I Wish I Never Met Him • 5

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Saiki had turned his head towards the door at the sound of the knock.

Slowly walking towards it, he felt distressed.

But he kept his original form and opened the door. He was only met with a boy that had red hair and he looked constipated.

"Um..would you please hurry up, I really got to use the restroom." He asked, his face turning as read as his hair.

Kusuo simply stepped to the side and the boy rushed in.

A few minutes later, the boy came running out, "Ah damn, I really should have gone easy on those burritos. Hey! you're still here." he exclaimed and then suddenly bowed.

"Thank you for letting me use the restroom, that was a very manly thing to do." His hand had been brought up for a handshake, but he was awe struck instead.

He hasn't seen such a beautiful human being in his life.

"Yeah it's really no problem, I wasn't doing anything important." Kusuo stated, he knew he was initiating unnecessary contact with a random stranger.

"Ejiro Kirishima." The crimson haired boy had brought his hand out once more, giving the biggest grin he could muster up.

"I really shouldn't be telling you my name, " Kusuo said in a monotone voice, which made the boy frown.

"Are you in danger?" he asked and Kusuo put his hand on the back of his head, rubbing it before he nodded slightly.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What's the situation?" Kirishima had asked eith a serious tone and Kusuo only got up.

"I'm sorry but, I would like it if you didn't get involved."Kusuo insisted before walking out of the store.

When he reached outside Kusuo expected that the red head would follow after him and that's exactly he did.

"Wait!" he yelled and saiki rolled his eyes.

Now he had to think of what he'd do to avoid him.

"We should be friends." Kirishima offered, hands in his pockets.

"And why do you think that?" Kusuo asked with an unamused face.

"Because why not? Come on I'm fun to be around," Kirishima stated and Kusuos eyes rolled again almost to the back of his brain this time.

"Well too bad, I'm not interested. Now, leave me alone." Kusuo waved him off, walking forward.

"Oh, come on." Kirishima caught up.

Kusuo couldn't help but notice a blonde headed girl walking just around the street that was across.


He mumbled sliding into an alley way that came up and Kirishima was confused as to where he went when he felt someone pull his arm.

"Oh,there you are." Kirishima exclaimed while Kusuo shushed him.

He peaked his head out of the alley way just a little bit and Kirishima followed his gesture.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"shut up."

"but I- "

Kusuo collided his hands with Kirishima's mouth, pressing his body against him.

Toga had walked by after she assured her self that she heard voices.

She walked forward for a little while and suddenly came back and checked the alley way but was met by nothing.

"I still can't find him, Shigaraki is going to be mad at me." Toga pouted as she walked away.

Kirishima who was in Kusuo's hold was blushing like crazy. He looked as red as his hair once again. Kusuos breathing was a little ragged when the girl had passed by and Kirishima was sure he could hear his heartbeat.

But he didn't know if Kusuo could hear his.

Kusuo had removed his hands from the boys mouth after he used clairvoyance to check the area.

"How could she not see us?" Kirishima asked.

Kusuo only kept him quiet. Kirishima only poked him on his shoulder a couple of times before Kusuo growled and looked at him.

"Why are you so annoying?" he asked, which made the boy frown.

"I just wanted you to answer my question."

"It's none of your business, go home or something."

Kusuo walked out of the alleyway into a random direction. Kirishima finally walked out as well only to see Kusuo teleporting away.

"Woah, that's a cool quirk." he stated.

Kusui had teleported to a beach that was filled with all sorts of crap in it, he was really disgusted of how people treated the world, but that didn't matter right now. He needed to think of how he was going to survive in this foreign version of Japan.

A worled filled with people that had abilities like him.

He sighed.

6 months later -

Kusuo was walking to his apartment,his exhaustion taking the best out of him.

He wasn't being lazy or anything he was just tired and yes he went back to the no power rule.

No matter how dangerous it is, he always got home at night, no form of protection or anything like that.

Just himself and the little jewelry on his finger.

He started working at a night bar as a waiter.

He had dyed his hair black and he also wears black glasses to make him look like a normal citizen and also because the villains were still after him, the news about his girl form being seen breaking the apparent law and disappearing spread liked a wild fire.

How was he supposed to know, he had only been in the world for a day and so much shit had already happened.

He even met a few people who he spotted a few times during his usual daily life, but they could never recognized him.

All because of some hair dye and glasses.

Tommorow was a free day so he wasn't going to work. But, he was planning to go job hunting again.

He wasn't really comfortable at his job. The reasons why? Number one it wasn't safe and number two, he didn't like it.

He already had a job in mind, but it required him going to school and he really didn't want to go he was a high school drop out after all.


It was the next day and Kusuo was at home on his computer debating whether or not he should register for UA Highschool.

He sighed and clicked on the information bar with his mouse pausing momentarily before he got up and grabbed his sweater walking out.

He needed fresh air.

He walked for a while and couldn't help but spot the same beach he found 6 months ago.

He saw that most of the crap that was on the beach was gone,he smiled a bit someone was cleaning it up.

He turned back walking away.

"Maybe signing up doesn't sound so bad."


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