~ Twenty-Three ~

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You and the boys run back to the courtyard. You place a hand in the pocket of your dress to retrieve a piece of paper. In the paper is how to do your spell. Once you are familiar with your spell, you head to the center circle.

After the mishap that noon, you forgot your spell because of shock. Fortunately, your magical charge is full and you are ready. Positioning yourself, you inhale deeply. You place your arms in front of you in a pushing motion. "Telum: dea magicum!" you shout.

You spread your arms forcefully and time stops around you. The boys seem to be unaffected and they look around in wonder and awe. Suddenly, you flick your hands up and glowing orbs begin to rise , each glowing with different colors of the rainbow. You levitate a couple meters off the ground and as you look up, you see a figure of a woman standing in the clouds. The boys can see her too and they look shell-shocked.

The woman had long hair, billowing like smoke behind her. Her eyes are of two different colors, one the color of golden amber, the other of blue sapphire. A crown of laurel sits on her head and she is wearing a Greek chiton of gossamer, shining in kaleidoscopic colors. In her hand is a wand, rosy in color. This woman is Circe, first queen of the Wiccans.

She moves closer to you and hands you the wand. Not knowing what to do, you bow your head.

"Raise your head, my child. I have come in person to have a word with you," Circe says.

"It's my pleasure, Queen Circe," you mutter in reply, causing Circe to giggle.

"Now now, no need for formalities. Eunji, I must warn you of a great trouble ahead. You must have heard of the Dark One, or Son of Magic to you. He has escaped from the prison that holds him. And he is looking for you," she says grimly.

"Wha- what! But why me?" you ask, eyes growing wide with confusion.

"Because you are the Chosen One. The boys were not wrong when they said that you will be the one saving the clans. It will always be a witch who can stop a wizard," Circe answers in reply. "You will use the weapons of the First Rulers to aid you in your quest. Find the Shroud of Light and destroy the Dark One. The other rulers will appear to you soon."

"I will not disappoint you, Your Majesty," you say. She places a hand in your shoulder and gives you a warm smile.

"I know you won't. You really are a Mae, full of compassion and dedication. Now I must go! Your aunt will be home soon. She can explain everything," Circe says. She heads back to the clouds.

"Goodbye, my child," she says before disappearing into the sky. With that, you land to the ground and the boys run to you.

"See Eunji, we never doubted you. You are the Chosen One, and we will be your aid," Hobi says, flashing a big smile.

"Thank you guys. I'll try my best," you say in response, smiling back at the boys.

" Now, I think we must eat lunch. It's already past noon and I feel hungry. Food will help us relax, at least," Jin suggests.

"Yes, I agree. Let's head back," Yoongi says, motioning for the rest of you to return inside.

You take a look at the wand in your hand, rose gold with golden ivies crawling in it. You smile before following the boys inside.


The chariot arrives at the prison, landing at the clearing it's located in. Tall trees suround the perimeter of the building, casting a dark shadow over the prison. A shiver creeps on Cate's back as the three of them climb down from the chariot.

The prison gives off an uninviting feeling, its walls made of blackened stone bricks. Large rose stalks grow around it and a murder of ravens with razor sharp feathers sit on its roof, ready to attack uninvited guests.

The trio walk towards the main entrance which is also blocked by the roses and Cate places a hand in one of the stalks. Cate mutters a spell under her breath, "Excindo: rosa virgam!"

The roses start to shift, making way for them to pass. Wooyoung walks a couple meters before Cate and Jinsoo, glancing around to make sure there is no threat. Once he sees that they are safe, he knocks on the front doors.

The doors open slowly and the trio are greeted by two Wiccan guards dressed in black armor. They bow down as a sign of respect and the trio return the gesture.

"Any word about the intruder might be?" Jinsoo asks the guards beisde him.

The guard shakes his head, "No sire, but we have discovered a mark in the escapee's wall."

"Please bring us to his cell," Cate says grimly and the guard nods in answer.

The guards start walking and the trio follow after. They climb up a flight of stairs before reaching the second floor. Several cells line up the second floor, each being occupied by a criminal. In one cell is a witch charged burglary and an attempted murder. The cell in front of it is occupied by a wizard charged with not one... but three accounts of murder. Cate eyes them warily and Jinsoo's shoulder tense. Wooyoung brandishes a dagger, its blades flashing from the dim light of the lanterns.

In fact, the three of them as well as the guards each have a weapon with them. Because of the spell of the Red Rose, witches are not able to cast spells. Thus, this ensures no one can use magic to escape or harm others. And so, it baffles Cate how the Dark One escaped. It only made sense that a non-witch helped Him escape but who might it be? Cate swallows a lump in her throat. The mark will tell us, she thinks. I hope it's not a member of the Union.

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