An Unfortunate Mistake • 2

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"Four college students murdered in an alleyway. It seemed as though the culprit had disappeared right after the crime. Investigators have taken what they had found at the scene but, nothing seemed to be found.

No fingerprints and no initial evidence. he only thing we have was the message encrypted into the wall, 'Not everyone deserves to liv-', " Kusuo let out a deep exhale before turning off the news.

He got up and walked towards the garbage bin throwing in the remainants of the chicken he was eating.

He felt sick to his stomach.

Walking into the laundry room, Saiki took out his clothes he had worn on the day of the murder.

he folded them into a neat pile and walked into his room to place them in his closet.

He planned to burn them later.

He made his way into the bathroom and went straight into the shower not bothering to look into the mirror for specific reasons.

he turned on the hot water.

Bringing his head back, he felt every drop of water hit his skin like harmless bullets, trying not to let his thoughts engulf him he made the shower quick.

After he finished, he stepped out of the bathroom and went into his bedroom, he grabbed a photo that was on his table next to his bed.

It was a photo of him and his family.

He ran his hand past his parents and grandparents photographed faces, not realizing a tear fell out of his eye.

"I...I did it again," his voice cracks as he mutters softly, he shuffled causing more tears to fall out, "I'm so sorry... I'm a"He sniffled some more before he heard the blazing sound of his ring tone.

He sucked in his tears as much as he could before he picked up the phone, his hands shaking quite a bit.


He questioned as he gazed at the caller ID but still picked up anyways.

"Hello this is the Japanese police force." Saiki felt his heart rate quicken," We have chosen you as a citizen who will join an elected group of heroes in figuring out this crime, these heroes are not from this country and we trust that you keep that information down low Saiki kusuo, " Kusuo cursed mentally.

The police have really got some guts calling random foreigners and trusting them.

But then again Kusuo didn't care.

"Okay." He replied.

"Thank you for your corporation, please come down to the station later today or even now!" Saiki nodded before remembering that he was on the phone.

"I'm on my way." He said while getting up.

Saiki put on some black plain pants, and a green t-shirt, he then put on a black hoodie on top, he grabbed a small zip lock bag with something inside that he was going to dispose of.

He grabbed his car keys and headed out his apartment, he found his way towards the elevator.

Once Kusuo reached the police station he went inside and gave his information to the front office. They let him in immediately and he met the head of the police force, Daichi Senki.

"Oh, you are here. Please follow me this way to meet the guests." He said and Kusuk followed willingly despite having a bad feeling at the pit of his stomach.

They walked for a bit until they come up to the front of a large metal door which required a fingerprint to enter.

The head of the department inserted his finger into the finger pad, and the door unlocked with a click.

When the door slid open they were met with very weird looking guests, there was a guy who had multiple hands on his face and the back of his head.

There was another guy whose neck was protected with metal and he looked like he had a head made out of purple gas.

Ths girl who was amongst them had a rather eerie smile of her face, she had her hair into two buns. There was also a man who had a way too many scars, burns almost?

"So this is him?" The man with the mauve colored scars questioned.

The mint blue haired man studied Kusuo.

"Why couldn't you have given us someone more.." He trailed off while circling around the pink haired boy before continuing,"...useful. He doesn't seem very promising."

The man with multiple hands criticized.

"Sorry, all of our officers are currently occupied. He was the only option." The head of the department bowed.

"But why him?" The girl questioned.

"Well you see, he has helped us with a case in the past. His family died in murder spree two years ago and he helped us find the culprit, but the absence of his family had taken a toll on his mind," Daichi explained, while Kusuo frowned.

He wasn't keen on the man talking about his personal issues.

"Oh...interesting, so basically he has mental issues?"The scarred man asked.

"Yes, he had got taken out of the asylum a little earlier than others because he showed signs of normality faster than other patients, right now he's doing perfectly fine." Daichi stated with a grin.

"That's a nice back story, now if you wouldn't mind, I think it's time for you to die." The man who had multiple hands stated, walking towards Daichi with his hands stretched out.

Daichi froze, "W-what?"

"I don't like repeating my self."

"This is fun to watch." She commented as she grinned. Beforr Kusuo could blink the apparent hero had scratched the Daichi with all five of his fingers.

The head of the department began to disintegrate, "What the hell?" Kusuo blurted out in disbelief.

"Well if you don't corporate that's how you'll end up. By the way, the names Dabi." the scarred man introduced, his left hand now placed on Kusuo's neck as he held both of his hands hostage.

"I'm Toga!" The girl introduced.

"Shigaraki." The man with multiple hands bluntly introduced.

"My name is Kurogiri," a man with a dark purple mist for a head and arms had said. Kusuo only took deep breaths, "You are the murderer aren't you?" Toga excitedly asked.

Kusuo only responded with silence.

"Check his pockets." Shigaraki ordered and Toga did as told, she found the same ziplock bag that Kusuo took so he could dispose of it, he already escaped security when they did a body search for weapons but he was too shocked to react now.

"You cut off their fingers?" Dabis deep and raspy voice whispered into Kusuo's right ear.

Kurogiri said as he took the bag from a Toga.

"You are definitely villain material." Shigaraki praised.

"Kurogiri let's go,"Shigaraki said and suddenly a portal opened up.

"For accidentally bringing us here we got a pretty good trophy." Shigaraki commented and walked through it.

Everyone followed along. Dabi had hit the younger at the back of his neck knocking him out.

He smirked.

"This is going to be fun."


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