•Twenty seven•

193 14 40

Hi! Sorry for posting a day later than the update schedule, I just wanted to switch back to long chapters, so it took a bit of a  while until I got the inspiration to write this.

Word Count: 1407

Warnings: Inappropriate comments, dirty jokes, 4th wall breaking, drunken driving, somehow still no cursing, friendly teasing, confrontation, social anxiety.

Song for chapter 27 - "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley.


...and that was that. I was sent back to school by my parents like nothing had happened. They dismissed it when I questioned them about it. They hadn't even contemplated on therapy. It was like they forgot about it and didn't want to remember. I remembered what mom said about Richie. Maybe that was her way of trying to get me to leave them alone?

I stared at the ground as I walked to my next lesson, trying to reduce my panicking. It felt like everyone's eyes were on me and that they were judging me. I tried to reassure myself that honestly nobody gives a shit, but it didn't help me to calm down.

I had decided to try to apologize to Alyssa and at least stay friends. I was going to confront her after classes. Will she forgive me after what I said to her? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! I quietly chuckled to myself and someone passing by looked at me as if I was going crazy.

"Y/N! Hey, Y/N, wait for me!" I heard Richie yell out from behind me. I groaned and turned around to see him struggling to get to me through the crowd. I smiled at his attempts as people kept pushing him back.

"Hey, Richie." I greeted him as he finally got out of the crowd and approached me.

"Hi, Y/N. So how's your life going, buddy?" He asked me and put an arm over my shoulder as we walked off to French class.

"I don't want to sound dramatic, but either way the term 'I'm fine' clearly doesn't mean I'm fine." I responded.

"What do you mean you're not fine? You're a whole snack-" Richie commented and I pushed him jokingly. He pushed me back. Then it was a whole war of pushing until we got to the door of French class and everybody stared at us weirdly.

We stood there smiling awkwardly for a moment before I muttered 'ladies first' and pushed a protesting Richie in the classroom. I made short eye contact with Alyssa before looking away in shame and made my way to my seat at the back of the class. The teacher clapped her hands to get the attention of all the chattering students.

"Alright, today we'll be learning how to make questions. Open the page 69 in your students books." The teacher said and I heard Richie snicker beside me, so I hit his shoulder while trying to hold back my laughter.

"Is there something wrong, Miss L/N and Mr. Tozier?" The teacher looked at us with a daring look.

"No, nothing at all, teacher." Richie coughed to hide his non-stop giggling.

"This is a question," The teacher wrote a question in French on the board. I zoned out like always as she spoke. I slowly fell asleep.


I drove fast as I giggled mercilessly. The road was blurry and it looked funny.

"You're intoxicated, you're going to get us killed!" The passengers in the car behind me yelled. I just kept on driving.

"STOP, G-"


Someone shook me and I shot up in my seat. I turned to see Richie giving me a weird look. I took my notebook and wrote an answer to his questioning look with a pencil. Then I gave him the notebook.

Devil's Spawn (Richie Tozier x Fem! Reader) 2Where stories live. Discover now