~ Twenty ~

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Namjoon swallows the lump in his throat before he walks towards Jin. He takes a look at the beautiful man lying in the bed of roses. As he gets nearer, Namjoon can feel the weight of sleep around him.

Finally, he stops beside Jin and bends. Taking a deep breath, he lands a kiss on the vampires luscious lips.

As their lips touch, light suddenly fills the whole garden. It is so bright, you and the boys cover your eyes. Even Namjoon is taken aback.

When the light dims, you find that Jin's body is no longer there.

"Guys! Where's Jin?" you ask in bewilderment as you point ay the now-empty bed.

The boys, in shock, whip their heads towards the bed in the middle of the gazebo. You approach it and as you observe it, it shows no sign of the vampire.

"What the actual f*ck!" Yoongi cusses and turns towards Namjoon.

The werewolf shrugs in reply, "Don't look at me, I don't know what happened."

"I'm sure Jin is not gone. I think he got teleported. Let's get back inside, a lot is happening in one day," you say.

The boys nod in agreement. "Yeah, I think I had enough of today," Hobi replies.

You take one last look at the rose bed before joining the boys as they return to the mansion.


Jin finds himself inside a large round room. The last thing he remembers is speaking the spell of the Red Rose. Now, he's lost in what seems like a catacomb.

He looks around him and he sees people surrounding him. In fear, he slips back, landing on his rear. However, as his eyes adjust to the darkness, he finds out that they are not people. Instead, massive statues erected on pedestals tower over him.

He stands up, patting the dust from his pants and takes a closer look at the statues. There are nine of them, each with different features that remind him of the boys. There is a stoic sorceress, a vampire countess, an elegant mermaid, an armored angel, a chained demon, a cloaked werewolf, a fairy king, and a woman holding a Grecian jar.

Plaques are placed under each statue, holding their names. He reads them out loud, "Circe... Mircalla... Thetis... Metatron... Lucifer... Lycaon... Oberon... Pandora."

He speaks their names as he walks around the circumference of the room. Suddenly, as he says the last name, torches begin to light up around him. Another pedestal erupts from the center of the room and above it is a glass box.

Jin, getting curious, walks towards the center. Inside the glass box is an ancient tome. On its cover is written 'Primum Domum'.

Jin's eyes grow wide as he becomes familiar to the artifact. "This is the book that the sages have written!" he exclaims.

He touches it and suddenly light fills the whole room.


You are all seated in the living room watching as Namjoon paces around, frustrated. He sighs and takes a seat on the couch.

"Where must he be– " he begins to say before a flash of light comes from the second floor.

You jump from your couch in surprise before a familiar figure appears in the staircase.

"Jin hyung!" Tae shouts before running to the vampire.

"He- hey!" Jin says, laughing. He joins Taehyung as he walks down the stairs. The boys smile as Jin joins them except for Namjoon, who is reddening. It is actually more of blushing. Because of this, you let out a chuckle. Namjoon must have been embarrassed after the kiss and by the look of it, Jin doesn't seem to remember.

Finally, Jin looks at you and says, "Can you tell me what happened. The last thing I remember is me saying the spell."

You stare at him before nodding. "Sit down, it will be a long story," you say.


"What! Oh my gods, I'm sorry for almost killing you Eunji!" he says.

"It's not a problem Jin. It was not you who wanted to do it," you reply.

"Yes, it was a shade hyung!" Jungkook adds. "You also fell asleep and Nam– ow," he says further but is interrupted when Namjoon elbows him.

He flashes Jungkook a warning look and the latter laughs awkwardly.

"Umm, yeah you fell asleep and disappeared," Jungkook mutters and clears his throat.

"Really? That explains why I woke up in another place," Jin says matter-of-factly.

"What?! Where?" Namjoon asks in surprise before realizing his aggressiveness.

He sits back down and fixes his composure before speaking, "Where did you go?"

"I was inside this round room. It was dark but I can see statues surrounding me, each of them seem to be the same clan as us. Then when I read their names, the torches lit up and a pedestal appears in the middle. You won't believe what is on it," Jin explains.

The boys look intently, some leaning to listen better. Jin clears his throat before he speaks, "I saw the book of the sages. The one hidden from the hunting war!"

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