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The gentlemen finally rejoined the ladies in time for predicted drinks. This would be the first time that Edward would take his place as host at his dinner table since his return to Sanditon and Denham Place. Lady Denham had joined them, and it would be an exercise in forgiveness and new beginnings for them all, thought Clara.

As they moved into dinner, Lady Denham was escorted by Lord Babington, and Edward accompanied his sister, leaving Carlisle to offer his arm to Clara. As she laughed at a comment the gentleman had imparted, she could hardly fail to notice the scowl Edward directed at them. Oh, this was going to be interesting, she grinned.

Somewhat to her surprise, Carlisle delivered her to the hostess's seat at the opposite end of the table to Edward. No one blinked an eye as she unfolded her napkin and sat. Carlisle took the place to her right, and Babington sat on her left. She felt a moment's remorse for Edward sat between Esther and his Aunt, but she soon reconciled the fact that he would have to repair the familial relationships if he wished to be accepted once more on his own merit. He caught her eye and saluted with his glass as he noticed her watching him.

Carlisle and Babington kept her entertained throughout the meal. Carlisle, in particular, was overtly attentive. It was fun once more to flirt, even innocently, with an intelligent man. He was witty and charming, and she had not lied when she had called him handsome, yet he was not Edward.

Throughout the meal, their eyes would meet across the length of the table, and the room would dissolve into nothing. Edward's eyes, bright and alert, seemed to be searching hers for something. His smile was full of warmth unless she was conversing with Carlisle, then it would turn brittle, and he would look away. Curious. If it were anyone but Edward she would name that reaction and call it jealously. Alas, it was Edward, and she was hardly likely to inspire that emotion in him!

Carlisle was a delight, but in her experience, she had met men like him before. There was an air of detachment that cloaked him and a superficial charm that flattered and flirted but gave nothing of himself away. This was a man who guarded his secrets and let no one close.

So, as she enjoyed her meal and the accompanying wine, she presented the façade of a delightful dinner companion, laughing at jests and responding with equally verbose rejoinders; she genuinely enjoyed the performance. If she perhaps behaved a little too amused or a slightly too flirtatious, well it harmed no one, least of all Edward.

As the meal concluded, the ladies left the men to their port and excused themselves in favour of the tea tray. Once comfortably situated, Lady Denham wasted no time in beginning her interrogation.

"So, Clara Brereton, I see you have managed to charm not one but two of the men this evening. Well played, my dear. A little competition makes things far more interesting. Carlisle was eating out of your hand, and all the while Edward looked as if he'd swallowed a wasp!" She chortled.

"You are mistaken, Aunt," Clara insisted. "Carlisle is good company, and Edward paid me no mind at all."

"Is that so." Her Aunt replied with a knowing smile. "You were obviously not privy to our conversation. Esther, what do you say? Every other word was Clara this and that."

Esther laughed. "I shall not be drawn, Aunt. You may speculate if you wish to, but I shall reserve my own opinions, and I'm sure Clara would prefer to do likewise."

'Thank you' mouthed Clara to Esther just as the door opened and the men joined them.

Unwilling to invite further speculation from her Aunt, Clara excused herself to check on Violet. She rushed from the room and almost lost her footing in her haste to put distance between herself and dinner companions. She had nearly reached the wing where the nursery was located when her name was called from a few feet behind her. Startled, she almost lost her footing once more but was caught by a pair of strong arms. Daring to look up at her rescuer, she came face to face with the one man she had most dearly hoped to avoid.

The Redemption of Sir Edward Denham - A Return to Sanditon NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now