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Clara was feeling uncommonly morose as she wandered around the house in search of diversion. Rain pelted the windowpanes, and there was a general chill in the air that proclaimed that soon winter would be upon them. Violet was currently occupied in Edwards study learning to play chess with her father. Needless to say, she had assiduously avoided Edward since their encounter last night.

That morning had seen the departure of Carlisle. Esther and Babington were due to leave that afternoon. They had been away from their home for almost two weeks and were understandably keen to be back with their children. Soon, it would be just the three of them. Even the Parkers had decamped to London for a few weeks. She must broach the subject of their accommodations, sooner rather than later. Perhaps Edward could help her secure a cottage in Sanditon for her and Violet, thus allowing him unfettered access to his daughter whilst keeping her safe from scandal, and herself safe from temptation, she added under her breath.

For the dratted man was tempting her even now. How easy it would have been to have fallen into his arms and never let go. She almost hadn't. Had she not come to her senses and pulled from the embrace, who knows what the consequences may have been. Who knew she had such a strong will; to be able to deny the one thing she wanted most? Still, there was nothing to be done about it.

Making her way slowly back to the inside, she made her way up the stairs to join Esther in the parlour for tea. The door stood slightly ajar, and as she pushed it wider the sight before her caused her to stop abruptly.

From just inside the doorway, she could see Esther and Edward holding each other in an embrace, so tender and familiar. Whispered words were being shared between the two stepsiblings and though she couldn't grasp all of the conversation she heard snippets. Enough to turn her blood to ice and her heart to splinter into a thousand pieces. A gasp escaped her, and she spun around, running with unladylike speed all the way back to her bedchamber.

"So, sister. I needed to explain my intentions towards Clara before you leave this afternoon. I very much hope to persuade her to agree to marry me. I understand that her reputation will be frowned upon, as will my own, and wanted to forewarn you in case there is a scandal in town. Our future association made prove difficult for you." Edward explained. "Of course, it will all be for nought if she refuses me, but I hope to convince her."

Babington grinned from across the room where he was buried under the morning papers. "Stuff scandal, Denham, it means little to us, does it dear? It may be premature, but I wish you all the luck in the world, Edward. I know I speak for Esther when I say, our opinion of Miss Brereton has improved immeasurably upon better acquaintance. I hope you receive a favourable response."

"Thank you, Babington, that means a lot. Esther?" Edward asked cautiously.

His stepsister, who had remained silent while Edward spoke, moved swiftly across the room to embrace her brother. "I am so happy for you, Edward." She cried, "It was always meant to be Clara, and she has loved you so well and for so long."

"Wait, she loves me? Are you sure?" Esther nodded with a smile. Edward hugged her fiercely, so relieved was he to hear those words of encouragement.

"You see, love can overcome even the most challenging obstacles if you have but a little patience. You deserve happiness. I am convinced that this love was written in the stars."

A gasp sounded from just beyond the door, and as Esther moved to the hallway, she caught a glimpse of Clara's skirts as she raced up the staircase. Turning, she groaned, "Oh, Edward. I fear that Clara has just seen us here together and has assumed the worst. Go to her."

Edward shared a worried glance with Babington before being spurred into motion. Reaching Clara's room, he knocked.

"Clara? Clara. Open the door." Silence. Edward glared at the smooth wooden surface that was blocking his progress.

The Redemption of Sir Edward Denham - A Return to Sanditon NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now