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Sorry for updating so late. I shouldn't give any promises about when I update, because it makes me unmotivated for some reason. Anyways, enjoy this chapter.

Word Count: 1032

Warnings: A little steamy, but not smut, friends giving the cold shoulder, mentions of alcohol, being distracted from homework, cringy ass nicknames, breakdown due to homework, mention of neglecting parents, depression.

Song for chapter 17 - "Genie In A Bottle" by Christina Aguilera.


MARCH, a Thursday.


Richie never knew he'd come to this, but he had no other choice. He had nobody to go to now, he had officially fucked it all up. It had been already around two weeks since Y/N was giving him the cold shoulder and he couldn't isolate himself completely, so he found an alternative. However, what Richie was about to make was going to be a big mistake...

....he was going to participate in a party. A party where all the jocks and popular kids go to.

Richie wasn't exactly the biggest fan of parties, but he decided that he needed to let some steam off in one way or another. He couldn't just depend on one person to keep him company and listen to his awful jokes. He needed to go out and make some friends and possibly take an illegal swig from alcohol every once in a while.

There was going to be a party this Saturday and he was going to make the most of it. His parents didn't give two shits anyway, so why not?


I was bobbing my head up and down as the radio played a cool song. I was currently at Alyssa's house, trying to understand math homework, but losing focus very easily. For example, right now my full attention was on the flickering lamp.

"Baby, don't tell me you're going to stare at the lights the whole time you're here." Alyssa whined, still trying to get me to focus on the homework.

"I don't like when you call me baby, it's a stupid nickname." I replied, completely disregarding the advice to do my homework.



"Sweetie pie?"



"That's for married couples in their 40s."



"Huh?" Alyssa furrowed her eyes in confusion as she watched me purposefully fall off the bed.

"Jesus, you scared me!" I put a hand over where my heart was probably not, pretending to be angry. Alyssa kept staring at me questionably, so I sighed and explained it to her.

"You said 'boo' as in, when people scare other people on Halloween...?"

"Oh. Well, if that gets you to start your homework too then BOO!"

"Wh- that doesn't even make any sense-"

"Do the homework, Y/N or no kisses for you." Alyssa strictly commanded me.

"Fine, mOm." I replied and she rolled her eyes and went out of the room. I'm guessing she went to get something.

I turned back to my homework and actually wrote an answer to one question. Now only nine more to go. I sighed in frustration, trying not to straight up throw the book out of Alyssa's open window. The window had been opened up for ventilation purposes.

I wondered how Mike was doing. Was he still working in his part-time job as a librarian? I should pay him a visit again some time soon.

Speaking about how people are feeling, what was Richie up to? It seemed like he never told anyone, but he was giving me the cold shoulder. Honestly, I shouldn't feel surprised. Most people react this way to people liking the same gender. I shouldn't feel offended either, because he actually kept it to himself instead of telling everyone, like people would usually do.

Before I could finish my thought train, Alyssa walked in with two cups.

"What's that?" I asked her, eyeing the liquid inside of it.

"Relax, I'm not going to poison you. It's herbal tea. It helps you concentrate. I thought this might help you to do your homework." Alyssa handed me the tea.

I took it and was about to drink, but stopped right before it reached my lips.

"Are you sure this isn't poison?" I looked up at Alyssa. She exhaled loudly out of frustration and I grinned at her little breakdown.

"Hakuna your tatas, I'm just kidding." I chuckled and she looked at me in annoyance.

"Just drink it for god's sake."

"Oh, so we talking religious now, huh? Sure, I'll drink for god.....LOKI'S SAKE!" I exclaimed.

"You're drinking for the guy that shape-shifted and got pregnant with animals?" Alyssa raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, of course. Why not?" I took a sip from the tea.

"Sometimes, I wonder how I'm still your girlfriend. You're annoying." Alyssa told me.

"You still love me, though." I smirked at her.

"Well, I mean- of course I fucking love you." Alyssa replied.

"Aw, shucks! Too bad I don't love you." I joked, but Alyssa got a hurt expression on her face.

"Just kidding, dude. You're my whole world." I tried to fix my joke and thankfully she accepted the apology. Thank god, that she's not so assuming and tense like other girls. I meant thank Loki.

We sat in silence for a while as I drank the tea and continued my homework. Somehow, the tea did help me focus and I got the homework done. I gave it to Alyssa, so she could check it. I awaited her answer.

"Almost all of these answers are wrong." Alyssa told me as her eyebrows were furrowed, as she was checking my work.

"Ah, what can I say except I'm the master of getting bad marks." I layed down on the floor.

"Don't worry, this is still progress. You got more right ones than you usually do, so I think you're getting better at it." Alyssa reassured me.

"Bullshit, you just don't want me to feel upset. I don't need your pity, because only pussies cry over shit like this, and trust me...I ain't no pussy."

"Oh really? Prove it. Prove you're not a coward."

"What? Is this like gonna cut to some dumbass montage of you training me? Like it does in shows and movies?" I asked her, raising a mock eyebrow.

"Yes." She simply responded and dragged me over to her. She smashed her lips against mine. This was a new experience, usually Alyssa was soft with kisses and I wasn't going to let her keep being in charge.

"My turn." I said as I trapped her on the bed underneath me, in between my hands.


This is as close, as it's going to get to smut for now. Hope you enjoyed. and hey, didn't the last book for this end on chapter 17?

Devil's Spawn (Richie Tozier x Fem! Reader) 2Where stories live. Discover now