....Defending Her....

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"Sana. Come to the bar with me" Jackson motioned me to come.

Jeongyeon. Was standing there. A morph of the two. "Sana babe?" She tilted her head.

Glass all over


I laid there scared. Unable to move. Kisses on my neck. Pulling me to the bar. Touching my body. A belt

A girl stood in front of me. She was broken down crying. Yelling for something but I couldn't hear her.


I shot up. Sweat was coming down my face like crazy. My breathing was heavy and my anxiety was high.

I looked around the room. Nothing. It was just a dream. I looked next to me. Jihyo was fast asleep.

I never had a nightmare when I was at Jihyos. I must be stressed out. I made a mental note to talk to Jihyo about this and I decided to go for a drink of water so I could really make sure this wasn't a lucid dream or something.

Step. Step

I stopped in my tracks. The ice machine Maybe.


"AAAAHHHH" I dropped everything in my hands. Jihyo looked at me stunned.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry. I just had a nightmare. I'm sorry"

"No it's fine. I'm sorry for scaring you. Come here" Jihyo held open her arms for me to climb into. She picked me up and brought me back to bed. "Ah I hate nightmares. Ill help you with that tomorrow"

"Ok. I love you. I shall cuddle your nightmares away since that's what you do for me" kisses went all over my body until the soothing feeling put me to sleep.


Thank god Sana was able to sleep the rest of the night. I felt bad that she had to deal with a nightmare. I hated those. They'd keep me up all night. Sometimes I'd get no sleep for days because I was afraid. Those were the days I'd usually stay at Daniels.

"Jihyo. Are you sure you have to work today?"

"Yes you could come with me if Momo doesn't need help"

"All those guys are coming in today. Ugh. But I'm scared"

"What was your dream about?" She closed her eyes. "Jackson, jeongyeon, kisses, blood, glass"
Sounded horrible. "Where did that glass come from?"

"Jeongyeons apartment...ugh. I'm glad she's doing better though"

"Yeah we all are. I don't think nayeon has seen her since the wedding."

"I wanna have a get together. How about tonight at Momos apartment like good old times" the thought of it made me get a chill.
"If that's what you want then sure"

"You don't wanna see everyone!?"

"Of course I do it's just. I don't know if it's the best idea."

Sana looked at me and pouted. "We are doing it!"

"Ok ok. Fine you plan it though. I have to get to work" she smiled wide and started calling Momo on her phone.


Everyone even jeongyeon agreed to getting together at Momos for the night.

Dahyun ran up to me for a hug. "I'm excited for tonight!" I kissed her check "me too, Jihyo was all I don't know about it. We haven't all been together since the wedding" I looked down at my ring. "I think it should go good just if jeongyeon can control herself" Why wouldn't she?

"She will. She has that guy following her. She can't drink"

"What makes you think she can't" everyone was so against jeongyeon after everything. I was the only one who actually believed that she could get over her addiction. "Whatever. I'm excited to see her. I don't want her to feel left out like always."

"Do you still love her"

What. Why would she ask that. "No"

"You defend her a lot."

"You wouldn't defend me if someone was talking about me"

"Momo talked a lot about you when you cheated on Jihyo. I had to help Jihyo through a lot. No I didn't defend you because that was wrong of you to do and what I've seen of jeongyeon no I'm not going to believe that she can get over her addiction. I say she gets drunk tonight and possibly worse will happen."

Guilt ran up my spine and went through my whole body. I felt like getting in a ball on the floor. My nightmare flashed through my mind again.
I think tears started to fall out of my eyes.
"Sana are ok?! I..I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say it like that. I know you two are better now and maybe jeongyeon has changed I don't know yet. We'll have to see tonight"

"Ok" everyday I felt bad for what I did and what I continue to do to Jihyo. I know nothing at all. She knows nothing. "It's just...dahyun we're not like you and Momo. It's hard for her to share feelings and you know I'm the person who just tells them and expects it right back. I'm so picky."

"Your working on it and Jihyo is to. I can see that so stop crying. I hate it when you cry. I love you. I'm sorry for saying those things"

"I love you too dubu. Your forgiven. I'm sorry for those days. I regret everything I did"

"I know you do. It's ok~"

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