~optional supplies~

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hi guys! so it's been a few months since I've updated so I wanted to tell you guys some of the supplies that you don't need to start a journal but would help spice up your journal.

most of these supplies you will be able to find on aliexpress because it has a lot of high-quality products for very cheap prices.

washi tape
washi tape is something I mentioned in my first couple chapters but I had recommended printing them out however that was before I discovered aliexpress (i promise this isn't sponsored).

stickers are also something I mentioned when I first started this book. they are sooo cute to add to your journal and also help fill empty space. you can get different types of stickers like sticker flakes which are stickers that are not on the same sheet and instead separately in a box or bag.

memo pads
I used to think that memo pads were useless but then I realised how cute they are and how they can take up white space. If you ever want to write a little side note or maybe some lyrics from one of your favourite songs, you can write it on a memo pad and stick it on the page.

calligraphy pens
if you would like to learn calligraphy and you don't want to spend too much money, I recommend Crayola Supertips because they are cheap and easy to use while practising calligraphy. You can buy a 24 pack of them for £4.50 and a 50 pack for £12.

I like to watch aliexpress stationery hauls on youtube and most of the time, they link the stores from which they bought their stationery in the description box.

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