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The next three weeks passed in blissful contentment. They had broken the news first to Violet, who was thrilled to hear that she would be allowed a new dress for the wedding and that her papa would continue to teach her how to play chess. Clara rolled her eyes at her daughters' response and her idea of priorities.

Esther and Babington were equally, if more eloquently effusive in their congratulations. They left that afternoon with a promise to be back, next time with all of their children to help celebrate the nuptials.

Next came a visit to Sanditon House, to relay their news to their Aunt. Lady Violet Denham smiled sagely and nodded. "It's as it should be. I knew even in the darkest days that you two were made for each other. Kindred spirits if ever I saw them. Clara Brereton did I not tell you a husband would be found for you, well look at him – delivered straight to the very door!"

To her nephew, she smiled, "Edward, you will love that girl, and you will make me proud, do you understand? No more of your madcap scheming. My great-niece needs respectable parents, and I wish to have more children about me as I grow old." To which Edward chuckled and gave his solemn promise he would put every effort into complying with her wishes.

Lady Denham had been pleased to offer Sanditon House and Chapel for the ceremony and had been a little surprised by their intent to have the bans read instead of opting for the more fashionable special licence. So, a betrothal of three weeks and a handful of days would see them stood at the alter amidst more friends and family than either had ever hoped to have.

Clara had been thrilled by the arrival of the Downing sisters; Rose, Countess Frogmore, Louisa, Marchioness of Berwick, and Maria, the youngest sibling. So too, Esther and Charlotte had both made the trip back to Sanditon in time for the special occasion.

On the eve of the wedding, all of the ladies made a jolly party, and as they shared stories and offered pre-nuptial advice, Clara found herself happier than she could ever recall. Having gone from the damaged girl she had once considered herself to be, without a single friend in the world, to being surrounded by such kindness and acceptance, she found she much preferred a life that made room for others. Friends.

Meanwhile, across the town, another gathering took place. Sidney Parker had opened his home and his drinks cabinet in honour of the imminent leg-shackling of another willing bachelor. Edward had been stunned to find that despite past animosity, time was, in fact, a great healer. Parker had shaken his hand and wished him well. He had said that if Charlotte could forgive his conduct, then who was he to judge a man. The failed abduction, and his association with Eliza Campion, had been the final nail in Edward's reputational coffin. Devoid of every last shred of honour, he had been banished to the continent. Strangely enough, that single act had been the catalyst for change and growth that with hindsight, had been precisely what he had needed most.

Babington and Crowe, Earl Frogmore these days, were propped up by the mantelpiece laughing uproariously at some on dit or other, and much to Edward's surprise, Jack Hargreaves, Marquess of Berwick had made the journey accompanied by Sam Carlisle and Kit Ellis.

It was truly strange to be back amongst the fold, Edward thought, after so many years adrift. Strange but oddly grounding. These were good men, and they were willing to give him another chance to prove himself. He knew in his heart that this time, he would not fail them, nor his family. Clara and Violet were his whole world. Someday soon he hoped they would increase their numbers. Both he and Clara deserved nothing less than happiness, and he would do all in his power to achieve it.

"Denham. How are you holding up? I hear the injuries have healed well?" Hargreaves enquired handing him a glass of port.

"I am well, thank you. I received excellent care and am now almost fighting fit." Edward smiled in response.

The Redemption of Sir Edward Denham - A Return to Sanditon NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now