....Changed For The Good....

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Me and jennie sat with Poet on couch waiting
For Sana and Jeongyeon to get here. I was nervous to see them again just because of what happened last time but no matter what I would stand my ground.

I know Sana was sorry. I just want to get this over with so I can get her off of my mind but now with her wanting to see Poet it's going to be harder to avoid her.

The door knocked. Jennie jumped up and let the two in. Poet stayed on the couch looking at the two with a surprised face on. Jeongyeon ignored us and waved at him. He smiled and Jennie called him over.

"Poet this is Jeongyeon." For some reason he looked so happy. Like overly happy. He jumped up into her arms. Sana smiled. "Woah. Nice to meet you too..."

"He really likes you. So cute~" Sana kissed his cheek.

"So we're here to decide on dates?" I looked at sana. She avoided eye contact but nodded.

"We were thinking you could take him on weekends. Like Friday to Sunday night"
Jeongyeon looked at her phone checking her calendar. "Sounds good. I get the weekends off."

"Yay!" He clapped in excitement. "Jennie can I go now?"

Jennie gave me a confused look. We were baffled at why Poet was responding this way to seeing Jeongyeon.

But then it hit me. She must've resembled his mother. I never read into Jackson's life like I should've but I did get the number and name to his ex girlfriend. "I'll be right back"

If I could just. Yep. Her social media looks just like Jeongyeon.

Wait. Her last name is Yoo. I scrolled a little bit more.

This must've been so long ago but Poets mother is Jeongyeons sister

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This must've been so long ago but Poets mother is Jeongyeons sister. Did she know this?

I walked out to the three having some coffee.
Jennie seemed to be getting along with Sana trying to make small talk. I took the chance to ask Jeongyeon if she knew any of this.

"Jeongyeon. This is your sister right?" I showed her the picture. She gave it a look of disgust and nodded. "Why?"

"What happened to her?"

"She left one day and never contacted the family since." Sana and Jennie started to listen.

"Jeongyeon this is Poets mother."

Her eyes went to Poet and then back to the picture. A minute went by.

"Your right. I can see her in him. I see she ran away from him to" Poet frowned knowing exactly what she was talking about, Sadness in his eyes.

Jeongyeon walked over to him. "Do I remind you of your mother?" He nodded.

"I don't know where she went but all I know is your in better hands now. You have me, Jennie, Jihyo and Sana by your side. You don't need her! Your strong" poet hugged her crying his eyes out. "Is she gone like daddy?" Jeongyeon shook her head. "No she's not. I'm sure she'll come see you again but you have to stay strong until she does. Ok?"

"Ok. I'll be strong for mommy." Sana went up to jeongyeon giving her a kiss.

I just sighed. This kid had so much but nothing at the same time. I felt so bad for him.

"you two can take him for the night."

"Actually Jihyo I still wanted to talk to you" Sana walked up to me. "Ok let's go"

Me and Sana walked outside. I kept her close to me because it was late out. "So what did you want to say?" She took a deep breath.

"That I'm sorry for the other day not wanting to share Poet with the others. I was just scared of what they'd think and I'm sorry for still thinking about you. I said I'd leave you so I'm going to respect that but it will take me some time to move on. I'm surprised at how fast you are moving on. Is that because of how many times you used to move on.." I stopped. Sana was completely different then those girls. Everything in my head was different when it came to her. Everything was different when it came to jennie. I'm taking this differently now. The girls back then used to stay for a couple of days and then just decide they couldn't be a submissive. They left so fast I never attached myself to them emotionally. I never learned how to do that until I got into a normal relationship.

"I'm still moving on to. I wasn't ever emotionally connected to those girls. You taught me that so when you said those words and left it hurt me. It felt painful. I never felt that before but now I'm moving on so fast because I'm becoming connected to jennie. She's my everything now and if that doesn't work I'll move on like always did but it will be painful. Back then it was never painful. So to answer your question No. my life has completely changed from my past"

"I'm glad I could help you grow as a person Jihyo. Your my best friend and will always be. There's not a day I don't think about you. I'm happy I get to see you smiling with Jennie. I'm perfectly content with leaving you with her because she's nice and everything I'm not. She won't hurt you and as of now I've grown this feeling" she pointed at her chest. "This feeling of giddiness and excitement when I wake up with jeongyeon. She's completely different from you. I've grown so connected with her. The way she was willing to change because she knew something good would happen. This was the good Jihyo. Us falling in love with Jennie Kim and Yoo Jeongyeon."

Jennie was now my happiness and Jeongyeon was her happiness and that was good. Good. I was perfectly happy with that. Even if at times I feel like I want Sana back I know that happiness is right in front of me with her gummy smile and Sana has a funny teasing ball of happiness in front of her to hold on when she thinks about me. It will be hard for us to just move on but we could Do it.

"I love you Jihyo. Thank you for accepting my crazy personality for all this time. I'm sorry we didn't work out. Here" she handed me the ring I gave her. "Keep it"

"But it's your mothers."

"My mother would want you to have it. You changed her daughters life for the good"


"I love you Sana. Thank you for everything"

I changed the name of the story because it went into a different direction also There aren't many chapters left but I hope you all have enjoyed the sequel so far :,)

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