....What To Do....

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"Are you gonna get to bed?"

"Yeah I'll just sleep on the couch with him"

"This bed is huge. Sleep here" it's been so long since I've seen you never mind slept with you.

"Ok" I walked into the main room where the boy was laughing at some cartoon playing on the screen. "Are you tired?"

"No. I'm hungry" it was eleven o'clock.

"Hey how about we go to bed and then right in the morning I'll cook you up something good"

"Your not my dad. I want my dad to cook me something. He's gone"

"He is. That's why I'll cook the best meal you've ever had" with a cute voice I ran up to the kid and swooped him up. He giggled. "Let's get to bed!"

I flew him all the way to the bed where Sana sat with a wide smile. Her arms were open. I put the boy right into her arms. "Aw your so cute"

She cuddled him. "I'm sorry about your father~"

"Where is he?"

"Somewhere amazing I think. Somewhere with Jihyos mother having a good time." She kissed his forehead and looked at me. "Come here"

I took off my jacket and went under the covers.
Sanas hand shortly found mine. "I'll be Ok. I know if I was with you this wouldn't of happened but things happen for a reason"

"Are we just gonna tell the others about this."

"I don't know. Can we hide him?"

"Just raise him with jeongyeon"

"What if I want to raise him with you. You sighed the papers in are names." I did. We couldn't though. "Ah I hate this Sana. Why does life hit so hard. I mean look at you. You look drained. How are we supposed to raise a kid up. I can't be a good par—"

A quick peak on the cheek stopped my thoughts. What was she doing. "Sana.."

"We can do this. We'll tell them about the accident. Hire a babysitter for Poet and then you and me can secretly raise him."

"Are you sure?" Secretly raise him?

"Yes it's not as hard as you think."

"Ok. We could try"

I checked my phone right when I woke up in the morning. Poet was standing at the door.
"I'm hungry"

"Ok. Let's go" Ugh what was I going to do when he wanted an actual meal. Sana was to weak to cook. Right babysitter or youtube.

My phone had about twenty calls on it from jennie. God. I forgot about her.

"Jihyo!" She sounded so worried.

"Where have you been!? I contacted your friend. Don't tell me.."

"No. Sana got in an accident and I've been looking out for her. She's all tired and stuff. I'll be back this afternoon I just need to do a couple of things for her because she's struggling to walk."

"Oh thank god. I mean that's not good but what Momo told me I thought you might have cheated...I'm sorry to even think that"

"It's ok. Is Jeongyeon worried? Sanas phone got demolished. I need you to call them again and just tell her Sana got in an accident but its only some wounds nothing too serious"

"Ok I got you baby~ I love you. Stay safe"

"I love you too~"

"I thought you only loved me?" Sana stumbled into the kitchen, finding her way to the chair next to Poet. "How's your head?"

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