit up some conversation.

"Thanks! It's good to be back too." Yamamoto replied and the two conversed.

Hayato shrugs waiting for the two.

"I'll lead you to your seats then." The three of us were led to a seat, next to where Tsuna and Reborn's seat,,, last year.-

My gaze saddened a bit as I looked at the menu. I bit my lip as I felt my chest tightened. 'This is torturing..' I quietly thought. 'I miss them.' I motioned my hand to my necklace, where the two rings are.

"--[Name]?" I snap from my little thought as I quickly hid my hand.

I can see three pairs of eyes looking at me as I laugh nervously. "I-I'll take tiramisu cake and Chai Latte please." I faked some cough.

"Understood." The maid listed our orders before leaving us.

I relaxs once again and let out a sigh.

"You okay [Name]? As expected it's not a good idea for you to tag along was it?" Yamamoto nervously questions.

I shook my head, "Not really. I'm glad I can come here again!" I told him. Blushing a bit as I realised I raised my voice.

He laughs. "That's great then." He replied.

I gave him a soft smile.

"Right right, I've been wondering though, what are those two rings?"

I unconsciously touch them as a smile form. "It's a promise ring from two of my friends.." I told him. "They left for almost a year now. Who knows where they are.." I rubbed the rings.

"Woah! Promise rings!" Yamamoto gave a smile, "It must be precious."

I nodded, "Yes, very precious," I smile softly.

"Ah! I remember! [Full Name]!" I jolted towards Hayato who finally stopped thinking about something. "Tenth and Re--"


I quickly looked behind to see the two who called me. Widening my eyes in surprise, knowing who they are. "Tsuna? Reborn?" I gasped out.


21 January 2020

Published 6 February.

I decided that this would finish at chapter 18 and will have 2 omakes! Yay.

AND THIS IS PROBABLY ANOTHER NEW RECORD YAY, I made this like a month + 2 days ago and I will probably finish this in two more days! Woohoo!

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