•Twenty Four•

184 15 16


Word Count: 1258

Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, depression, thinking nobody likes you, cussing, drowning.

Song for chapter 24 - "Zombie" by The Cranberries.


I woke up to see my mother glaring at me. I had a nice dream for once, why did she have to ruin it? Well, I was about to find that out as she started lecturing me.

"You can't sleep in for this long! Plus, you didn't even begin your homework!" She yelled at me. I groaned, putting my face in my pillow.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"4PM!" She screeched.

"Well, technically you let me sleep in because you didn't say anything-"

"Stop blaming everyone else but yourself and finally take responsibility!" My mom told me and went out of my room, slamming the door.

As if I already didn't blame myself enough. I was the source of everyone's problems. Everybody would be better off without me. Alyssa is probably miserable now because of me.

"Why not just end it? Nobody would notice you missing. In fact, they'd probably be thankful for you not existing." A voice in my head suggested.

"That doesn't even make sense. How would they be thankful if they didn't notice me existing? If you want me to kill myself at least speak logically." I dismissed the voice.

I sat on my bed for a few moments. The voice didn't come back, leaving me in silence. Terrifyingly paranoid silence.

The voice was right, people would be thankful for my "disappearance". Did anyone actually like me? My parents didn't give a shit. Alyssa couldn't care less about me after what I did. Richie was trying to manipulate me by pretending to like me. Beverly and Mike were on the neutral rating, but I know I annoy them. The rest of the Losers club? They had moved away not caring what they left behind. Them leaving was probably the best option and eventually, the rest would also move away. Except for me. No, I was going to leave my body in Derry. Afterwards, who knows what would happen to me? It's really up to everyone's beliefs. Heaven, hell, oblivion?

I stood up from my bed and went out of my room. Right before I exited the house out of the front door, I stopped for a moment. Should my parents know where I went? Did they deserve it? Yeah, I'll tell them, so it sounds less of those pedophile/serial killer cases, which were actually Pennywise's doing.

"Hey, mom, dad?" I called out, walking in the kitchen.

"Yeah, hun?" My dad replied. He was reading the newspaper while my mom was cooking something.

"Uh, I'm going to go outside. The kissing bridge, probably. I need some fresh air." I told them.

"What? You goin' to carve something?" My dad gave me a cheeky look. I made a sad chuckle.

"Perhaps..." I responded with a cheeky look.

"Alright, but don't be out too long. Be back by curfew." My dad warned me. My mom didn't say a word, probably still mad at me.

"Yeah, ok, bye!" I said and left out the front door. I didn't feel pity for them, because I was too focused on my feelings. I acted selfishly yet again.


I climbed over the fence, balancing on the edge of the bridge. My breaths became slow, not apprehending the fear of death anymore. It was like all my feelings and senses turned off all at once. I slowly put one foot over the edge and then fell face first into the water below me.

My lungs were burning, but it was as if my body was on shut down. I still didn't feel anything. All I felt was empty. The water was pretty see-through, because light leaked into it. I saw some fish swimming past me before I completely passed out.

I heard a loud knock noise before passing out.

Richie's POV

I knocked on the door of Y/N's house and waited for someone to answer. The door was opened by her mom.

"Hi, Richie, can I help you with something?" She asked.

"...uh, where's Y/N? I came by to check on her."

"She went out. She told us that she was going to the kissing bridge. You might want to check on her there, though, if you're able to. She was not in the best mood this morning." Her mom explained.

"Yeah, sure. I'll go there right now. Thanks, Mrs. L/N!" I waved to her mom, got on my bike and drove towards the place, where Y/N was supposed to be.

Maybe I should ask her when I get there? The kissing bridge is a romantic place, right?

I shook my head, trying to dismiss the bubbling up anxiety I was having.

Little did he know, the anxiety was for an entirely different reason.



"Y/N?" Richie called out, not seeing Y/N anywhere in sight.

"Y/N!" He called out louder, but still no response. He decided to look around everywhere.

He saw something in the water, but dismissed it as either fish or the light playing tricks on me. He had seen to many cliché stories about this, so he thought it was stupid. Although, he still couldn't help but feel paranoid.

Maybe I should check it, just in case.

Richie walked down from the bridge and walked closer to the water, where he had seen the figure. It was quite a big figure, so he had started to slowly go into panicking mode. What if it was Y/N?

It was either that or a dead body, but that shouldn't be the case because the fucking clown was defeated years ago-

Richie carefully made his way into the water, trying to drag the figure out of the water. He almost had a heart attack, when he saw a hand out of water. He did not want to see a dead body today.

"If you don't want to see it, why not just leave it there? You know, less panic for everyone."

The voice had a point, but Richie's panic drove him to get the body out of the water. It was indeed Y/N.

"Hey, hey, N/N, you hear me? Can you hear me, N/N?" Richie lightly tapped her cheek. He checked the pulse and it was hardly there.

He did CPR out of panic and turns out luck was on his side today, because Y/N took a deep breath and shot her eyes open. Richie gave a big sigh of relief.

"N/N, are you all right?" Richie questioned the girl, noticing he had been on the edge of breaking down.

"Richie?" She squinted her eyes at the boy.

"Yeah, yeah, it's me, sweetcheeks. I'm right here!" Richie told her, squeezing her hands in his lightly.

Richie, however, got confused when Y/N groaned out of frustration.

"Why did you eve- HOW did you even find me here?" Y/N asked him.

"I came to check up on you at your house, but your mom said you went out. Why did you do this?" Richie almost glared at the girl. He had not imagined how easy it would be to had lost her.

"I-" Y/N tried to explain, but broke down crying. Her emotions had finally caught up to her.

"Shh, shh. It's all right, sweetcheeks. We can talk about this later. For now, we gotta get you taken care of." Richie immediately leaned in to hug the girl to comfort her.

They didn't say anything, just hugged each other for a while in comfortable silence.

If Richie hadn't cared, she would have been dead.


Wow as if it couldn't be more dramatic. Well, at least I'm aware of it. Anyway, what's your favourite fruit?

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