
232 18 16

Word Count: 999

Warnings: Slight mental breakdown, arguments with an older person, cussing, jealousy, mention of procrastinating.

Song for chapter 14 - "When You Walk Away" by 5sos.



"Miss L/N, I've been trying to explain this for the last hour and you still haven't understood it. You don't listen when I-"

"I DO LISTEN! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST UNDERSTAND THAT I SIMPLY CANNOT COMPREHEND HOW THE FUCK MATH WORKS?!" I yelled at my math teacher, who had asked me to join her after lessons, because she was tired of me getting bad marks on her subject.

"Listen, I know you're really stressed out, but I truly believe that you will pass the exams. You need to believe in yourself and everything will be okay." The teacher tried to calm me down.

"..but you're excellent at math, because you're the teacher! I doubt you've been in my place before."

"Actually, I have, but the teacher assigned me to a student that excelled math and that's how it all went up the hill for me. I don't know what else I could do, so I'm going to do the same as my teacher did and make Alyssa tutor you." The teacher told me and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


"She's my best student in your class." She explained. Best student? I knew she understood math, but I never knew she was great at it. I guess she didn't like bragging about her marks, which is a good quality.

"Am I dismissed now? I want to go home." I whined. The teacher nodded and I was on my way to the exit of the school, when I noticed Alyssa talking to somebody.

It was some brunette girl, who was pretty tall. Had Alyssa found new friends? My stomach churned at the sound of that. No, Y/N! Alyssa can be friends with who she wants!

"Hey, Alyssa!" I called out to her, waving my hand. She noticed me and shyly waved back. I walked towards her and saw her stiffening. She said something to the girl, and the girl went away.

"Oh, hEY UH- What- What's up?" Alyssa spoke as if she was covering up a crime. I made an amused smile at her and raised my eyebrow in question.

"The math teacher said you'll be my tutor. Apparently, it's because she had not been good at math either as a kid and she got a tutor assigned to her, so she thinks making us relive the same experience will make me magically pass math this year." I explained the situation to Alyssa. She seemed to get really uncomfortable.

"Do I have to...?" Alyssa asked. Ouch, ok.

"No, there's nothing wrong with you, I just- I just have a busy schedule. That's all." She quickly added, probably noticing a change in my demeanor.

"Please, you have to make time. I really am never going to pass this grade or the other ones, if I won't understand math. I don't want to stay in this place longer than I have to." I pleaded.

Her eyebrows furrowed. We stood in silence for a moment. She slowly exhaled.

"Fine." Alyssa agreed.

"Are you doing anything today?" I asked her.

"No, why-" She began, but I had already grabbed her by the hand and ran outside.

"Then you're going to tutor me today!" I exclaimed and told her to get on my bike behind me. I had a big bike, but it wasn't exactly as big as Big Bill's wink wonk. I missed Bill, although he sometimes was agitating to say the least.

I began driving at a fast pace towards my home. I heard a yelp from behind me.

"Jesus, drive slower!" Alyssa exclaimed in frustration as she slowly put her hands around my waist to not fall off the bike.

"I'm not Jesus, I'm Satan and I refuse to drive slower!"


We hopped off the bike and made our way to my front door. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door.

"Wait, shit! I forgot a few books in my locker!" Alyssa exclaimed, clenching her fists

"You'll get them later." I said, grabbing her by her hand and leading her to my room.

"But- You don't understand I- I can't do my homework if the books were left in the locker!" Alyssa stuttered in panic.

"Don't worry, you'll do it last minute, like me." I put a hand on her shoulder and reassured her.

"...and have you actually finished any of your homework?" Alyssa squinted her eyes at me in annoyance.

"Yes, I actually have. I've only been caught a few times doing the homework. The teachers couldn't do much anyway." I replied, taking my math book out my school bag.

"Wait! You have the math book, I left mine in the locker! Can I borrow it to do homework?" She begged me.

"Yes, as long, as you help me understand shit in math." I suggested.

"Well, there's no shit in math. Both meanings, but I can try to help you." Alyssa gave in.

"Yay, but first - What's your favourite show on TV?" I asked her.

"No distractions, Y/N." She warned me.

"Indeed, no distractions, but first let's watch a movie and get fat by eating candy. This is the first time you've come to my home and I want to make the most out of it!" I excitedly told her.

"If you really want to make the most out of it, spending time by watching useless TV is probably the worst option. How about putting on some music?" She suggested and I agreed. I went to get the radio and turned it on a station, that played some really good music.

"Oh my God, I love this song!" Alyssa exclaimed as one particular song began playing on the radio. She danced along to the beat, while I just admired her in confusion. One moment she's uncomfortable with me, but the next one she's not afraid to dance with an audience?

"Come on, dance with me!" She offered and I shyly refused, but she didn't take no as an answer and ended up persuading me into dancing.


Next chapter coming out on Valentine's day.

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