The Two People I Hate • 6

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3 months later -

Saiki was currently at work.

It was another busy night, filled with alcohol, dancing, grinding and the usual make out session. It other words Kusuo was disgusted and wanted to puke.

He was working extra hours today so he could get another day off.

He really hated this job.

But then again they pay good money.

Saiki sighed holding the empty tray in his hand,a sudden wave of a headache had hit him.

he cursed mentally.

He was walking back towards the bar counter to go get the next tray of drinks. As he made his way behind the counter he suddenly bent down to tie his shoes, unknowing to the raven haired boy a group of villains had welcomed themselves into the bar.

suddenly a bad feeling struck Kusuo as he saw a glimpse of multiple hands while attempting to raise his head.

that made Kusuo shoot up as he recognized those hands, only to have his eyes widened as he saw the villains.

'Why are they here?'
He thought in distress.

He was sure he had hidden his identity pretty well.

Suddenly, they started to create chaos as Dabi set half of the place on fire.

Kusuo had closed his eyes.

Villains will always be villains.

He slipped his hands into his pockets, searching for his phone, he quickly found it. He dropped down, hiding his presence from the scene behind the counter.

he called the police and informed them about the situation.

Just as the police was about to tell Kusuo that the heroes were on their way, he felt someone grab the phone from his hands and looked up only to meet Toga.

She grabbed him by his neck and brought him up abruptly, "Hey guys look, there was one hiding down here!" she yelled.

All the other villains present had turned towards the girl.

"Good job." Dabi, as Kusuo recognized, complimented the blonde-haired girl.

"Should we kill him too?" Toga asked, Kusuo tensed under her hols and tried not to look at the floor full of dead bodies "and also can I have his blood, he's pretty good looking."

Kusuo could only roll his eyes.

"Can you stop gripping my neck so harshly?" Saiki questioned which made Toga's smirk grow even wider.

"You've got some balls, " Dabi tells the younger male. Grabbing a bottle of alcohol that was on the table, he grabbed a glass that wasn't broken and poured it in.

"So what's your name?" Dabi questioned.

"None of your damn business."

Dabi smirked.

"We were informed that a guy named Saiki Kusuo works here and his shift finished an hour ago." Dabi stated.

Kusuo gritted his teeth.

He still used his real name obviously, because Japanese people tend to have the same names sometimes.

But he didn't think they would be this desperate.

Kusuo started to chuckle in disbelief.

"I don't know anyone by that name, looks like you got the wrong info." He easily lied.

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