
267 18 18

Word Count: 1039

Warnings: Cussing, mental breakdowns, sadness (???), cameo.

Song for chapter 13 - "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel.



It had been around two weeks and the drama I created had settled a bit, although Greta was still mad at me. Her boyfriend gave off mixed signals. He gave death glares to me, but flirted with me whenever Greta and her goons were gone from sight. Of course he didn't want to become a social outcast!

Richie had apologized, although he had done nothing wrong. His concern was fully understandable. Alyssa came to school after everyone stopped talking about the gossip, because she had apparently been sick the whole week.

Alyssa was acting quite strange around me lately, but I didn't bring it up in a conversation. She seemed to be avoiding eye contact often and blushed and stuttered while speaking to me. I also noticed I got a bit nervous around her, but perhaps my body was just replicating her emotions somehow.

As I observed, Greta had not came anywhere near Alyssa, probably scared of what I was capable of. I grinned evilly to myself.

"What are ya smirkin' at, lass?" Richie, who slammed the table I was sitting at in the cafeteria, announced his arrival.

"Not the Scottish accent again!" I sighed dramatically, slamming my head softly against the table.

"It's Irish, actually, you dumbass!" Richie snickered at the red spot on my forehead I had gotten from the desk slamming (which he pointed out only after we got out of the public).

"So anyway, where's Alyssa?" He asked me as soon, as we got out of the cafeteria.

"I don't know, she's been acting very weird lately." I replied, rubbing my hand against my other arm's elbow awkwardly.

"I thought only I noticed that, you were too busy flirting with her!" Richie exclaimed and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Flirting? Tozier, you do that on a daily basis, whether it be a person or an inanimate object."

"He- SHIT!" Richie was about to snap back, but got interrupted by someone slamming into him.

The one who slammed into him was a girl and she knocked both of them on the floor, her books falling on top of Richie in the process. I walked over to help her get out of this situation.

"Jesus, how did you not see him? He's like a giraffe!" I blabbered as I picked up her books and then helped her to stand up.

"Sorry, I'm pretty new here. I was looking down at my map of the school. To locate the places is nearly impossible." She explained as she stood up, putting her bag over her shoulder (Richie helped, putting the books back in the bag).

"What classroom do you need to find now?" I asked, crossing my arms on my chest.

"Uh...biology, I think."

"Oh, I can show you that. Richie, come on." I ushered Richie to come with me, not wanting to ditch him again.

"So what's your name and why did you move here half-year? Derry is not a good town to live in." I spoke to her, trying all my best to be friendly.

"I'm Sparky and wow usually people of this place speak of this as a kingdom with luxuries. Why is it not good?"

"There's kids going missing like every day and I'm pretty sure it's not like where you previously lived."

"I feel different in this town. Not like bad different, but good different." She replied and I winced, remembering how I had not even warned Alyssa about the literal killer clown in our town.

I shook my head. No, IT was gone and that was that.


"No, you're supposed to multiply X with fifty, not fourty!" Richie scolded me as we were doing math homework at the secret hideout.

"...and you said Ben was a nerd..." I muttered to myself.


"You went to the library? On purpose???"


"What was that?" Richie asked me.


"I don't understand how you get such low marks on math, it's so easy!" Richie told me in disbelief.

"It depends on the person, asshole." I rolled my eyes.

"I mean, how are you going to pass the end exams? You're totally going to fail!"

"Thanks for the motivation..." I muttered and shifted my gaze to the side.

Richie's POV

Ah, shit, I shouldn't have said that! Great job, Richie, screwing up as always!

I coughed awkwardly and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Uh- I mean with practice you can always achieve a passing mark-" I tried to recover.

"I can't and won't understand math and you know that, Rich! I wasn't meant for math solving, so I have to live with the fact that I will stay the second year in 9th grade." She sounded like she was on the edge of a mental breakdown. Can math even drive people that far?

"Hey, it'll be okay. You probably won't even use it in your future, so it's not the most important thing in the world." I tried to calm her down, so I hugged her awkwardly. She returned the hug.

Hugs felt nice. Especially from Y/N, but we don't talk about that. My parents wouldn't care enough to even give me a single hug.

We sat like that on the ground for a good moment, just in each other's embrace.


"Thanks.." I said quietly after I pulled away from the hug.

"For what?" He asked me.

"For helping me."

"Are you kidding me? You have done WAY more than that to help me, I should be thanking you."

"Well, uh- anyway, that escalated quickly from doing homework. What about we get back to-"

"I think we should take a break. Homework is taking a big toll on you." He said, taking away my book and notebooks and closed them.

I wasn't the type to do homework, unless if it's last minute sometimes, but I really needed to understand how math worked, since the exams weren't that far.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" I asked him then immediately regretted it, realizing how that sounded.

Richie turned to me with a smirk on his eyes and wiggled his eyebrows as he jokingly leaned in. I laughed and shoved him backwards. He pretended to be hurt.

...but was it pretend?


Sorry for so much drama, I'm really trying to make it as much of a slow burn as I can.

Devil's Spawn (Richie Tozier x Fem! Reader) 2Where stories live. Discover now