
288 18 12

Word Count: 1160

Warnings: Cussing, kind of violence, bullying, a mention of gore (it really isn't, it stops before gore).

Song for chapter 11 - "Sit still, look pretty" by Daya.


JANUARY, 1995.

Ah, new year. The time of the year when you make up resolutions that will never be accomplished.

I had made a resolution to leave this town by the end of this school year. My instinct to get away from here had showed up one day and was stronger than my will to stay with my friends. I decided to confront my mom about this urge.

"Mom, I want to move away from this town..." I told her one day, while she was sitting outside on the porch. I joined her, sitting down beside her.

"Honey, why? You have everything you need here - friends, family, a nice home-"

"No, mom. I want to move away, I want to start a different life!" I argued.

"You didn't seem to be bothered not too long ago. Did something happen? Oh, God, are people bullying you, N/N?" She asked me, grabbing my hand in hers in panic. I snatched my hand away from her.

"No, mom, I just don't like this shitty town! I hate it here, I feel trapped and I have to get away!" I stood up and walked around back and forth in front of my mom. She glared at me.

"Watch your language, Y/N L/N!" She snapped at me.

"Mom, please! I-I want to go to a different school next year! I really feel so trapped here, I hate this town!" I kept on ranting and I felt my mom getting annoyed.

"Alright, I'll talk to your dad about it. We'll have a discussion, but you're not going anywhere until this school year is over." She cut me off in another one of my rants.

"Yes, ma.." I looked down at the ground as she walked off back into the house.

They had indeed discussed it that day, but ever since the conversation, they had been arguing a lot more lately. The arguments hadn't ended up in raised voices yet, but I felt it might happen. Moving was a big thing and my mom was not a fan of it. My dad, however, disagreed, because he felt trapped here too. My mom said her reason was that she grew up here and didn't want to leave this town, but she was lying. She was scared. Scared of flying. Planes were her worst nightmare.

I sometimes felt delusional, like I was living in a dream. Some things didn't feel real. I felt like my parents were complete empty shells. My friends were real and I knew it. I felt a connection with them, including Alyssa. However, I didn't feel anything towards my parents, the only thing I really did feel was numbness and anger.

I was almost completely convinced that we had not killed the clown. I once made a conclusion that IT was in control of this town. IT controlled everyone's feelings, therefore getting to kids easier. I saw a memory from what I assumed was the murderous creature sealing a deal with a person. The scene all around looked old, like it came from around the 16th century. IT had promised to not terrorize the town as long, as the person had kept her part of the deal. The person was a female just trying to protect her newborn.

All of the losers club had forgotten IT, like it never existed, even Richie, Bev and Mike. They only remembered fragments, but I remembered everything. I had seen the "defeat" of IT, but I was under control so I couldn't have done anything. I had almost killed Richie that day, but he forgave me like it was nothing.

What does any of this have to do with leaving Derry? I felt like I was being pushed out of here, I couldn't think straight. At first, I thought that it didn't made sense, that the clown we defeated three years ago would want me to go away, since it fed off of humans. I was still influenced by IT's mind control. IT was sending me away, so I could forget everything. I gladly wanted to oblige, because the memories in Derry felt like nightmares, so I requested to move away. If IT wanted to send me away, my parents would be influenced by it, making them agree with my request. Maybe it would be better off this way?


"Hey, Alyssa!" I exclaimed as soon, as I saw her enter the classroom. She smiled and sat down next to me like always.

"N/N, did you do the homework?" She asked me and I noticed that she looked really tired. There were bags under her eyes and there was a hidden sadness in them as well.

"No, I never do and you know that. You look upset, something wrong?" I asked her and she immediately averted her attention to her bag. She grabbed out some books, ignoring my question.

"Hey, you can tell me...I'm here for you and you know that," I put a hand on her shoulder and I felt her get tense.

"I don't want you to worry about me, Y/N." She told me and my eyes caught a glimpse of a bruise on her arm. I snatched her arm to inspect it. She winced as I carefully touched the bruise.

"Who did this to you?!" I whisper-yelled. She hushed me, not wanting to get the teacher's attention on us.

"...Greta," She muttered, looking away from me. I smiled in complete fury. Alyssa gave me an odd, confused look.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She asked me.

"That blonde bimbo is not going to live to see the next day." I calmly stated, feeling anger grow more and more as time progressed.

"Hey! My hair is blonde..." Alyssa protested as she formed her mouth into a pout.

"You know what I meant." My look hardened and I let her hand go. I noticed her hand shakily return itself to her lap. I looked away from her and waited for a few minutes for the lesson to start. I attempted to pay attention for once, but my mind wandered off anyway.

What had caused Greta to physically attack Alyssa? Well, there were a ton of reasons, since Greta was so insecure about herself, but I didn't know what the exact reason was. I contemplated all my chances of getting back at Greta. If I'd do physical violence, Alyssa would be upset with me, because she was a kind-hearted person, even though Greta fully deserved this. I couldn't do physical violence, because I would create unnecessary drama and have even a bigger chance of getting expelled than last time. Plus, Greta has an army of her minions and even if I am by chance strong, there's way more than one person and I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I just decided on breaking Greta piece by piece from the inside. Someone had to teach her a lesson at one point anyway.


Yay, whipee! Now to actually set a plan for updates, otherwise I'll go insane with wanting to update every day.

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