~ Twenty-Five ~

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*This chapter contains A LOT of swearing. Read cautiously*


Cate, Jinsoo, Wooyoung, and the two guards run to the opposite direction while In Jae follows in pursuit. As expected, you reach a dead end. The only possible exit would be the small window in the Dark One's old cell.

"Wooyoung, think of a way to blast that window open," Cate points out to Wooyoung. "Once your out, cast a light spell. Light is he bane of shades."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Wooyoung says in reply. He takes a lump of clay from his satchel and hurriedly sculpts a charm.

While Wooyoung is sculpting, the rest of them defend him. The two guards equip themselves with guns they drew from their holsters while Cate and Jinsoo take two daggers each from their bags.

Finally, In Jae approaches them, shadows creeping like veins up his arm and into his shoulders, then his neck.

When he sees them, he lets out a horrible laugh, "You fools, you think guns and daggers hurt me. I am the Prince of Shades, nothing can hurt me."

"Why are you doing this?" Cate asks, her expression stern but not angry.

"The Dark One and the King of Fire has offered me great rewards if I bring your head to them, Your Majesty," In Jae says with a wide smirk. "I'll make sure it won't hurt."

"You won't be able to lay a single finger on us," Cate replies.

"Wooyoung, use the embers to bake the clay," she shouts orders. Wooyoung, hearing this, waves the unbaked charm on top of the still-burning imprint.

"What are you doing?" In Jae demands. He shoots a ball of black flames at Cate and Jinsoo. Just in time, they dodge.

"Distract him from Wooyoung," she mutters to Jinsoo. Jinsoo nods and he signals to the guards.

The guards rush to the cell to help Wooyoung. Seeing this, Cate turns to In Jae and taunts him, "You want me! I will let you take my head, but you have to catch me!"

Cate dashes towards In Jae while Jinsoo follows after her. Just as they reach him, they slide across the floor past him.

"F*cking hell!" In Jae curses and turns towards the fleeing couple, who have now regained their stances. He runs after them but they are faster than him. Cate and Jinsoo race down the stairs, In Jae meters behind them.

As they reach the second floor, they hear In Jae cussing as he stumbles. Cate stifles a laugh then turns to Jinsoo, "We have to lure him outside and away from Wooyoung. Once Wooyoung is out, he will cast a spell of light to weaken In Jae!"

"Got it!" Jinsoo replies. They continue to dash across the halls, the angry shouts of the inmates echoing as they are tormented by shadows.

Cate glances back to see In Jae summoning another ball of fire. "Duck!" she shouts and they both duck down. The ball of fire sails above their heads and crashes to the floor before them.

"That was a close call!" Jinsoo mutters under his breath.

"Yeah," Cate replies, panting. They reach the end of the halls into another flight of stairs. Again, they race down with In Jae following close behind, muttering curses too obscene to put in this book.

Finally, they reach the ground floor. However, to their horror, they see unconscious guards lying across the ground.

"Shit, he knocked them out," Jinsoo says. He runs past the guards, being careful to not step on them.

In Jae emerges into the ground floor as well, running past the guards. "Come back here, if I catch you, I will not hesitate to cut you, b*tch!" In Jae shouts.

Cate grits her teeth at the word and shouts in reply, "You won't be able to catch me, egotistical f*ckhead!"

She sprints down the hallway, clutching Jinsoo and signalling him to hurry up. They reach the double doors of the entrance. But, to their dismay, they have been sealed shut.

"Ha! No where to go now! Taste this," he says, hurling a ball of fire at them.

Fortunately, his aim was terrible and it blasts the doors wide open. Taking this opportunity, the two run outside.

"Ugh! F*cking– you nasty b*tch!"  In Jae shouts with outrage.

As they reach outside, the dark skies slowly brighten up, signifying of Wooyoung's successful escape.

In Jae, as he runs outside, begins to smoke. "Ahh! I'm burning!" he says. The skies continue to brighten, revealing the sun that was hiding in the clouds. As the rays touch him, In Jae falls to the ground and fades into shadows.

With a triumphant smirk, Cate and Jinsoo dash towards the opening in the rose stalks.

When they are out of the prison's perimeter, Cate mutters a spell, "Incantatio: rosa virgam!" The rose stalks move, blocking the exit.

Sighing with relief, she hugs Jinsoo. "That was tiring. But he'll be back soon."

Jinsoo embraces her tight, "Not to soon I hope. Let's meet Wooyoung."


Cate and Jinsoo find Wooyoung leaning on the chariot, sweat trickling from his forehead. He laughs when he sees the two.

"That was horrifying. I would never try that again!" he says.

"So, how did it go?" Jinsoo asks him.

"I blasted the window open, as you said. Then, the guards tied a rope out of the sheets from the Dark One's bed. With it, they were able to lower me down." Wooyoung says. "I was able to find an opening between the roses. It was small, but I squeezed through. When I was out, I casted the light spell," he continues.

"You did great. Without you, our heads would have been made bounties for the Dark One," Cate says.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Wooyoung bows in response.

"Now we must return to the Coven. The information we received is enough," she says.

With that, they climb up the chariot. With a hiya from Wooyoung, the horses fly to the air.

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