
199 16 7

Word Count: 1210

Warnings: Depression, partying, getting wasted (aka using alcohol and it has quite a description, so a trigger warning), skipping class for a party, cussing.

Song for chapter 18 - "Ламбада" by T-Fest X Скриптонит. Translation: "Lambada" by T-Fest and Scriptonite.



Richie walked into the two story house without knocking and saw the whole place crowded. He barely got into the house with people pushing him around. He didn't exactly know what he was going to do, he hadn't planned it, but he hoped to get access to alcohol. He walked through the crowd for a bit before spotting a mini bar with some guy standing next to it.

"Hey, this place got any booze?" Richie asked the unknown guy.

"Yeah, sure. What kind of booze ya want?" The guy asked in return.

"With high volume. I plan on going full tonight." Richie replied and the guy looked slightly concerned, but got the alcohol for him anyway.

"Here ya go, our finest whiskey."

"Thanks, dude. How much?"

"On the house. Only for this time, though."

"Okay, I'll see you later...or not." Richie waved to the stranger as he made his way more into the crowd.

He walked further until he heard music and made his way towards it. People were dancing and grinding against each other, so Richie decided to join in as he took a swig from the whiskey. Some girl got close to him and began grinding on him. His face flushed entirely red, but he had to admit it felt good. Although, he felt disgusting as a person.

His thoughts went back to Y/N. Her eyes, which never let a hidden emotion slip by. Her stunning face features. She was a difficult one to figure out, but that's what he liked about her. The mysterious vibe she gave off, there was more to her. He had been her best friend for years and even then he knew he still didn't know everything about her.

Richie shook his head, trying to rid his thoughts of her and responded to the girl grinding on him by grinding against her too. That's exactly why he came here, to try to forget about Y/N. She wasn't interested in him and she would never be. How could she? Richie was nothing else but a piece of annoying shit.

As Richie felt the alcohol get more in his system (as he drank more) any logical thoughts slowly faded away. He was a giggling mess as he was trying not to lose his balance. Everything was getting blurry and his vision was more sensitive to light.

Suddenly, his senses focused more as he was tapped on the shoulder.

"Richie? What are you doing here?" Asked a person, who Richie couldn't make out. They seemed to be a female. All Richie could do was giggle like a small kid in response, since his brain wasn't working properly.

"Are you dru- holy fuck you look like absolute shit! Hold on, I'll help you get to the bathroom." The person tried to lead him to the bathroom, but Richie didn't budge. Who was this stranger and why were they forcing him to go to the bathroom?

"Are you trying to k-kidnap me?" Richie slurred as the person kept persisting on leading him to the bathroom.

"No, you're drunk and I'm trying to help you." The person replied.

"I don't need your help! I'm perfectly fi-" Richie was about to say as he stumbled over his own feet and almost fell before the person caught him.

"Clearly you're not fine, so let me guide you to the bathroom. Please." The person begged as if Richie was important to them.

"F-fine..." Richie could hardly speak without slurring. He let himself be dragged to the bathroom.

As soon as the door of the bathroom was closed Richie vomited in the bathtub. The person by the door sighed, disappointed that their friend would do such a thing to himself.

Richie didn't vomit anymore and just sniffled. The person came closer to look at Richie and saw that he was crying, so they kneeled down by him and patted his back to comfort him.

"What's wrong, Richie?"

"Depends on who's asking." Richie tried to focus his vision to make out who the person was, but to no avail.

"It's Bev, Richie. Beverly Marsh." She replied.

"Bev? What are you doing here?" Richie asked in confusion.

"I should be asking the same to you. Now, tell me why are you on the floor by the bathtub during a party while crying and vomiting?"

"It's not that important."

"You seemed really sad, you were crying. You know you can tell me anything, Rich." Beverly tried talking to him.

"Well, I-" Richie tried speaking, but his voice cracked and he started crying again. Beverly hugged him tightly and he latched onto her like a koala.

Has he never had hugs? Beverly thought to herself. He seemed really desperate for them.

"Shh, it's all right. Just tell me when you feel better, ok? We don't need to rush things, if you can't tell me now." Beverly comforted him.

...and he never told Beverly the reason. He just let himself be escorted home by her, where his parents were not waiting for him like always. The party really didn't help, it backfired by making him feel more worse. Maybe he hadn't tried all of the options? There were a few things left that could distract him.

Richie tried not to think about it as he tried to carefully make his way up the stairs to his room. Almost falling around ten times, but finally successfully making his way to the top. As soon, as he was in his room he collapsed onto his bed. He fell unconscious almost right after.



Everyone was staring at me and Alyssa, laughing and whispering to other people. I nervously made my way through the hallways. Did somebody snitch on us? No, I don't think they could have. The only one I told was Richie and he didn't seem to want to tell it to anyone, he just seemed angry about it.

"Hey, Y/N! Want to join me at a party tonight?" Someone came to ask me in the corridor. I recognized them from Math. Her name was Penelope and she was pretty kind to everyone. Everyone called her Penny.

"Oh, and Alyssa can join too of course!" Penny quickly added.


"Sure, I'll come." I agreed, cutting off whatever Alyssa was going to say.

"Great! See you then." Penny smiled friendly at me and strutted off into the corridor.

"Are you going to come with me to the party?" I turned to Alyssa as soon, as Penny had went away.

"I'm not sure, probably not. It's a bad idea." Alyssa shyly replied.

"It's all right, I get it. I'll go to the party, but promise me you'll keep yourself entertained somehow and not just sit around your room the whole time I'm at the party, ok?"

"Yes, I'll try not to sit around my room the whole time." Alyssa rolled her eyes.

"Ok, I got to go home. I'll get ready for the party." I told her.

"W-what about Fre-"

"Just tell the teacher I felt sick, so I went home or something similar to that. Bye!" I ran off.

Finally, I was going to do something else than my usual routine. Maybe I'll let some steam off at the party.


Yay, I updated on the schedule again! I don't even know what to say in these author notes anymore. How's life for you? You in school?

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