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One Month Later Valentines Day


I looked at the last paper. The paper that signed my company over to Nayeon. I couldn't believe I was actually doing it but I wanted as much time with Jennie as I could get. She worked nights so we could spend all day together. Once the bad dreams stopped a couple weeks ago I was able to fully focus on jennie.

We weren't planning on doing anything tonight even though it was Valentine's Day. I didn't really believe in it. It was just a stupid holiday for candy companies and card companies to make money.

My phone rang.


Jeongyeon was working tonight. Ugh. I wanted to spend the night with her.

Momo patted my head. "Why don't you go out with Jackson today he was bugging you to go"

"Should I?"

"Yeah go have fun. He knows your dating Jeongyeon so" I haven't went out with him since that day Jihyo got all mad at me. I shook my head just thinking about it. She really didn't let me go. Jackson is nice. He wouldn't of did anything if he knew I was married to someone. She's so dumb. Unlike Jihyo Jeongyeon would let me go.

I pulled out my phone.

Hey 👋 so I've decided to take your offer for tonight. ——

——WAIT REALLY? awesome. I was just thinking about going to that new restaurant.

Ooo sounds yummy! ——

——you can bring your girlfriend if you want

She's working 😭 on Valentine's Day believe that 😤——

—— that's dumb ☹️ but I'll make sure tonight is fun and maybe next time we can bring her.

Ok~ ——

—— be there in ten 🤜

🤛 k——

By the time I got my shoes on he was at the door. He walked me to the car, I got in.

The rest I can't remember. No matter how hard I think back. It never stayed in my head.


"Hello?" It was a random number. I usually never answered these but today I did.

"Is this Park Jihyo?" I could here beeps and talking in the back. It sounded so familiar.

"I have your wife Minatozaki Sana here at the hospital in pretty bad conditions." WHAT.

"W..what happened!?" What the fuck. What was she even doing tonight. Right I wouldn't know I haven't seen her months. Damn.

"She got into a pretty serious accident. The man who was driving sadly didn't survive. She's very lucky to have."

My mind couldn't even process anything. All I knew that Sana was badly hurt. "What hospital is she at?"

I drove at full speed not caring at this point. What if she was dying. Oh god. Sana please.

Once I got to the hospital I ran out of the car at full speed. The place was full of people. They were all sick or injured. Flashbacks from my attempted suicide came back. Sana Sana.

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