
265 18 37

Word Count: 1087

Warnings: Inappropriate comments & jokes, sad stuff, one cuss word or two.

Song for chapter 10 - "Beautiful Loser" by Bob Seger.



Richie's POV

I opened my eyes and inwardly groaned, because I had a nice dream and my body just had to wake up. Then I realized I was sleeping next to Y/N. I panicked and removed my hand, which was on her waist.

"You're a sleep cuddler," I flinched when I heard Y/N speak. She had been awake this whole time.

"Yeah, but you seem to have no complaints, seeing as you enjoyed my hand being over you." I replied.

"...maybe...maybe not..." She said and got out of bed.

"Where are my glasses?" I asked as her figure became more blurry as she walked further away.

"On the bedside table," She replied and I put on my glasses when I found them.

"Wait, isn't it Christmas?" I asked, coming to the realization that yesterday was Christmas eve. My parents had gone on a business trip, completely forgetting about me.

"Yeah, so we have to go to the living room," She said and grabbed my hand as I had stood up. I barely managed to adjust my glasses before they fell off.

"Jesus, someone's excited..." I mumbled.

"Say that again, but to your little buddy." She snapped back and my face went hot.

"It's a morning thing," I replied, trying to hide the fact that it wasn't because of the morning.

"Anyway, I got you a gift," She said as we stood by the Christmas tree in the living room.

"What- how- when?!"

"While you were sleeping, smartass," She replied and kneeled down by the tree to grab a present.


"Here you go. Merry Christmas, Richie," I gave Richie my handmade Christmas present. He was struggling a bit to open the present, but was able to do it in the end when I helped him.

"What's this?" He asked as he pulled out the origami swan.

"Unfold it," I grinned at him. He gave me a confused look, but unfolded it anyway. He read what I had wrote and laughed.

"That's genius! I should have gotten you a Christmas present..."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I got a gift anyway," I said, pointing at the other present that was under the tree. Richie looked down for a moment and adjusted his glasses.

"Alright, I'll keep this in my pocket forever!" Richie exclaimed and put it in his pocket.

"We could go outside today, if you had thicker clothes," I told him as I went to find the plate of gingerbread men, that we hadn't finished eating yesterday.

"What? You worried that I'm gonna get frostbite?" Richie followed after me into the living room.

"No, I'm just worried that I'll be the one blamed for your death. I don't want my parents ending up in jail yet," I replied.

"Oh, come on! We're going to be bored here the whole day, unless you're suggesting something..." Richie wiggled his eyebrows and slowly leaned in. I pushed him away and grinned.

"Stop attempting to cheat on Mrs. K. For the last time, she hasn't cheated on you! You're less loyal than her," I walked away from him with the plate.

"Then what else are we supposed to do?" Richie groaned and followed after me again.

"You can read my comic books?" I offered.

"I've read most of them, N/N." Richie reminded me.

"What about calling someone else over?" I offered again.

"It's Christmas, most of them will probably be celebrating it with their parents..." Richie sighed. I walked in my room and he followed after me, so I closed the door and sat by him on the bed.

"What happened?" I asked him, putting the plate of gingerbread men on the bed behind us.

"Well, uh...they kind of left me when they went on a business trip..." Richie looked down and adjusted his glasses again.

"Did they tell you anything before they left?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"No, they just left a note, which said 'gone on a business trip'," He sniffled, trying to hold back his tears.

"C'mere," I opened up my arms to hug him, but he refused, shaking his head.

"Richie, stop it. Just because you let out emotions sometimes, doesn't mean you're weak and you're really hurting my feelings by not hugging me!" I pouted, pretending to be angry by crossing my arms. He didn't give in.

"Rich, please," I begged, trying to get him to respond. He ended up hugging me.

"Let it all out, I'm here." I said as he sniffled into the crook of my neck. As I said that, I began feeling water on my neck, so I patted his back.

"I just- I-I don't know why they don't care about me. Well, I do know. It's because I'm useless. I'm a piece of shit-" He pulled back from the hug.

"Don't bring yourself down like that, Rich. You're not a piece of shit. If you were, I wouldn't have even allowed you to come here." I put my hand on his shoulder again.

"You just did that out of pity. You knew something was wrong."

"No, I did that because I care about you. You're my friend, remember?" I reminded him, but that seemed to only make him feel worse. Suddenly, the door was opened.

"Merry Christ- what happened? Is he all right?!" My mom asked as she was the one who had opened the door.

"Mom!" I mouthed, pointing towards the door to make her go away.

"Everything's fine..." I said as Richie had looked at me. My mom gave an understanding look, probably because of the shit excuse I gave her yesterday.

"Alright, have you opened your present yet?" My mom asked me.

"No, not yet. I'll do it later," I answered, looking at the clock and noticing that it was already 1 PM. My mom nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door on the way out.

I saw Richie grab my present out of his pocket and unfolding it again to look at what I had written. His cheery look returned as he smiled.

"How did you even think of this? Was I the inspiration?" He turned to me with a mischievous grin. I sighed, knowing he couldn't stay serious for long. I faked a smile back at him.

"Yes, Richie, you were the inspiration. That gift is for you for a reason. Who else would be an inspiration?" I raised a mock eyebrow at him.

"My dick-"



Got a little too dramatic for my taste, but I hope you all liked this chapter. Also, did you notice the IT musical reference? Buh-bye!

Devil's Spawn (Richie Tozier x Fem! Reader) 2Where stories live. Discover now