~ Twenty-One ~

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Jinsoo taps his foot on the ground as he waits for Cate to come out. Behind him, Wooyoung is fixing their stuff and storing them in the chests under the carriage seats.

Just then, the double doors open as Cate walks out. Beside her is Rin and they seem to be having a conversation. Cate nods at something Rin says and Jinsoo overhears her reply.

"Everything will be fine Rin. I trust you," Cate says.

She then glances at Jinsoo and with a pat on Rin's shoulder, she joins him near the carriage. Wooyoung, however, walks to Rin and they engage in a deep conversation.

Jinsoo looks at the couple then back at Cate. His eyes are filled with curiosity and she raises her eyebrows as if to say 'go on'.

"What were you talking about?" Jinsoo asks her.

"Rin is overwhelmed and afraid. Now that He is free, panic is starting to spread among the Coven and it is causing confusion," she replies. "I entrusted Rin while we're gone but she says they might not listen to her."

"Rin is a smart lady and she is a very capable woman. I'm sure they'll listen to her," Jinsoo says.

"Yes, indeed. I'm sure she knows that," Cate says with a soft smile. She looks at Wooyoung who just finished talking with Rin.

With a quick kiss on the forehead, Wooyoung comes toward them, his hand clutching his satchel bag. "Let's not waste time. Everything is set," he announces.

With a nod, Jinsoo and Cate enter the carraiges while Wooyoung drives the horses. Making a clicking noise, Wooyoung urges the shadow stallions to trot forward. A minute later, they are airborne, ready to traverse the sky until they reach the prison.


"What?!" Namjoon's eyes grow wide as he hears what Jin said. He looks at you and you look at him puzzled.

"I don't know what's going on. You told me about the book but what does it do?" you ask.

"The book of the sages contain valuable information about the clans. Not only that," he stands up for emphasis. "It also contains the future of the clans. We must find it, it might explain everything to us."

You nod at Namjoon, knowing that finding the book is valuable. It will surely help you progress and if the prophecy is true, you might be able to stop a catastrophe in the future. You pivot to Jin who is sitting beside you.

"The statues inside the room, do you know who they are?" you ask the vampire.

"I don't remember most of their names but I recall Mircalla... there's one named Thetis and a statue named Oberon," he answers as he tries to recall.

"I saw those names before. They are written in the History of Theosia. I'll go get the book. I'll be right back," Namjoon says and leaves to retrieve the book.


"Isn't that the same book with the prophecies and the weapons?" Jungkook points out.

"Yes it is. While reading the pages last time for research, I stumbled upon a page with the names Jin hyung mentioned" Namjoon replies.

He flips through the pages until he finds the one he is looking for. He smiles wide as he sees the writings on the book.

"Of course, the statues you saw are no other than the First Rulers themselves. They are the owner of the weapons we each recieved," Namjoon explains.

The boys glance at the weapons still in their hands but look back at Namjoon as he resumes explaining.

"Each coming from a different clan, the First Rulers have been a key to establishing their kingdoms through the years. The First Rulers are greatly revered by everyone for it is believed that they have control over the fate of the clans," he continues.

"Lucifer, the Daemon King, was once the prince of the Seraphim Clan. However, he turned towards his Creator as pride filled his heart and he started a war in the heavens. He believed he was greater than the Highest One and wanted to be the King of all. Many angels went to his side and others stayed loyal to the Creator. And as the battle ensued, the traitorous angels were removed of their holy power. In His final blow, the Creator casts Lucifer to an fiery underworld where he shall rule with fallen angels.

"To fill the role of the missing Seraph prince, the Creator appoints Metatron, one of the archangels. Metatron was a scribe to the Creator Himself. He was once a prophet to the Creator, a mortal capable of divine visions. As years passed, he was brought to heaven where he will serve the Highest One and soon he was elevated to position of Seraphim King. Along with the other seven archangels, he keeps order in the heavens and makes sure that all glory is given to the Highest One."

"Thetis is the eldest of the fifty Nereid sisters, daughters of the gods Nereus and Doris. With beauty renowned in all of the Greek islands, Thetis captivated many gods and mortals alike. Even the god Zeus fell in love with her. But because of a prophecy that she will bear a son greater than his father, Zeus broke off his relationship with her. She finally found love with a prince named Peleus and they had a son, Achilles, who soon grew to be one of the strongest heroes."

"Stheno, the Gorgon Queen, was one of three sisters. She and her sister Euryale were immortals while Medusa was mortal. Because of Poseidon's assault on Medusa in Athena's temple, the said goddess placed a curse as well as a gift to the maiden. A curse so that no man can harm her again. Filled with pity for her sister, Stheno and Euryale chose to share Medusa's burden. In Medusa's death, Stheno vowed to avenge her sister and she built a kingdom. One that will tear apart the humans that took her sister from her."

"I see why the Union has hated the humans and vise versa. Their feud has been present since the beginning," you say. "Please go on Namjoon."

He nods and continues speaking, "Lycaon was a Greek king. He was mad and beastly for he loved to torture people who visit his kingdom. The god Zeus disguised himself as a guest to Lycaon's kigdom and he was greeted by the king's inhospitable nature. In a fit of rage, Zeus turned Lycaon into a savage beast, the first Lycan. The king fled and hid in the mountains of Greece where others like him can seek refuge. Now, their forms remind people of the beast within them."

"Mircalla was a mysterious maiden. She had a mysterious family. She took many names, one of which is Carmilla. A young lady, Laura befriended Mircalla, not aware of the latter's true identity. For Mircalla was no ordinary maiden. She was a Vampyr, a descendant of the ancient bloodsuckers. Mircalla feasted upon the blood of young women so she can keep her youthful beauty. As the people discovered, they hunted and killed Mircalla. But was she really gone?"

"Oberon was the king of the Faerie along with his wife, Queen Titania. The king was handsome and cunning and he had a mischievious servant named Puck. Once, Oberon and Titania had an argument over a custody of a child, their rage disturbing the weather. Using his wit, he orders Puck to fetch a magical flower which makes Titania fall in love with a mortal man. Finally overcome by sadness that Titania loves another man, he reversed the spell in which he and Titania reunites."

"That's interesting. So how does this information help us?" Tae asks.

"Wait Tae, there are still two more. Two women with great powers: Circe and Pandora," Namjoon says.


Finally! Another update after weeks. There are a few changes in characters from Chapter Twenty (Adam and Eve —> Pandora) but otherwise the story is the same. I tried my best to tell the stories of each ruler and please do not be mad if I used some religious characters. I am in no way trying to discriminate or criticize these figures. Otherwise stay safe and keep reading 💜💜💜!

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