~ Ten ~

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Positioning himself in the magical circle, he stretches before performing the spell.

"Incantatio: ignis inferni!" Jungkook shouts. The circle below him glows a fiery orange and he jumps in the air.

When he lands on the ground, he punches his fist. As his knuckles touch the ground, the earth rumbles and fire erupts.

The fire surrounds Jungkook and shapes into the shape of a fiery dragon. Jungkook stands and he throws his right hand forward. The dragon lunges forward and the grass burns under it.

To stop the wild flames, Jungkook slashes the air with his right hand and the fire gathers at his hand in a whoosh. With a flick of his wrist, the fire disappears.

"The fires of hell condemn you!" a voice exclaims. Jungkook stands and inhales. A smirk comes in his face and he punches the air.

"Oh that was cool!" Jungkook says before going back to his place.

"Amazing job Jungkook. Who will go next?" you ask the remaining three.

Yoongi raises his right hand and he heads to the circle. He calmly stands on it and he closes his eyes.

"Incantatio: lapis homine!" he shouts. At his words, the circle glows green under him. Yoongi then raises his arms and gathers all his strength.

With a strong and forceful stomp, large chunks of rock and earth come flying in the air. Yoongi moves his hands in the air as if shaping a man. Slowly by slowly, the rocks move together, forming a rock-made man.

As he finishes sculpting the creature, he opens his arms in a sudden motion. The golem creature comes to life, green light emitting from its empty eyes.

Yoongi performs a series of actions and the golem follows his every movement. Finally, Yoongi stands still and he closes his hands together in a single, strong clap. The golem comes crushing together and turn back to rocks. He swipes his hand over the field and the rocks fly back to place.

"The earth gives life and it shall take it back," a voice whispers. Yoongi stumbles to the ground before proceeding back to his place.

You turn towards Hobi and Namjoon and the former decides to come to the center.

Breathing in and out, Hobi prepares himself for the spell.

"Incantatio: nympha luci!" he shouts on top of his lungs. The circle turns a golden yellow under his feet and rises to surround him in a swirling motion.

Suddenly, his body becomes soft and he starts moving and dancing to music only he can hear. As he moves in the circle, light trails after his graceful limbs. He traces his fingers on the strings of light and it glows brighter and brighter.

As he takes a pirouette-like turn, the light starts twirling faster and faster around him until it forms a ring around him. With a beautiful flick of his arms, the light scatters around him, forming a bright and burning forcefield of sunlight. He stretches his left arm forward and the forcefield shoots a beam of light.

"The sun shall burn at its brightest," the mysterious voice says and Hobi's forcefield fades. His body slumps as his charge fades.

Trading places with him, Namjoon heads to the center as Hobi returns to his own circle.

Not wasting any more time, Namjoon begins. "Incantatio: luna glacies!" Namjoon proclaims in a loud voice. The magic circle radiates an indigo light, signalling for Namjoon to proceed.

Namjoon looks at the sky and opens his arms. Soon after, a beam of light coming from the sky hits him, surrounding him in silver light. He pounds on his chest and howls at the sky, giving you all shivers down the spine.

With a swipe of his hands, the light around him divide into tiny orbs. He throws his hands down and the orbs elongate into individual beams. As that happens, Namjoon brings his arms up again and the beams turn into sharp ice crystals, the air turning frigid. He makes a cross gesture like an 'x' and the crystals burst into speckles of light, disappearing into the air.

"The nights are colder than they seem," a voice murmurs. The light fades and Namjoon stumbles. He regains his balance and recedes to his place.

"You have done amazing everyone," you say. "Now I will give you a small rest. Allow your charge to build up."

"Eunji is right. We are not yet finished. We will learn how to use the spells, as Miss Cate said, in combat," Namjoon adds.

The other boys nod in agreement.

"Then, we're settled. We will resume after ten minutes.


Cate and Jinsoo make their way to the Wiccan Empire. Divided into smaller kingdoms, the Wiccan Empire is one of the biggest clans. They are unified under one ruler, the Witch Emperor or Empress.

There are three most renowned kingdoms: Kingdom of the Ruby Raven, Kingdom of the Ebony Crow, and Kingdom of the Ivory Hawk. From them, the Empire's coven has chosen their members.

Every new moon, the coven meets to discuss important matters. But now, they had to make an exception. A danger has been freed to the earth and the whole land of Theosia is at stake.

The Black Lamborghini that Cate and Jinsoo are on finally takes the form of a black carriage pulled by black winged stallions. They fly over the Shimmering Seas and the Treacherous Trench until they reach the welcoming shores of the Wiccan Empire.

As the carriage touches the concrete paths of the kingdom, the winged horses become normal stallions.

"Hiya," Jinsoo yells and the horses dash forwards down the roads. Soon, the big drawbridge of the empire comes into view.

The carriage slowly approaches and Cate is alarmed with the black banners hung on the walls.

Black banners usually take the place of the normal violet witch symbol banners when there is a dire situation at hand.

The guards stationed at the drawbridge quickly open the iron gates and lower the bridge as Cate and Jinsoo pass.

Making their way to the Coven Stronghold, a man rushes to the carriage. He holds an ivory staff with a lilac gem on top, symbolising that he comes from the Kingdom of the Ivory Hawk.

As they see him, they stop the carriage and they both climb down.

"Wooyoung, what has happened?" Cate asks the wizard.

"Your Majesty, the Dark One has escaped his prison. He is now on the loose," Wooyoung replies.

"I knew it. The Medea Prison won't hold him for much long," Cate says. "We must hurry. We don't have much time."

Jinsoo looks at Cate with worried eyes. "You know what this means," he says grimly.

"Yes. The prophecy finally takes place," Cate answers, her eyes full of sadness.

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