Shaken Waters • 9

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Aizawa had driven both himself and Saiki home, apart from driving in silence, Saiki was tired and so was Aizawa.

"So why didn't you tell me you were going to be my teacher?"Saiki questioned, stepping out of the car.

"I didn't see the need to."

"I should have just read your mind." he muttered under his breath, hoping the older man didn't hear him.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow.
"You can read minds? "He questioned.

Saiki groaned.

"it's one of my abilities but I haven't used it in years. I seriously don't like to get caught up in people's businesses. " He said bluntly.

Aizawa hummed, the younger just seemed to get more interesting every day.

He thought Kusuo could be a pretty useful hero, if you take out the psychopath part of him.

"How Interesting. " He muttered, entering the house after Saiki.

"Next thing you know, you'll say you can wipe out an entire continent. "Aizawa jokes lightly, and Saiki looked at him blandly. "I did that when I was 4, some scientists found out about my powers and spread the news around."

Aizawa froze, trying to tell if the pink haired male was lying or not.

"Don't joke like that" He warned.

"I'm not. I just had to do what I had to do, besides if I had known that I could erase memories when I was four, I would have done that instead. "Saiki stated and Aizawa was so shocked that he stared at Kusuo for a good minute.

"You could probably go head-to-head with All might." He joked again trying to move past that topic. Saiki chuckled. "All might is child's play, I could beat him easily. "Saiki as he sat on the couch.

"You're getting a little cocky don't you think? I don't think random abilities can beat raw strength in my opinion. "Aizawa crosses his arms, waiting to see how Kusuo would reply to his remark.

"It's because of those fucking idiots. "Saiki stated, Aizawa perked in at the info.

"Who? "He questioned.

"Midoriya and Bakugo. "He says, Aizawa was surprised he took interests in others. "Oh them, they're pretty interesting don't you think? "He asked, bringing out some fruits for the fridge.

"Yeah, they make me wanted to work hard and all that crap. Izuku is strong, but he looks like he can't control his power yet. In fact, there's a huge backlash, once he gets control of his power, he'll be a problem in the future for sure. Then there's Bakugo, he's also strong but strangely reminds me of villains, and I hate his attitude. I want to bitch slap him so bad. "Saiki breathed out and let his hand hang over the side of the couch, "Also, with the right ability I could easily take down All might, some of them do beat raw strength, just saying."

"I've never seen you take interest in someone like that, and I'll take your word for it. "Aizawa stated with a grin.

Saiki sighed.

He suddenly made his backpack float towards him. "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, why do you still wear those glasses? You look like a nerd." Aizawa questioned.

"It's to block out a power." Saiki muttered lazily.

"Another one?"

"Yes, another one."

"What power is it?" Aizawa questioned finally sitting on the couch after cutting up some fruit. Saiki suddenly floated a piece of watermelon into his mouth and spoke up." it's called petrification, if I look at any living thing it turns to stone for 24 hours." Aizawa choked on a pineapple piece.

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