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After spending the hour wastefully, with only chatter and all, we then moved to the town where we does window shopping along with some more chattering.

It seems so fun that we almost lost track of time. It's already past 6, so I told them I would like to go back now. They nodded and sent me back.

We came to the hospital and as we passes some nurses who had been caring me, they told me a happy birthday which I replied gratefully.

I arrived infront of Cel's door to see the door wide open. "Huh? Where's Cel?" I ask to the nurse.

"She should be back already but she's not here yet.." The nurse explained worriedly. "It's almost 45 minutes after her rehabilitation finished.."

This alarmed me, she still look awful so it's a bad thing for her to be alone. "I'll search for her around the rehabilitation place." I quickly told.

I met two pair of worried eyes, "Should we help?"

I nodded, "I would be glad."

They looked at each other and quickly claimed a place to search, "I'll take west."

"I'm east then."

The two left and I did too.

My heart beat fastened, even if she did just finished her rehabilitation, from the looks of it, Cel won't be recovering soon. She literally broke and I'm the cause of it.

I rushed towards the elevator and looked outside anxiously. As I went up, I could see a shadow from the garden..-

That's Cel.

I'm glad I found her and quickly tapped the garden's floor. I lightly curses when I past the floor before pressing the said floor and had to waste more time.

I took out my phone hastily and informed Tsunayoshi and Reborn of the floor, and reminded them to alert the nurse as well.

The elevator finally reached the correct destination and I rushed to the garden.

From the glass I could see Cel lying down in the floor, defensively, hands protecting her head while crying, legs curling up to her chest, withstanding some kicks-

I could feel rage seeping out as I saw a woman kicking her. 'Who is she!?' I couldn't go faster since my arms couldn't keep up.

I won't be able to stop them with my useless legs. Should I wait for Tsuna and the others? But will Cel last-?

My eyes widen when I saw something glinting, a knife? A knife in a hospital- No wait, it's not the time for this.

As I came closer to them, I used all of my strenght and throw myself to the woman who pulled out a knife and knocked her down.

"Who the hell!?" The woman screeched. I quickly attempted to secure the knife. But her elbow keeps on hitting me and preventing me to get to the knife.

I grunts as the dangerous one is knife, one could die.

"Urgh, can I ask- guh- for you to drop- the knife..!?" I asked while struggling on top of the woman. The woman glares daggers at me while hands struggling to slash me- perhaps.

I return the glare, "Let go of me!!" The woman yelled out, I cursed as one of her hand gotten free, and she pulled my hair harshly.

"Argh!" I yelped out, hand now reaching for the hand holding my hairs. 'All I can use are my hands, damnit.' I can feel tears starts to form out and the woman's glare didn't waver as her other hand is now free, with the knife.

I held my breath as I saw her swinging the knife and tried to guard myself just with my bare hands- which obviously won't work. "Cel, run away!" I voiced out to the whimpering girl not far from where I am.

Cel shook her head while crying, "I-I can't.. sister.." She sobbed out. "S-She's my.. m-mother..-" She cried out, eyes afraid, body shivering hard.

Mother!? Cel's mother? I thought she's in a coma- She woke up and became this freak!?

I halted my trails of thought when I feel pain shot up from my palm. I winced in pain but with the knife this close, I can-

I use my other hand to reach for the hand but the woman, Cel's mother pushed me down and kicks me. "Huh? So you're that worthless's friend?" She question, voice filled with venom. "How great, dear Cel, you made friend!" She starts walking towards Cel, leaving me. But I won't let her. I grasp her legs so she won't come closer to Cel.

She glares at me before kicking me in the face- Her kicks fucking hurts! I cursed as I starts crawling since my legs won't help one bit.

"Don't go near Cel!"

I half yelled, the pain starts to kick in and I had to crawl just with my hands towards them. It's hard- I never worked out! I finally know how annoying it is not to be able to use foot, where you can see people walk and run away, unlike me.

"Don't bother me! I only have business with that trash, not you!" Cel's mother glared as she stepped on my hands and twisted it.

I yelled in pain, although a bit glad it wasn't the hand which earlier was stabbed by the knife. It does still hurt, and a lot though. "I had enough of his abuses.. Because of that fucking little shit, I had to endure all of it!" The woman hysterically yelled out as she stomps on my hand, a lot more pressured this time.

I gritted my teeth, I'm close. I need to get a little more closer and I'll be able to keep her safe. I have to move, I need to.

My other hand that's free moved to her leg which is stomping my hand and I grasp it hard, dugging my nails to her skin. As she kicks that hand, my other hand is free and I took my chance to crawl towards Cel.

"Don't worry.. Cel. I'm here..-" I huff between my raged breathing. My eye sight were getting blurry in time, but I'm already close. I pulled Cel to my body and hug her protectively. "Everything... will be fine.." I voiced out, trying to calm her down and brushing her hair.

I can feel her whimpering under my hug, "s-sister [Name].." She cried out, hands wrapped around me.

I felt glad she's not running away nor pushed me.

Then I felt a harsh kick on my back, "You little shit! If you don't let her go, I'll kill you first." I can feel the chill. Her eyes are deadly serious and it's seriously scary.

But I won't waver, I won't let her hurt Cel anymore.

"No!" I almost yelled out at her.

My breath hitched as she starts to kick me, and by force I was pushed backward and backward. I winced at every contact, but my hold on Cel tighten.

My heart almost dropped when I saw we were getting near the fence of the garden. 'Damnit, where are Tsuna and Reborn when you need them!?'

Is it just me or time seem to slow down?

My back is hurting like hell, my eyes were blurry who knows from tears or what, my hands are perhaps swelling from the stomping and also still bleeding from the stab earlier. My whole body is shivering, and Cel is looking at me with wide eyes full of fear and tear. Cel's clutching to my dress as if her life's depended on it- well it is.

My eyelid are getting heavier, and perhaps my conscious is slipping too. But until Cel's safe, I won't back down!

But what can I do? What should I do?

"It's enough sis,.. I don't-" I can hear Cel's sobbing. I can also hear some screeching, but I can't catch them properly. "Please don't suffer for me.." Cel cried out.

My heart tighten, "Cel.." My voice sounds weak. I can feel Cel shaking her head as her grip loosen. "No!" I tighten my hug as she starts to struggle to release herself.

"Stop it sister! You're dying!" Cel's voice were muffled by my dress, but I could hear it clearly. "I don't want you to die!"

I stopped for a moment, body seemingly weak.

'Die. I forgot I will die today.'


4 February 2020

Published 8 February 2020

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