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"Hey! What the fuck!" Jihyo shoved Jackson away with everything she had. He stumbled trying to catch himself but fell onto the ground.

Jihyo looked at me with piercing eyes. Then she gave Jackson the same look.

"When someone says no. I think you should maybe listen...fucking brat" Jihyo took me by the wrist and started walking away.

I got my wrist away from her and we just walked side by side until we got to the penthouse.

I entered to a couple of whiskey bottles that were empty on the counter. I turned back to look at Jihyo. She was wiping her eyes. "Jihyo. I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you reply to my text. Then maybe I wouldn't be so fucking worried"

"It died I'm sorry. I.."

"No you were about to let him get you drunk Sana. Haven't you learned what being with a drunk person does! Fucking learn!"

She stepped forward. "Hey I'm sorry. Nothing was going to happen anyways. Stop"

She put her hand on my face and her finger traced my jaw. She took a deep breath. "Don't Tell me nothing was going to happen because if you really believe that then go! Go get drunk!" She was the one who was drunk. The most honesty is told when drunk. "Jihyo Calm down. He's always been pushy like that. It's better to just go along with him"

"Why are you still talking about him. It's about you! I don't want you to leave me. I want you with me Sana. I don't know what to do with myself when your not around. Yes it's selfish that I don't want you near him but honestly I don't want you to see him ever again. I'm stressed and all I want is you but you go fuck around."

This was the first time she got mad like this since we got married. I felt guilty for going out with him without letting Jihyo know. "I'm sorry."

"Then go to bed. I'm going to make this a long night." Old Jihyo. It was ownership. Yes, Something could have gone bad with Jackson but the way she over exaggerated it in her mind was too much.

I felt sore when I woke up. Jihyo was gone, out on her run. She left a letter.

Sana. I'm sorry. Why did I do that. I have no idea. I want to stop my mind sometimes. I hate myself. I don't wanna go back to the old me where I'd get angry at nothing and hurt. I don't like to hurt. I like to love. To smile, with you. I love you wife. I should be back soon. Figure out what to eat so we can make it together. Sorry if I'm awkward. —— Jihyo

I smiled at the note and sighed. I wanted her to love herself. I wanted to help her overcome everything. As a wife I would do that so she doesn't have to battle anymore.


I opened the door slowly in hope that Sana was still sound asleep on the bed but no. I could smell a familiar smell of pancakes.

She turned around with a pan in her hand and smiled.

I didn't deserve her smile. "Welcome home princess! There almost done."

I nodded and took my seat at the table.

"How was your run?"

I couldn't sleep all night. The whisky ran off after my playing around with Sana. I looked at the girl who was asleep next to me. Her hair was a mess and the lipstick on her face was smudged. I could've went to far.

I was beyond mad that she almost went to a bar with him but I shouldn't lash out at her. That wouldn't be normal. I didn't even know what a normal fight was. I was mad and I needed to teach her a lesson. She needed to learn and that was it. How else are you supposed to act in that situation.

Definitely not like that or was I. Ugh.

I picked up a sticky note with a pen and wrote my feelings down because I couldn't communicate it to her. I didn't even know how to figure it all out in my head. I just wanted her safe but I really wanted to hit her hard so she could learn. I decided to go run.

I didn't know how to get out of this mindset. After thinking about my past the feelings came back when I saw Sana doing something she shouldn't have. I make myself crazy.

I needed to learn but how. What hell. I'm so confused about it all.


I crashed to the ground. The pain from my knee went through my body. I was running on nothing but emotions. "Jihyo. You ok?"

Jeongyeon looked down at me with her hand out. I got up myself and just stared at her. "Yeah"

"You don't look it. Here come on"

"No I'm ok. Just a scratch. Sana is waiting for me." I wiped the blood away from my knee and ran past her.

"It went fine. Just scraped my knee."

"Oh no. Let me look" Sana waddled over and frowned at the sight of my knee. "You should be more carful"

"I just spaced out sorry" Sana got up and got a paper towel with water on it. She wiped away the dried blood and ran to the bathroom for a bandage.


She jumped up and fell right back on the ground. "Jihyo! Oh my god! My heart!"
I laughed at her scared face. "Meanie. Let me do this so we can eat ok?"

"Eat you?" She frowned at me but was still blushing. "Meanie..no the pancakes I made. They have chocolate chips in them!"

"Exciting. But I think you'd be better."

"Jihyo Stop. T..there! Let's eat now"


Momo called saying she didn't need any help today since it was a slow work day and the guys weren't coming in until later that week.

Jihyo was in the shower. My body was really sore and I was tired.


"What?" I opened the door to the bathroom and smiled at her. "I missed you"

"I've been in here for five minutes. Can't you wait?" I shook my head.


She took off all of her clothes and walked in. My eyes didn't mind it one bit. She smiled.

"I don't like when your all mushy in the head." She tralled her hand up my arm. The water made her hair wet. It covered her whole body.

"Mushy?" She giggled. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean anything bad to happen. I wanted to go but I saw jeongyeon like you she knew what he was trying to do—"

I stopped her sentence with a long kiss. I didn't feel like hearing it anymore. "It's ok. I should just let you do what you want but I didn't."

"I don't care. Your right. He would've taken it to far. Maybe it's better when you stop me." I smirked and kissed her neck. "But I shouldn't have been so mean about it. So listen next time. If you really feel like you want to do it then just tell me ok?"

"Ok princess."

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