
211 13 24

Word Count: 1448

Warnings: Drug use, big fight/argument, snitched on, partying, teenagers being teenagers, cussing, 4th wall breaking, cringy ass drama.

Song for chapter 19 - "No Broken Hearts" by Bebe Rexha & Nicki Minaj.


It was 8PM on a Friday and my parents had went away for the weekend, thankfully. I was getting ready for the party (the party was starting at 9:30PM) and my parents couldn't stop me. I'll probably be in the presence of at least around twenty drunk or high teenagers, so I need to be careful.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'll most likely get in a fight with one of them.

I shook my head, trying to get worrisome thoughts away and debated with myself on how I was going to get to the party. If I walked by foot, I'd get there in about a half hour, but if I drove with my bike I'd get there twice the speed. However, people would assume I'm childish or broke if I went with the bike, because most of them have cars. Pretty shitty cars, but still cars. It's either them making fun of me by walking on foot or driving with the bike.

Bike it is then.


I'm guessing everybody was not going to care enough (due to me being fashionably late, because I accidentally slammed my finger in my bedroom door) for me not knocking, so I entered the house. I was right, nobody even spared a look at me. I went straight to where the source of the music was leading me.

A lot of people were making a crowd, so I wasn't going to be in a spotlight when dancing. For that reason, I joined in on the dancing. A catchy tune was playing.

I saw a flock of red hair, which caught my attention, so I turned my head and saw Beverly. Holy shit, I had completely forgotten about her since she hung out with me at my house.

I pushed my way through the crowd, trying to catch up to Bev, who seemed to be rushing away. I muttered some 'sorry's and 'excuse me's as some people yelled at me for pushing through them.

"BEV!" I tried to call out as the music blasted full volume. Thankfully, she heard me and turned around to see me. As soon, as she noticed me, a big smile came to her face.

I ran over to her once I was out of the crowd, grabbed her hand and ran to the bathroom, where hopefully we could talk with hearing each other. Nope, there was a couple half-naked in the bathroom, so I slammed the door shut and dragged her outside the house.

"Hi, I haven't seen you in a while!" Bev happily exclaimed as we had exited the insanely loud house.

"Yeah, I saw you and wanted to ask you what you were doing here."

"Oh, I was actually leaving. You wanna come with?" Beverly offered.

"No, thanks. I'll stay here for a while, since I haven't been in a party for so long and I need to let steam off." I responded.

"Well, I hope you succeed in letting your steam off. Oh, and also Richie is in there, probably getting high." Beverly told me and waved at me as she walked off.

I stopped in my tracks and my face dropped. Richie was in there...getting high? He smoked, sure, but he never used drugs. I needed to find and help him. I didn't care, if he was giving me the cold shoulder, I couldn't let him ruin himself like this.

I ran back into the house on the search for Richie. Turns out it wasn't that hard, he was making a scene.

"Y/N likes Alyssa!" He howled and I stopped walking towards him.

Devil's Spawn (Richie Tozier x Fem! Reader) 2Where stories live. Discover now